#august sketch


Sometimes ya gotta sneak through the ominous feeling woods when you’re a messanger

Lenesse belongs to @larissa-the-scribe

Fun times hanging out. Exploding your glasses. Lighting Master Ketsler’s bed on fire by accident…they’re buddies

Zo belongs to @larissa-the-scribe and her epic story

Nishikata tries to be a gremlin but he only has one braincell, and he uses it exclusively for overthinking things

team Coon

He tries to be edgy and smoke because the cool kids do it but Niya is like “um your health?? Your health?!?”

First meeting

Vinni was bullied because she didn’t show an affinity till later. Rhyin got all fightsy about it because he knew what it was like.

Them your honor. Ceph has a fulltime job making sure Aleks doesn’t do something stupid

Aleks and Ceph belong to @epnona-the-wisp

I think Gloi made magical blindfolds that help sprites. The vibes feel right but I’m not sure how it works lol don’t you love worldbuilding

I had like this whole scene in mind but the drawing wasn’t turning out well so yeah it just ends here lol Rhyin isn’t gonna let her pull the same type of stuff she tells him not to do

pretending to be human can be difficult. especially when you’re odd for even your people

The Cannibal in the Swamp

deleted scene for the reunion with Haru. this is incredibly messy so if you can’t figure out what’s going on, that’s on me lol


Mitz is one of those characters that I almost always draw different like every time I draw her lol slightly to the left each time. Sometime I’m gonna fall off the table I keep scooting so much

[click for better quality pls]

“I think there’s a saying that fits here.” The stranger smiled with laced benevolence. “Curiosity killed the cat.”

“Who are you?” Rhyin demanded.

“That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? Curious and looking for something. Put the book down and I’ll be gentle.” The sun reflected off the stranger’s glasses, resulting in a soulless expression.

“Oh, and why should I be frightened of you?”

“Ah yes, my name. I’m called many things; master, lord.” He casually stepped forward, with all the airs of a king in his home. “I am Chaos. And who are you?”

Rhyin raised an eyebrow. “No you’re not.”

Read the rest of the scene here:
