#audio mobil



I made a massive list of free dev resources for the class I am helping with. Half-way through doing it I realized that it might help some of you guys too. So here is a slightly-edited version of the list I sent my tutors. It includes everything from music to skyboxes. This list is specifically for people who don’t know how to make models, music, art, write good, etc. Like me. I hope y’all find this useful.

>>>>>All of the examples are my own work.<<<<<


I feel I should let you know about Sculptris, because not may people seem to have heard about it. It’s by the same people who make ZBrush, and it’s essentially ZBrush, but free, and doesn’t make you want to jump off a bridge while learning how to use it: http://pixologic.com/sculptris/
The picture is of a model I made with Sculptris in less than an afternoon. Previously to this I could only make barrels (a cylinder primitive) and crates (a cube primitive).

  • Good for: Modeling


Autodesk make a free program called 123catch. You take photos of a real-life object, then upload it to the program, and the program maps it into a 3D model. I’ve successfully used it to turn my houseplants into usable game models. http://www.123dapp.com/catch

  • Good for: Modeling

Photoshop CS2

PhotoshopCS2is still free, despite rumours that it is not. Has been free for a while. All you have to do is sign up with Adobe and they just give it away. https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.html?promoid=19SCDRQK
It has all of the major functions of CS6. This has saved my life.

  • Good for: Concept art, texturing


Facegenlets you make head models from 2D photographs and drawings. Another lifesaver. https://facegen.com/

  • Good for: Modeling


Makehumanis an excellent resource for making human models without having to do any rigging or anything. The models can be easily ported to Source and other engines. http://www.makehuman.org/

Good for: Modeling

Ninja Ripper and 3D Ripper DX

Ninja Ripper and3D Ripper DX are two programs that let you rip whatever’s currently rendering in your graphics card and then dump it into a modelling program. They both do the same thing. Basically, you are taking a 3D screenshot. Not just limited to games. You can nab Google Earth data too for map-making.

  • Good for: Mapping, modeling

Vector Magic

Vector Magic turns bitmaps into vectors. This is how I make my extruded guns in 3dsMax. The program has a ton of uses. It turns any bitmap into an infinitely scalable vector. No mortal should wield such power.
Vector Magic is not free, but uh, message me and we can work something out.

  • Good for: Texturing, modeling


SVG2STL turns vectors into extruded OBJs. Useful for making simple models. I turn bitmaps into vectors using Vector Magic, then use this to extrude them. Then I send it to my 3D printer, and presto. This is also how I make weapons for games. http://svg2stl.com/

  • Good for: Modeling


Terragen generates rendered landscapes. They can then be ported into a modeling program, and then exported into a game. Also what modders used to use to make skyboxes.
You can get the latest version of the program (Terragen 4), which is shareware, on the official website: http://planetside.co.uk/free-downloads/terragen-4-free-download/

  • Good for: Mapping, skyboxes


Waifux2was originally made to rescale anime avatar images, and uses some magic fancy artificial intelligence algorithm. This resource is a lifesaver if you need to rescale bitmap textures.

  • Good for: Concept art, texturing


Paints Chainer

Paints Chainer also uses artificial intelligence to color black-and-white images. You put little dots of color here and there and it figures out the rest. Fantastic for terminally lazy concept artists. http://paintschainer.preferred.tech/

  • Good for: Concept art


Photo-Kako is a web app entirely for introducing chromatic aberration into pictures. I thought it might be useful for 80s-inspired assets and art. Just keep in mind that to render the image in its original side, you must pick “No Resize” from the “Basic Config” drop-down menu as well as “Original” from the “Config and Convert” menu. http://www.photo-kako.com/en/chromatic-aberration.cgi

  • Good for: Concept art, texturing

Image Glitch Tool

Image Glitch Tool corrupts images on purpose. Works great alongside Photo-Kako. There are several image glitchers online, but this one is the only one worth using. Attached: A gif I made using corruptions from this tool. https://snorpey.github.io/jpg-glitch/

  • Good for: Concept art, texturing


Hemingway App

Hemingway App uses algorithms to tell you how your prose can be improved. Fantastic for creative writing, couldn’t live without it. Terrible for academic essays, though, don’t use it for that. http://www.hemingwayapp.com/

  • Good for: Writing

Abundant Music

A music generator called Abundant Music. It creates entirely original tunes from algorithms. All of the music I’ve made this way has been entirely usable.

  • Good for: Music

Wub Machine 

Wub Machine is an automatic remix app that converts music between several genres, including, but not limited to: dubstep, Christmas, and cowbell. It works rather well with Abundant Music. It turns out our robot overlords work well with each other. https://the.wubmachine.com/

  • Good for: Music

Pixar Storytelling Course

Pixar have released their storytelling course for free. It used to cost several thousand dollars and you had to qualify to go on it. Now they’re making it available to anyone. https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/pixar/storytelling/we-are-all-storytellers/v/video-5-launch

  • Good for: Writing

Google Sketchup

You can use Google Sketchup to make assets and maps for games: http://www.sketchup.com/
And here’s a tutorial showing how shockingly easy it is to port Google Sketchup objects to Unity:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGkdNlpYgzs

Good for: Mapping, modeling

Art tutorials

Deviantart has an insane amount of user-submitted art tutorialshttp://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/resources/tutorials/?order=9

  • Good for: Concept art, texturing

Kickass Photoshop CS2 media brush

This is the only Photoshop media emulation brush that I ever use with Photoshop CS2. Use with “wet edges” enabled to simulate watercolors.

  • Good for: Concept art, texturing

I hope these help!!!!! Message me if you have any questions!!!!! 
