#au content

More of my ridiculous space AU for my ridiculous ocs. The green fellow is Val. There once was a Val More of my ridiculous space AU for my ridiculous ocs. The green fellow is Val. There once was a Val More of my ridiculous space AU for my ridiculous ocs. The green fellow is Val. There once was a Val

More of my ridiculous space AU for my ridiculous ocs. 

The green fellow is Val. There once was a Val who worked for Chaos and turned out to have a high aptitude for piloting their weird mind-link spaceships so they cloned him and tweaked the clones genetically and mentally to make them perfect pilots: just decant and shove into a ship! The good guys meet at least two different versions of him. This one here has spent enough time outside of his ship to develop desires outside of what Chaos wants and more of a concept of self and individuality…. just in time to stumble into a whole room of his fellow clones!

The pale one with mothbrows is O’zwyn, a recently defrosted member of a race that was believed to have died out aaaages ago and may have knowledge that would be handy for taking down Chaos. Also has tactile-based psychic powers that allow them to see the past of anything they touch. Obviously putting them on the same space station has a man with a past he really needs to keep secret (and may wish he could lose…..)  is gonna go real well!

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I’ve decided to try to dig through some of the art I’ve done over the past year or so that I didn’t I’ve decided to try to dig through some of the art I’ve done over the past year or so that I didn’t I’ve decided to try to dig through some of the art I’ve done over the past year or so that I didn’t I’ve decided to try to dig through some of the art I’ve done over the past year or so that I didn’t

I’ve decided to try to dig through some of the art I’ve done over the past year or so that I didn’t have the energy to share. Let’s start with….uh….this weird AU for one of my ocs? That’s a reasonable start! /s

This fellow is Miteby Jones, who is a human in most universes and somewhat furry in this one because it’s cheesy sci-fi and if I want to do ridiculous low effort “aliens” I can and will. 

Jones is a spy and saboteur in this universe who is working for the evil galaxy-conquering force known, unimaginatively, as Chaos. Chaos, ironically, wants order and peace, it just has weird unintuitive ways of going about it because it’s a planet-sized supercomputer that’s gone slightly off the rails in terms of fulfilling its original mission. Anyway, Jones is very in favor of order and thus spends his time bumming around space as an eccentric genius space hobo engineer. He’s really good at fixing stuff. Pay no attention to the fact that sometimes the stuff he fixes “spontaneously” goes wrong when needed to fight off Chaos or the way Chaos always seems to know all your weakness after he visits your world. Though, to be fair, you probably won’t be around to say anything after Chaos’ forces pay you a visit. 

He winds up working for a ragtag band of misfits who, through the Power of Friendship and Love (literally) might actually have a chance at stopping Chaos. And finds himself inconveniently growing fond of this group…. Eventually he’ll have to pick a side, but for now he’s desperately playing both sides and hoping neither catches him. 

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