

I recently saw a new psychiatrist. He took me off Effexor and Rexulti and put me on Prozac. He said the side effect profile of prozac isn’t bad. (He doesn’t know how sensitive I am.) I started Prozac a couple days before school, and let me tell you, I am going through hell. Nausea, stomach pain, soreness, overheating, headache.

First day of school on Tuesday. I started the morning by vomiting repeatedly. Then, while walking to class, a car turning right on red didn’t see me. Rolled into me, smacked me pretty good. I’m very thankful he didn’t hit the gas, but I wish the [redacted] had at least glanced in my direction after he literally almost ran me over. Later that day, I miss a step on a staircase and twist my ankle. Not too bad so whatever. Not two steps later, my ankle gives out and I fall down a flight of stairs.

Felt everything this morning, Wednesday. Wanted to die for multiple reasons. Gulped down some Tylenol and promptly fell back asleep. My classes don’t start til 11:20, which is good because my alarm didn’t go off. I was nearly crying by my first class.

Then, my next class made it worth everything.

Aural rehabilitation. I love it so much. Everything we’re going to do, every story she told. Guys, this is what I want to do with my life. I’m so happy to have found the love of my life in audiology.

Tl;dr - keep going. The worst day is still only 24 hours long. Things can and will be better.
