#astrology psychic


The Venus Signs & The 5 Love Languages ❤️

Okayyy so you guys know I love getting responses from people who actually have these placements ! So I asked my followers on IG to comment their venus sign & their #1 love language. So this is gonna be the results . For those people that couldn’t choose just one, their not included in the overall sum but I did make a note for them ! (I hope you understand what I’m saying)

Aries Venus : 7 people participated !

words of affirmation : 2/7

quality time : 0/7

receiving gifts : 1/7

acts of service : 2/7

physical touch : 2/7

*one person said both physical touch & words of affirmation

Taurus Venus : 3 people participated !

words of affirmation : 0/3

quality time : 1/3

receiving gifts : 0/3

acts of service : 0/3

physical touch : 2/3

*one person said both quality time & physical touch

Gemini Venus : 5 people participated !

words of affirmation : 1/5

quality time : 2/5

receiving gifts : 0/5

acts of service : 1/5

physical touch : 1/5

Cancer Venus : 4 people participated !

words of affirmation : 2/4

quality time : 0/4

receiving gifts : 0/4

acts of service : ¼

physical touch : ¼

Leo Venus : 4 people participated !

words of affirmation : 2/4 (my own vote is included in this)

quality time : ¼ (this is definitely a STRONG runner up for me)

receiving gifts : ¼

acts of service : 0/4

physical touch : 0/4

*one person said both gifts & physical touch

Virgo Venus : 4 people participated !

words of affirmation : 0/4

quality time : 2/4

receiving gifts : 0/4

acts of service : 2/4

physical touch : 0/4

*one person said both physical touch & acts of service

*another person said they like to give acts of service the most but they like to receive quality time the most

Libra Venus : no one with a libra venus participated unfortunately, it’s not my fault !!

Scorpio Venus : 7 people participated !

words of affirmation : 1/7

quality time : 0/7

receiving gifts : 0/7

acts of service : 0/7

physical touch : 6/7

*no i’m so fucking weak . why did someone say “any type of sacrifice” as an 8th house venus, same

Sagittarius Venus : 3 people participated !

words of affirmation : 0/3

quality time : 2/3

receiving gifts : 1/3

acts of service : 0/3

physical touch : 0/3

Capricorn Venus : only 2 people participated !

words of affirmation : ½

quality time : ½

receiving gifts : 0/2

acts of service : 0/2

physical touch : 0/2

Aquarius Venus :

*only two people participated & they both said words of affirmation !

*another person said quality TALK + banter

Pisces Venus : 6 people participated !

words of affirmation : 1/6

quality time : 2/6

receiving gifts : 0/6

acts of service : 2/6

physical touch : 1/6

*one person said both physical touch and quality time

*another person said they can’t choose between words of affirmation or physical touch
