#asra’s wanderings


how to survive in the woods

  • cover yourself. snakes and thorns aren’t the only things you must worry about.
  • do not travel alone; They pick off lone travellers.
  • take water and food. you will be there longer than you’ve intended.
  • if you can help it, do not go so deep you can’t see the sun. if you do, your fate is in your own hands.
  • not all that is real is visible.
  • not all that is visible is real.
  • if you see a gust of wind carry leaves, you are safe.
  • you are not hearing things. the voices you hear are real. simply lay low and They will ignore you.
  • you will often find old, disheveled travellers claiming to be lost and needing your assistance. pay close attention to their story and their appearance. there is no guarantee they are human.
  • a talking owl or a talking bear is a good omen.
  • a talking crow or a talking rabbit, however, is not.
  • the talking fox is fickle and does not choose sides. do your best to gain its favor.
  • you are meat. do not forget this fact.
  • if something is in your periphery, do not look at it. it wants you to look.
  • never let your lantern go out.
  • a woman will shriek for help. do not be tricked.
  • the tall man covered in moss is not human. the antlers should give it away. trust him anyways. he is kind.
  • if you find yourself lost, do not scream to the gods for help. they will not listen. your friends will be unreliable. your phone or compasss will not work. the crow is lying. simply find a safe spot and meditate. listen closely to the deathly whispers of the woods. no matter if you’ve gained Their favor, the woods will not lie.