




GENRES: angst, hanahaki au, cheating-ish

REQUESTED: Can I request something anything with hanahaki disease will do

It started as a dull ache in your chest. You paid no mind to it for weeks, until finally caving and going to see your doctor when it turned sharper. The starting of hanahaki disease, she said. What?, you laughed off. It couldn’t be. The trained professional made a mistake. You were in a happy relationship with your boyfriend, had been for over a year! No one else even came near to catching your eye besides him. You did not have hanahaki disease.

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pairing:stranger!renjun x gn!reader |genre: angst | word count: 353

You couldn’t help but stare at the stranger in your summer art class. He sat across the table from you, and he was gorgeous. 

He had the deepest brown eyes you’d ever seen, which sparkled with mischief when he smiled and caused butterflies in your stomach when he glanced at you. 

He had a beautiful smile, his top canines slightly crooked, but the imperfection seemed to suit him perfectly. He lit up the whole room when he smiled, and you couldn’t find the power to look away. 

You were absolutely in love with his laugh. The way he threw his head back and laughed — really laughed, not just a small chuckle — made you feel so comfortable. You were so amazed that he could laugh so loudly and so strongly without feeling embarrassed, and you found yourself giggling along with him more times than you realised. 

He had introduced himself as Renjun on the first day of class, extending out his hand for you to shake, a spark running up your arm at the touch. You found out watercolour painting was his favourite — he loved how the paint seemed to have a mind of its own as it swirled along his paper. 

When you were tasked to paint a portrait, there was only one person beautiful enough you wanted to capture in an artwork, although you could argue that he was already artwork himself. You studied the lines of his face every lesson, making sure you didn’t get a single feature wrong. The art teacher came along and stated it was the prettiest portrait she’d seen in a long time. 

At the end of the term, as your art class was finishing, you intended to talk to Renjun — to ask for his number and whether he wanted to catch up outside of class. You packed up your equipment and when you looked back up, he had left. 

You tried to search him up online, but there was no trace of him. You pinned the portrait you’d painted to your wall, the only remnant of the stranger who had stolen your heart that one summer.

jenoremii:Mark x Reader, 0.4k, angst, college/university!AU, mentions of alcohol, partying, swearingjenoremii:Mark x Reader, 0.4k, angst, college/university!AU, mentions of alcohol, partying, swearingjenoremii:Mark x Reader, 0.4k, angst, college/university!AU, mentions of alcohol, partying, swearing


Mark x Reader, 0.4k, angst, college/university!AU, mentions of alcohol, partying, swearing.

Oh, shit.

You suddenly turned around, your heart pounding as you looked for Mark amidst the crowd. The house was filled with people you didn’t recognize, but that was to be expected at a Nu Chi Theta frat party. Loud music, people already wasted and staggering around, the couples making out in the stairwell, endless bottles of alcohol lying around on tables and counters — all perfectly normal. Not that it was your scene, but you’d been dragged here by a friend and now she was gone, leaving you with the one person you knew you could trust.

The one person that you couldn’t seem to find at this exact moment when you needed him.

“Hey, you alright?”

Mark’s voice sounded from behind, startling you as you let out a relieved sigh. He was dressed in a casual hoodie and a pair of jeans, his necklace peeking out from under the fabric. Neither overdressed or underdressed, but just right.

“Jeno’s here,” you told him frantically.

His eyes widened. “Those guys showed up? I thought they were banned from coming here.”

“You live here, Mark. Shouldn’t you know these things?

“Actually, Taeyong runs the place, not me. If you want an updated list of rules, go talk to him.”

Checking behind your shoulder, you noticed the all-too-familiar blonde hair of your ex-boyfriend, his eyes meeting yours as you quickly looked away.

“Mark, I need you to do something for me.”

He frowned. “Whatever it is, I don’t like it already.”

“Just trust me,” you pleaded. “Please?”

