

signs that semisextile: these signs may first appear they truely have nothing in common, in fact you wouldn’t think they are meant for each other but after they get to know each other with through steps and be patient, they can find stability in each other:

aries/taurus: self-care/perservation

taurus/gemini: realistic/logical thinking

gemini/cancer: curiosity

cancer/leo: passionate love emotions

leo/virgo: extroverted nature

virgo/libra: difficult making choices

libra/scorpio: straight-forward strategic

scorpio/sagittarius: adventurous seeking ideas

sagittarius/capricorn: principals

capricorn/aquarius: mental

aquarius/pisces: uniqueness

signs that sextile: these signs compliment each other, but are different in temperature. they can see each other weaknesses and strengths in each other. they share compatible elements and mixed modes. 

aries/gemini: children/students of the zodiac

taurus/cancer: healers/care-takers of the zodiac

gemini/leo: actors of the zodiac

cancer/virgo: mothers of the zodiac

leo/libra: lovers of the zodiac

virgo/scorpio: analyzers/fbi of the zodiac

libra/sagittarius: optimists/pyschologists of the zodiac

scorpio/capricorn: professionals of the zodiac

sagittarius/aquarius: entertainers of the zodiac

capricorn/pisces: politicans of the zodiac

aquarius/aries: rebels of the zodiac

pisces/taurus: fairys of the zodiac

signs that trine: these signs may astrologers believe to be the best relationships you can have as a person, with the most depth and understanding for each other. they have very similar approaches to life and tend to see everything eye to eye. these are the signs that share the same element. 

aries/leo: independent

leo/sagittarius: entertainers

sagittarius/aries: risk takers

taurus/virgo: hard workers

virgo/capricorn: perfectionists

capricorn/taurus: materialists

gemini/libra: socialites

libra/aquarius: philosophers

aquarius/gemini: intellectuals

cancer/scorpio: homebodies

scorpio/pisces: intuitive

pisces/cancer: sensitive

signs that square: traditionally known to be stressing each other out, often rub each other the other way around. these signs are those that share the same mode and differ in masculinity/feminity.

aries/cancer: cardinal fire and cardinal water (lighting and water)

cancer/libra: cardinal water and cardinal air (water and smoke)

libra/capricorn: cardinal air and cardinal earth (smoke and mud)

capricorn/aries: cardinal earth and cardinal fire (mud and lighting)

taurus/leo: fixed earth and fixed fire (rock and lava)

leo/scorpio: fixed fire and fixed water (lava and ice)

scorpio/aquarius: fixed water and fixed air (ice and cloud)

aquarius/taurus: fixed air and fixed earth (cloud and rock)

gemini/virgo: mutable air and mutable earth (wind and sand)

virgo/sagittarius: mutable earth and mutable fire (sand and fire)

sagittarius/pisces: mutable fire and mutable water (fire and mist)

pisces/gemini: mutable water and mutable air (mist and wind)

signs that quincunx: these signs can often irritate each other and are thought as oddball cominations. they help one another and find sensible ways of adjusting faulty attitudes.these signs have dissimilar elements and modes.

aries/virgo: both want quick and easy acess

taurus/libra: both need gentleness from others

gemini/scorpio: both want to know the ‘’how’s’’ and ‘’why’s’’

cancer/sagittarius: both need a sense of family and belonging

leo/capricorn: both like to take charge

virgo/aquarius: both have a need to change the world

libra/pisces: both are understanding and supportive of those in need

scorpio/aries: both love to test the boundries 

sagittarius/taurus: both want to feel rewarded by life

capricorn/gemini: both prefer rationality by emotions

aquarius/cancer: both show an ever changing nature

pisces/leo: both share in an innocent type of optimistic hopefulness

signs that oppose: these are the signs thare are 180 degress apart directly facing each other. they tend to be and act as complete opposities, but also fitting perfectly. they complete each other and this is way a lot of astrologers think of them as soulmates. these signs are members of the same mode and have compatible elements (air and fire or earth and water)

aries/ibra: leaders of the zodiac (initiator and judge)

taurus/scorpio: caretakers of the zodiac (physical and emotional)

gemini/sagittarius: explorers of the zodiac (scholar and adventurer)

cancer/capricorn: parents of the zodiac (mother and father)

leo/aquarius: humanitarians of the zodiac (hero and villian)

virgo/pisces: dreamers of the zodiac (intellectual and imgination)

Look at ur moon and what house it falls and look at ur saturn and what house it falls in. How the child sees the parents what lessons they learn:

Aries/1st house: You may see you’re mother/father figure as passionate, hard-working, impulsive and/or avoid impulsives, (passive) aggressive, romantic and spontaneous and ill tempered. You may felt like you had to follow high standards and see/experience childish acts and having trouble with anger/revenge. 

Taurus/2nd house: You may see you’re mother/father figure as stubborn, (un)reliable, pratical, crafty, (un)stable. You may struggeled with change, insecurities , (dis)like garden /work with hands. Can have a mixed background and because of that having an accent in the voice, or ur mother/father figure.

Gemini/3rd house: You may see you’re mother/father figure as impulsive, nervous, fast-moving, talkactive,student a-like, intelligent, and/or dumb,curious and avoiding emotions/situations. You may felt trouble with socializing, know-it-alls and awful at adapting.

Cancer/4th house: You may see you’re mother/father figure as helpful, moody, sympathetic, compassionate, and/or pessimistic, insecure, critical. You may felt having trouble with privacy, family and emotions/mood swings.

Leo/5th house: You may see your mother/father figure as creative, fun, avoiding drama/harsh realities, and/or childish, seeking drama ,and arrogant. You may felt trouble with attention, gifts and passionate emotions/love relationships. 

Virgo/6th house: You may see your mother/father figure as gentle, shy, critical, hard-working, intelligent, and/or a warrior, lacks time for family and depressive. You may felt trouble with nature/animals, asking too much or not at all. 

Libra/7th house: You may see your mother/father figure as loving, romantic, gentle, open-minded , and/or as a disloyal, cheater and looking for drama figure. You may felt trouble having to make decisions, healthy and stable relationships, and emotions. 

Scorpio/8th house: You may see your mother/father figure as mysterious, introverted, passionate, intense or/and makes jokes sarcastic jokes, them having many (bed) partners, and depressive. You may felt trouble with having to figure out your sexual idenity, depression/anxiety, and love. 

Sagittarius/9th house: You may see your mother/father figure as adventurous, extroverted, trying to act happy, and/or rich figure, always wanna be special and stand out-and not feeling having enough attention in childhood. You may felt trouble with having to change yourself, confidence, understanding jokes, be very intrested in people and feel misunderstood-not having the feeling someone ever tried to figure how you are. 

Capricorn/10nth house: You may see your mother/father figure as noisy, strict, looking dead-inside, not very joyful and/or as wise, pratical, and rich. You may felt trouble with having this chronic feeling of emptiness, very stressing out on work and can have trouble with fiancies in family home - not very rich, can’t spend much. You feel like you have to be a good sister/brother/sibling to ur other sibling. Always trying everyday to be the best person you can be. 

Aquarius/11nth house: You may see your mother/father figure as controlling, not letting you have enough freedom, neglect, and/or weird, open-minded, spiritual/very kind. You may felt trouble with having to grow up very fast, constantly having problems with ur idenity. Emotions and trust issues.

Pisces/12th house: You may see your mother/father figure as angry, wild, delusional, unstable or/and as creative, caring, spiritual, and empathetic. You may felt trouble with having stability, strict parents, divorce parents. 

AstrologyPlacements that give me call me by your name vibes <3

“ nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot. Just remember I am here. Right now you may not want to feel anything. Perhaps you never wished to feel anything. And perhaps it’s not with me that you’ll want to speak about these things. But feel something you did…… But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything- what a waist! “ - cmbyn

  • venus & moon in libra ya’ll are beautiful souls that connect with beauty in all kind of ways.

  • Venus & Mars in Pisces the vulnerability that they bring to love is so pure and know the deepest love and the deepest sadness.

  • Tbh any water Mars really there’s so much sentimental feeling.

  • Pisces moon bc most of you have this water of energy and emotion that you bring along with a tender heart of gold.

  • Gemini rising & moon & Venus yall like making jokes and teasing to to try and tell what you really mean.

  • Taurus rising & Venus there is so much beauty in life and they tend to see that.

If you want to ask anything about astrology or want to ask a pendulum question send me a question! ♡
