#at all costs the conrad costas chronicles





“You always said that if you ever found your Dad, that you would finally get some closure. Well this is it - this is your chance. You cannot run away from this!”

“Alright, Dex. If I go see my Dad…then you go see Maribelle.”

“Fine. You first.”

“Why do I have to go first?”

“Because I have a deal to negotiate.”



I love one (1) pair of stubborn idiot best friends ❤️

It struck me that the degree of closure both Dex and Grey had gained from episode 15 was cruely torn back open in major style by the finale episode 18

Grey being messed around by his dad and essentially thrown back into some dodgy world he wants to stay away from made me so sad for him.

And Dex? Well, her mum was clearly the last person she wanted to see…and I feel like a whole can of worms has been opened where her emotional journey is concerned.

I hope if we get season 2 that these two are able to continue being there for each other. Sometimes it’s like they’re the only people they can rely on

I’m intrigued by how S2 is gonna pan out, honestly. And curious how any restrictions to filming due to the current situation will affect possible storylines etc