Sighing, he nodded, only to let out a surprised sound when your hands cupped his cheeks and your lips landed on his. They were slightly chapped, but soft for the most part as you silently begged him to play along, feeling him get the message as his hand wrapped around your lower back and his lips pressed harder against yours. It wasn’t until you pulled away that you noticed his flushed expression, his eyes filled with questions that you didn’t feel like answering right now. Looking back to Jeno, you saw the way his jaw tensed at the sight before being dragged away by his friends and disappearing into another room.

“I think it worked,” you said.

“Were you trying to make him jealous?” Mark asked, his voice a little quieter.

“Jaemin told me that he was still hung up on me, so I had to do something to force him to move on. Anyways, do you want a drink? My cup’s a little empty right now.”

He shook his head, watching you turn away from him and head to the kitchen, trying to ignore the way his heart thumped loudly in his chest. The kiss meant nothing, he told himself. It was just part of a plan, don’t overthink it.

But there was something in him that knew he was lying.

Post link


—♚kingdom come

pairing(s): ex!jaemin x fem!reader + boyfriend!renjun
genre(s): angst (??), horror, psycho!au, police!au, yandere!au (?)
word count:875
warning(s): manipulation, a few swear words, implied character death, mentions of blood, needles (please let me know if there any other!)

raising your hand to your cheek, you feel for the substance that just flew across the space.


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Thank you for making this beautiful banner for me Toobsie @armys-dnadarling!

Beta reading credits to Sara @heathfritillary , Ashley@moonleeai, Izza @parkizabelle  and Natasha@queentiti72. Thank you guys!

Pairings: female reader X hybrid! Jimin

Feat. Rest of BTS

Summary: You are a hardworking undercover spy. You have always wanted to save as many hybrids as you can. You know all about the pain and hardship they suffer because of human society considering them an abomination. What happens when you rescue a broken calico cat hybrid and help him, but get your own heart mended in ways you never knew it was broken?

Genre: Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort

Warnings: past trauma, mention of past sexual abuse, past abuse, murders, blood, violence, etc

Rating: PG 15

Word count: 6.3 K+

A/N:Hello lovelies! How are y'all? I just ended up dragging the story lol. But hey! I am regular with this post. I hope you enjoy the chapter.Feel free to give me any suggestions regarding my writing. The images or fanart used in this fanfic are not mine. They belong to their rightful owners.

Chap 12: Fire

*“Jimin, do you think you could ever like me?”, you asked him.*

You waited patiently for his answer. You saw him blink at you in surprise. The gentle ray of moonlight made the stars dance in his eyes. His blonde hair was illuminated and it looked like there was a glow behind him. His hair swayed slightly, small waves against the blowing wind. The way the moonlight illuminated his hair made him look ethereal. He stared at you by the second. Neither of you dared to break the tension stirring within the two of you. “I already like you, Y/N. You are my best friend”, Jimin said with a warm smile.

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lost myth of true love (kth) 1

summary:for six months you wait for him, a weekend spent together, finally able to reach the man your soul is tethered to.

  • pairing:Kim Taehyung x female Reader
  • au:supernatural, soulmates
  • genre:angst, longing, not fluff but deep love??, sooooft smut
  • warnings: lots of angst and sadness, brief mentions of sex, nipples, wet genitalia ;), cock warming, sort of hinted at creampie, taehyung just got out of the shower, descriptions and admiration of jungkook’s tattoos
  • rating:18+ (there will be smut at a later date)
  • word count: 1.1k
  • a/n:this idea came to me like a bolt last night while i was listening to hozier (thank you to andrew hozier-byrne for the title as well) and i had to write it. i had such immense help from @augustbutwinter@miscelunaaaand@wwilloww (who also made this wonderful banner). thank you three for everything!!

    this is also for the absolutely wonderful, talented, helpful, and fantastic human
    @illneverrecover for the possumversary!! thank you possums for letting me into the dumpster. you have all helped me so immensely

    this is the first part of a small drabble series. i hope you enjoy it

© sugalaritae, 2022. you do not have any permission to repost or translate my work even if you give credit. all of this is mine.

