#ateez gang au


Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader

Word count: 1043

Genre: Romance | Gang AU

Summary: Seonghwa would never get on his knees for anyone… but you’re not just anyone to him.

Warnings: Gang involvement | Gun involvement | Implications of cheating

Masterlist|Buy me a coffee?


As Seonghwa stands in front of you, you realise that now, with a gun in your hand and ten others being aimed right at his head, that he may just be way stupider than you had originally thought. 

“I told you never to step foot in this building ever again,” you spit as your arms cross over your chest. 

“And I told you that I’d never stop trying to get you back,” he argues without missing a beat. Seonghwa’s eyes remain glued to yours even when one of the many men in the room press the barrel of his gun to the back of his head. 

“You’re so fucking dumb, Hwa,” you scoff. As much as you’d love to admit that he’s being extremely rash—which is completely unlike him—and also borderline suicidal with the way he had barged into your base without much of a plan and only a gun with fifty bullets, you can’t help but also see just how far Seonghwa would go just for you. 

“It’s stupid and you know it is,” Seonghwa starts, “I told you that nothing in this world could keep me away from you and, for once, it feels like God is on my side.” 

“God definitely wasn’t on your side when you decided to fuck Sex-on-legs from the bank, now was He?” you counter. 

You’re a person who holds their ground well, stubborn almost, but Seonghwa knows you have every right to. And the fact that you never falter when you’re determined is what he loves the most about you.

This man has tens of thousands of men all over the world who are listening to his every command, waiting for any order that Seonghwa gives out. He’s definitely not stupid. 

No, God no. 

Seonghwa is smart and he knows he is. That man is powerful and he knows that he is. He also knows very well that he’s more handsome than most and that fact alone makes him want to vomit. 

But you never cared about his status or his looks. You just liked the fact that Seonghwa cared about you enough to actually kill for you. You liked the fact that Seonghwa would do anything to make you feel loved and you liked the fact that you could trust Seonghwa not to fuck the next moving object just because he felt like it—you liked falling in love with him. 

Every little thing you’d learn about him was just one more thing to love him for. He never failed to remind you just how much he loved you. He never failed to remind you just how safe you were in his arms. God forbid anyone tried to stand in his way because Seonghwa never failed to put a bullet in the skull of anyone who tried to hurt you. But from one boss to another, you knew that it just wasn’t safe for the both of you to be as in love as you were because love blinds you. Especially when Seonghwa was once one of the most wanted bachelors in the business. 

And when you come home to Seonghwa begging you that he fucked up, it was a drunk accident and that he knowsthat there’s no way he can ever make up for it, you didn’t even argue. You didn’t even take your belongings. All you did was turn around and leave, sheltering yourself in your office for the night as you tried to gather your thoughts into a coherent mass in order to make a decision. 

“Apologies will never make up for what I did to you, (Y/n),” he continues when you seem to be giving him time to speak. “And I know that I don’t deserve you, but god please. Give me one more chance.” 

“How am I supposed to know that you won’t just do it again?” you raise an eyebrow. 

“You have every right to shoot me in the balls if I do,” Seonghwa states. You stare at him for a moment. Breathing out slowly, you take a step closer towards him.

He’s a man of pride. 

“Show me how much you love me, then.” It’s a simple order, but you know what extent Seonghwa would go to in order to prove anything to you. 

Seonghwa’s expression falters for a moment, but he doesn’t hesitate to fall to the ground on his knees in front of you. His gun is slid to the other side of the room and under the boot of one of your own goons. You almost lose your composure right there at the sight of Seonghwa completely submitting himself to you in front of the people who follow your every word. 

“I would never get on my knees for anyone else and you know that,” he says softly, “you know that I am a prideful man. I would never get on my knees for anything; even if it meant saving my people. But you’re everything to me, (Y/n). I would scrape my knees on the ground if that’s what it takes to love you. I would put myself in a burning building if it meant being able to hold you in my arms. Throw me around like a dog and I’ll still come back as loyal as ever, my love. I’d marry you right here, right now, if you’d let me.” 

You feel yourself keening at his words. Seonghwa always knew exactly what to say; which is why you had actually made your decision long before he even stepped foot in your office.

“Get off of your knees,” you order, to which he complies instantly. “Never get on your knees for anyone ever again,” you scoff. 

“Only for you, my dear,” he chuckles. 

“I’m a fucking fool for this, aren’t I?” you sigh as you step even closer to take his hand. Seonghwa immediately wraps the other around your waist to pull you closer. 

“I must be an absolute idiot for doing what I did to you then.” He raises your hand to his lips and presses a kiss to your knuckles. “I’ll do better this time, (Y/n), I promise.” 

“Try that again and I won’t hesitate to destroy your chances in having children.” 

“I trust that you will.” 
