#atsumu x female reader


“what if i turned into a worm? would you still love me?”


“i would be a handsome worm.”

“osamu! ‘tsumu is drunk again!!”

you hear said man groan in annoyance at his twin’s antics. he should’ve never left his brother alone in that reunion party.

why couldn’t osamu just peacefully spend time with his sister-in-law (you asked him to teach you a few dishes he knows and he without hesitation agrees) as well as play with his favorite baby nephew.

feeling quite guilty, you gave your apology to osamu for keeping his time and even needing his assistance to take care of this situation at the moment.

“nothing to be sorry about, (y/n). it’s not your fault this asshat of a husband of yours can’t control his drinking habits.”

you laugh light-heartedly at what he said meanwhile atsumu pouts and protests in the corner as he fiddles with the ends of his bangs.

“i am so not drunk…”

“you said you’d tone down the alcohol 'tsumu. i’m a bit dissaponted in you.”

he senses the seriousness in your tone despite how you make it seem playful. atsumu quickly goes to your side and gives you a side hug.

“great. can’t believe i have to witness him acting like this.”

osamu returns to the kitchen to begin cleaning up everything that you both have used at the same time placing the dishes you’ve managed to cook stored inside your refrigerator. he then directs his attention to his nephew who was busy watching a random cartoon on the television.

“hey, let’s brush your teeth.”

you give atsumu a few pats on the head (you’d let it pass this time), ushering him to get sober enough to help you tuck both your son in bed — a nightly routine you three love to partake in.

he silently lets you lead him to the sink for the bathroom is currently occupied by the other two. you tried asking about how his day went but he tells you he doesn’t remember much right now except for accepting the challenge to chug down so many bottles. you resisted the urge to pull his ear to reprimand him. even as a father he can still be a youngster. well, it’s not as if it wasn’t expected from miya atsumu.

it took half an hour before atsumu and you were able to convince your son to sleep. stepping out of the boy’s room, you two notice osamu casually laid on the sofa. when he does stare at you and his twin, he points at the kitchen. looking at it, you found it already nice and tidy.

“thanks for today, osamu.”

“anytime, (y/n).”

his brother only sends him a thumbs up, too stubborn to verbally praise the other. osamu rolls his eyes, stands up just to smack atsumu’s back which in turn results with the blonde screaming in anger.

since he knows you were there with him (and osamu was in his territory), atsumu wraps your arms around his waist so you were giving him a back hug and proceed to stick his tongue out. this without a doubt aggravates his twin more because of how childlike he was being.

“not the dog energy again. you should just bark instead of talking if you were one, don’t you think so? and stop using (y/n) for your immaturity!”

“says the guy who’s always wanting my son’s attention because he’s the only kid who likes you! yer just jealous i have a wife!”

you could only sigh and hope you’d be able to stop or at the least make them yell quieter (if they could do that) so they won’t wake your son or any neighbor up. you then realize the twins were now throwing phrases and words you couldn’t quite understand due to their kansai dialect.

“oh no, here we go again.”

some things just never change you guess.
