

Fëanáro with a young Atarinkë

I headcanon that when he was a toddler, Atarinkë had a phase during which he only accepted Fëanáro’s arms

Because I have this Headcanon that Atarinkë helped Fëanáro to create the first prototypes of the Palantíri

Even before the unchaining of Melkor, Fëanáro already dreamt to explore the mysterious lands behind the sea, where the Eldar once dwelled, to build there his own kingdom. Before bedtime, Fëanáro used to tell legends about Cuivienen to young Atarinkë, and sharing about his dreams.


I HC that, when he was young, Atarinkë also created his own writing system which he named “ Curufinwëo Tengwassë”, inspired from the famous Fëanoreva Tengwassë from his Atar. But this alphabet was only for his personal use, and he always kept it secret.
