#august smith


Hey everybody! Wow wow wow I am incredibly excited to announce my debut poetry book “LOST LEVELS” - published by Cool Skull Press via my good/talented/attractive friend August Smith! There’s a little book trailer you can watch, too!

“Lost Levels” will be available on November 15th for $6, right here at:

I’m really proud of this thing - it’s full of poetry, digital art, iPhone screencaps, selfies, nostalgic memories, love, loss, and dumb jokes that I hope you enjoy. I even drew the cover! Even if you don’t think you like poetry, maybe you like me enough to give it a shot and laugh at my personal emotions put to paper.

I could not have done it without August, who helped me nurture this thing to fruition. I now know what it’s like to be a parent, and what it’s like to have August as a husband, and what it’s like to be cool and popular for having written a poetry book.

This is a limited release so make haste!

And just to cap off the announcement, please watch the book trailer - it doubles as a full short film! Beware: some NSFW imagery, don’t watch at work unless your boss loves big boobs

#lost levels    #poetry    #alec robbins    #im alec    #cool skull press    #august smith    #video games    #sadness    #emotions    #reality    #what is death    #what is life    #who are we    #who am i    #buy my book    