


Everyone with Conjunctions or Squares to Lilith do you experience outcasting to be a theme in your life?

Like you constantly get outcasted and have to run away? Like being left out by colleagues, family events, being thrown out of friendgroups? Do people not want to invite you to ”nice things” like weddings, barbecues, and events because they feel like your energy is too much/scary for that?


Okey so the most horrible, mean or even evil person you ever known/met, what was their placements?

(And yes I know astrology doesnt determine someones personality)


People with strong Pluto/8th house/Lilith influence, how do children react to you? Are children often afraid of you?

My oldest sister have Pluto in the 10th house and Lilith in the 1st and children are often afraid of her but animals LOVE her and are extremely drawn to her. My youngest sister have Moon in the 1st house and children are so drawn to her but animals are not.