There’s a knock at the door.

You can’t believe that your time is almost up.

The sinking feeling that stays in the centre of your chest slowly begins to show itself again. You had just gotten rid of it. Or so you thought.

It’s been there since you can remember, and yet you bask in that rush of coolness as the feeling slowly disappears with each kiss against your neck, shoulders, legs. Taehyung’s long fingers paint soft lines against your skin causing the feeling to slowly float further away from you, like a raft pushed not far enough onto the sand.

The raft will only be pushed back toward you by the tide, as it can never get as far as you would like it to.

You would like it gone, washed away completely, to watch it slowly float into the distance, becoming smaller and smaller with every lap of water against the rough ropes and worn-down wood.

You would like to have more time with him, unwatched, unmonitored. But Jungkook is always there, always watching. Knowing that the younger man (if you can call him that) hears everything that happens behind the door that he guards reminds you that time is fleeting. You are always being watched. Someone always waits and while they do, you watch the hand of time, who waits for no one.

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UNLIKELIHOOD| chapter one

PRECIS. the chances of you confessing to your crush sums to zero when you realise you have to pretend to have a crush on sunghoon, just to help your friend hide her feelings for the ice prince.

or, alternatively, in which you borrow an eraser from your friend, yi kyeong, which has sunghoon’s name written on it ( or so you think ) so, when the mentioned boy sees it, you have no other choice but to lie that you have a crush on him to avoid disclosing your friend’s secret.

GENRE. humour, fluff, angst if you squint hard enough, coming of age

WARNINGS. slight implications of suicide ( 3.4k )


“hey, pass me your eraser.” you whisper to yi kyeong, who was busy having her head in hands because of the maths practice question paper lying in front of her.

she deadpans, fetching a spare eraser from her pencil pouch. “you haven’t returned me the pen i lent you, yet,” but when have you ever returned her stuff you borrow, except a few times. she’s your best friend and there’s an unspoken rule that everything that belongs to her is yours, and vice-versa; even though she strongly disagrees.

you expect her to help you either way. call it the payments for all the times she has borrowed mangas and books from you, and never returned. it’s normal, the give and take in your friendship is astronomical. what you don’t expect is for the eraser to have a name written on it and wait— it’s someone from your class? because as far as you remember, the only ‘psh’ you and kyeong are familiar with, is park sunghoon.

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Sunghoon needs to stop jumping to conclusions


go figure! - twelve ; quality time

SYNOPSIS being a popular actress, it’s common for you to be invited to reality shows. but when your company agrees for you to join a reality show where you’ll have to live with another celebrity for a month, you get paired up with the person you least expect to be partnered with. your partner just so happens to be park sunghoon, olympic figure skater - and also, your celebrity crush.

“Ow,” Sunghoon says, when you accidentally yank on his hair a little too hard as you separate another strand of his hair out to apply the bleach on.

“Sorry,” you grimace, “I am probably not the best at this.”

When you arrived back at the apartment, Sunghoon had asked you to help him bleach his hair. To be honest, you were quite excited. You two hadn’t really had a chance to do any bonding activities yet - and bleaching his hair seemed like a good (yet somewhat dangerous, but it showed that he did trust you) place to start.

“It’s all good,” Sunghoon hums as you apply on the bleach, this time more careful than you was before. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, going to his music app.

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Blonde hoon is everything


twelve — it’s just an observation

pairing: jay park x female reader

warnings: swearing

genre: comedy, fluff

just for pretend masterlist

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a/n: no y/n we won’t let you live in peace, not after that comment

Taylor swift is a Queen



[chapter 26. endgame ] (wc. 1.6k)

jungwon’s ears were being flooded by riki’s words.

they were both in the library, waiting for the rest to arrive, riki was talking about a new game he discovered and to be honest, jungwon wasn’t paying attention to him. not at all.

he was too busy thinking about the situation he was in now, wondering what he should do.

on one side was you, his sister, and on the other, his best friend.

“hey, are you listening?”

jungwon returned only when he saw a hand moving in front of his eyes. “sorry. what were you saying?”

