


Pairing:Min Yoongi x Reader

Genre:Fluff, established relationship

Word Count:1.9k

Summary:What do you do when you’re out of whiskey and there’s a fancy bottle of wine lying around, which belongs to your girlfriend who just so happens to be out of town? You drink it. And then replace it before she gets back. Or well, at least you intend to, for there’s no way of replacing it when she arrives one night earlier and catches you red-handed.

Warnings:Mentions of alcohol (kind of obvious but still)

A/N: Hellooo, I had this request in my ask box for a longgggg time and I had wanted to write it ever since yet never found the right timing, until last night at 2am lol. I hope you guys enjoy!


Whiskey. Whiskey. Whiskey. Whiskey.

Yoongi hummed inside his mind, tapping on the counter a couple of times as his eyes searched for the bottle of strong alcohol he could’ve sworn he had left on that very shelf three weeks ago. Or maybe it had only been half of it, now that he thought about it, for he had drunk some of the expensive liquor that same week you got it for him, when he had been struggling with one particular verse he could just not feel contented with.

Although there was also that one other time last week when he came home not feeling his best after a bad day…

He pouted, defeated eyes still searching around as realisation hit him that there was no bottle of whiskey on sight and there would apparently be no whiskey at all for him that night.


You wouldn’t be home until the next day and he would have a long, lonely night. Hoseok had called him a few minutes ago informing him the bridge of the song he had taken upon writing and needed to turn in by the end of the week was now needed by midnight tomorrow. So, there were only two ways to get the inspiration he so badly needed:

  1. You.
  2. Whiskey.

And right then, he had none of them.

Or well, maybe not precisely, but he could always use some variety, right? So he thought when his eyes fell on the fancy bottle of wine your mum had gifted you when you got the promotion you had so determinedly worked for — the one that had now taken you on a one week business trip to Tokyo, and far away from him and your shared place.

He thought about it for a while —that being three seconds—, before his hand was grabbing it and his feet moved over to where you kept the glasses, grabbing one of them as well before he made his way over to his home studio so he could get started on the new track right away.

Seguir leyendo

this made me soft reading this fic made me realize that i am in great need of drunk yoongi in my life



Word Count:745
Pairing:Kim Taehyung x Reader


His lips trailed down your neck sending lazy sparks of pleasure across your shoulders.

“I cannot believe we’ve been together for three years and yet… you still blush when I compliment you.”

“I can’t help it,” you sighed, “I look in the mirror, and I see … flaws. Things I wish were smaller or fuller-”

You pressed a soft kiss over his heart.

“But then you look at me and talk about me like… like I’m better than your wildest dreams.”You shook your head, covering your face reflexively.

“How could I not blush?”

Tae grinned.

His fingers traced subtle patterns up and down your back.

“I like it,” he chuckled, “it’s adorable, and,” his arms tightened slightly around your waist, “I can’t help looking at you that way.”

Silence stretched comfortably between you. They were only a few more hours before his flight.

“It’s amazing,” you whispered after a long moment. “It’s… overwhelming and reassuring and sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s for me.”

Your body pressed intimately to his. You could feel him smiling.

“You know,” he brushed another kiss across your forehead, “as much as it hurts to leave, there’s something truly wonderful about coming home to you.”

“I wish you didn’t have to go,” you whispered again.

Tae sighed and drew you tightly against his chest.

“I always find my way back.”

But he hadn’t.

He hadn’t come back.

Not this time.

Keep reading

omg… my heart is… i can’t believe that a fic this short was able to hit me right in the feels! like oh my god… your way of words and how you write ia absolutely beautiful and beautiful. your writing managed to make me teary eyed in just a few words!! as always your writing has never ceased to amaze me. ilysm
