#atla described


Pumpkin Lord Toph!

Happy Halloween 2021!And as always, click for better quality!

[ID: Four panel digital comic of Avatar: the Last Airbender in a modern AU. Speech bubbles from various gaang members accompany the panels

Panel One: Toph is cutting the top off a pumpkin. Speech bubbles:

Sokka: Who gave you that knife?

Toph: Mai did

Zuko: I’m not surprised

Katara: Well try not to cut yourself!

Toph: I won’t, Princess

Panel Two: Toph is scooping the insides out of the pumpkin. Speech bubbles:

Toph: I wonder if this is what real guts feel like…

Sokka: Eww! Toph!

Aang: Wait! Save those seeds! I want to roast them!

Zuko: You have to roast them?! *spit*

Panel Three: Toph has started carving the pumpkin. Speech bubbles:

Suki: What are you even carving?

Toph: Don’t even worry about it

Zuko: That just makes me worry more

Sokka: Carve me, Toph! Sokka Pumpkin!

Panel Four: Toph is holding the finished pumpkin in her arms, grinning. The pumpkin has a bunch of disjointed blobs making up two stick figures on it. Speech bubbles:

Katara: What is THAT?

Toph: It’s The Boulder! He’s suplexing Sokka!

Sokka: What?! Hey! Why?!

Toph: You told me to carve you, Snoozles!

Aang: Haha! It looks great, Toph!

Suki: True art right there!

Zuko: You even got his ponytail

Artist signature on each panel reads LoudHologram. End ID]