“i think i want to confess,” jungwon was thankful that he wasn’t drinking anything at the time because he would have spit it all out “but i’m scared and you’re the most reasonable person in our friend group, so i wanted to know your opinion before i regret it. ”

his heart clenched, he couldn’t keep hiding things from his best friend knowing all the truth behind his little big crush.

“do you really want to do it?”

riki was silent for a few seconds, despite the doubts he had been having for a few days, his heart spoke louder than his head. and he just wanted to be happy.

“yes, i’m sure.”

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Damn that was a lot


eleven — karma’s a b****

pairing: jay park x female reader

warnings: swearing, bullying, mentions of insecurity

genre: comedy, fluff, angst

just for pretend masterlist



a/n: what’s that line from riverdale again? oh yeah, karma’s a bitch

We live for supportive besties


ten — operation fake dating is a go

pairing: jay park x female reader

warnings: swearing, bullying

genre: comedy, fluff, angst

just for pretend masterlist

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a/n: queue up to fight karina

The nerve she has‍‍‍



chapter 39 — white therapy


synopsis ! coming from a poor family, y/n is hardworking and keeps to herself most of the time. but she was content with the way she was living. working to pay her high school tuition by working all sorts of jobs. everything was all working out for her, seeing that her senior year was coming up. but what happens when the son of one of korea’s biggest companies, takes interest in her after moving to her high school? oh god indeed.

author’s note !ik, ew party cliche!!! but pay attention lols


This is gonna go well



⤷ feelings are fatal: an enhypen social media au

summary:as a kid, you and your best friend, jay, always shared a dream of being an idol some day. however, with jay being accepted into a company before you, you were now left to chase the dream alone, until after a year, when you were accepted into a company as well. now, crossing paths with him and his group is an almost daily occurrence, especially since you’ve caught a certain member’s eye.

part 10: not yet

next: [coming soon]

previous:they aren’t dating.

series masterlist


a note: i am so close tograduating. literally only 2 weeks left PLEASE 

ask/dm to be on the tag list!


Niki has his priorities



members: enhypen jake, jay

synopsis: [1st person/omniscient pov] you begin your first day of work with your boyfriend sending you there but amidst all your first-day jitters, you find out that the new CEO-in-training was your best friend who moved away a decade ago.

additional fictional characters: nam go eun | kim ji hyuk | yang mi rae | koo woo shik | kwon jung hwan | james park | yoon se won

genres: bf! jake x fem! reader, childhood best friend! jay x fem! reader, angst, fluff, suggestive material, F2L, angst, fluff, crack, established r/s

warnings: cursing

taglist:@changminurheart@allorysayshi@en-boyz@vantxx95@from-xero@wooyoung-a@changmin-wrlds@nashionalpotatocorner@sapphydean@haechanhues@axartia @sjakewrld​ 

wc: 16.6k words (this is so fucking long)

ost:sunwoojunga - timing|enhypen - just a little bit|keane - somewhere only we know|the 1975 - robbers|urban zakapa - i don’t love you 


you remember how it was back then.

the gashapon station was filled with at least 3 rows of machines and there was a particular one you loved. it was a stereotypical pink and white one with a hello kitty label on it, and your head is tilted, trying to read the faded japanese words on it.

you wanted it, but your parents told you that a dollar for a toy you’ll probably lose or forget about wouldn’t be worth it, so you had gotten used to just reading the labels or looking at the pictures.

“do you have a dollar to get it?”

you turn, looking at a boy slightly tinier than you. you turn back to the machine, pouting as you pick at your fingers.

“i want it, but mummy and daddy say that i’ll probably lose it.”

“it’s just a dollar,” the boy fumbles through a tiny pouch he had clasped in his hands. he unzips it, the clinking between the coins taking your attention again. his tiny fingers cover barely half the surface of the coin as he holds it out.

“really?” you excitedly take the coin from him, grinning at it and even squinting to see your reflection in the metal.

