#at the family farm











Alright, I’m headed down to the ranch for a week. @iantojonesmeme,@jackharknessmeme, hit me up if you want to meet the horses at any point.

Horses? Ranch?

Yeah, my extended family lives down in Georgia (the state not the country) on a ranch. Livestock, crops, stuff like that.

I’m of the understanding that I shouldn’t be putting Capt. Harkness on horseback though.

Indeed not, he’s pregnant.

Well, my cousin Marge has had three of her own, and we’re a pretty progressive family. I’m sure she’d be happy to help pamper Jack if all y'all want some time off the grid and some good old Southern home cooking.

@jackharknessmeme Babe, how about a vacation?

Like I said, horses terrify me but the mood swings have officially started so I would love a vacation.

I will begin packing.

Pack sunscreen, shorts, and t-shirts, it’ll be warmer than you’re used to.

We’ll do that.






Alright, I’m headed down to the ranch for a week. @iantojonesmeme,@jackharknessmeme, hit me up if you want to meet the horses at any point.

Horses? Ranch?

Yeah, my extended family lives down in Georgia (the state not the country) on a ranch. Livestock, crops, stuff like that.

I’m of the understanding that I shouldn’t be putting Capt. Harkness on horseback though.

Indeed not, he’s pregnant.

Well, my cousin Marge has had three of her own, and we’re a pretty progressive family. I’m sure she’d be happy to help pamper Jack if all y'all want some time off the grid and some good old Southern home cooking.

@jackharknessmeme Babe, how about a vacation?




Alright, I’m headed down to the ranch for a week. @iantojonesmeme,@jackharknessmeme, hit me up if you want to meet the horses at any point.

Horses? Ranch?

Yeah, my extended family lives down in Georgia (the state not the country) on a ranch. Livestock, crops, stuff like that.

I’m of the understanding that I shouldn’t be putting Capt. Harkness on horseback though.

Indeed not, he’s pregnant.


Alright, I’m headed down to the ranch for a week. @iantojonesmeme,@jackharknessmeme, hit me up if you want to meet the horses at any point.

Horses? Ranch?
