#augustus aquato



Hey hey hey @britishsass that ask about Call Them Brothers by Regina Spektor reminded me that I drew this fanart of Nobody Won, and We’re Safe at the End like almost 2 months ago now but then never posted it because I got? embarrassed??

Which is a dumb reason to be stopped from doing anything so here this is now.

Hope you like it

It’s been a looooong time since I drew some Psychonauts content. I heard it was the first game

It’s been a looooong time since I drew some Psychonauts content. I heard it was the first game anniversary this week, I wanted to make a fan art, but I didn’t know who to draw, so I gathered some of my Characters sketch from my sketchbook and put them here.

If you ask, no, I stil haven’t played the 2nd game, avoiding spoilers is still hard, I plan to play it one day…
But I’m sure it will worth the wait !

Psychonauts © Doublefines
Artwork made by me

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“We psychics understand each other, right?”

Photosets for your full daily supply of serotonin.

psychonauts2: Augustus Aquato up high somewhere, staring off into space. Handsomely. psychonauts2: Augustus Aquato up high somewhere, staring off into space. Handsomely. 


Augustus Aquato up high somewhere, staring off into space. Handsomely. 

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