“it’s okay! i have too many at home anyway.”

you clutch the coin in your palm before rushing forwards to the machine and slotting the coin in. with a considerable amount of strength for a 6-year-old, you finally turn the knob and the pink ball drops into the dispenser’s container.

you can’t crack it open though, so the boy takes (read: kind-of-snatches) it from you and tries to open it too, but to no avail.


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Yess we need apart 2


nine — what time do you call this?

pairing: jay park x female reader

warnings: swearing

genre: comedy, some fluff, a little angst

just for pretend masterlist



a/n: apologies for posting late, work was stressful and now covid has hit us on my week off >.<

Nah cause karina needs to do something better with her time


what a shame!2emoboy13




Do not play around with the name Voldemort


THE REVENGE PACT|03. he’s mourning


PRECIS. lee heeseung is the handsome yet good for nothing mysterious boy living a floor below you, who dropped out of college and is living quite a lavish life. when you get fired from your job, ending up struggling to make your ends meet and failing to pay the rent, heeseung offers you rather an eccentric proposal : pay the rent or be his girlfriend.

NOTE. f for niki’s drowning ship. also if it isn’t obvious, taehyun follows heeseung ( he found his account accidently )

taglist in the rbs. ( open )

Sunghoon being a true friend



⤷ feelings are fatal: an enhypen social media au

summary: as a kid, you and your best friend, jay, always shared a dream of being an idol some day. however, with jay being accepted into a company before you, you were now left to chase the dream alone, until after a year, when you were accepted into a company as well. now, crossing paths with him and his group is an almost daily occurrence, especially since you’ve caught a certain member’s eye.

part 11: vocal cover

next:[coming soon]

previous:not yet 

series masterlist



ask/dm to be on the tag list!




what a shame! 7 on sabbatical

genre slight angst, humour. warning cursing, mention of throwing up, mention of therapy.



Jayhoon is always great therapy


THE FALL | p. sunghoon

G. angst ( 0.8k )

W. mild profanities, unrequited love, unsolicited humour

N. she’s back yay. when i say i’d love to elaborate the shit out of this and write a very long fic

falling for sunghoon was an enormous mistake.

no, it’s not that he’s your rival. in fact, sunghoon is nice. he takes the subway to university with you everyday despite living on the whole other side of the city. he sends you notes if you ever miss a class without even asking, drops by with your favourite snacks and drinks with little notes that remind you to stay hydrated. park sunghoon is actually very nice. so, falling for him was inevitable.

however, despite all his good qualities, sunghoon keeps breaking your heart.

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We need a full story



special chapter — working?1! hot girl shit

masterlist|chapter 40

synopsis ! coming from a poor family, y/n is hardworking and keeps to herself most of the time. but she was content with the way she was living. working to pay her high school tuition by working all sorts of jobs. everything was all working out for her, seeing that her senior year was coming up. but what happens when the son of one of korea’s biggest companies, takes interest in her after moving to her high school? oh god indeed.

author’s note !oh how jay wanted to add love at the end of his first textI MEANNN,,,!?!? oh look winwin hot (stream heeseungs coverbtw)


Winwin do be fine


Heartbreak Anniversary – Heeseung.


Heeseung x GN!Reader.


Like a deflated balloon that had lost most of its elasticity, your heart had lost most of its ability to love.After watching your loved one’s leave, loving someone new can either be a stupidly brave decision that ends in regret or one of the best choices you’ve ever made.

You hoped for it to be the latter, but fate does not favour the hopeful; nor did it favour you.


Angst. Squint for fluff. Lovers to Exes trope. Post Breakup scenario. Non-idol AU???


iland happens when he’s already 21 here The reader is the same age as him for… plot purposes; I guess? ️️


Post breakup scenario. Reader is grieving. Crying, being dumped, etc. Let me know if there are any others!


1.45k words.

One week.

It had been a whole seven days since Heeseung broke up with you at your favourite spot — the spot that held so many of your memories; memories that you shared with him.

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Hoping that they talk it out
