#aura colors


Color Enneagram ! ( According to PDB)

1w9- Grey

1w2- Emerald

2w1- Cream

2w3- Coral

3w2- Gold

3w4- Deep Purple

4w3- Teal

4w5- Blue

5w4- Black

5w6- Bottle Green

6w5- Brown

6w7- Lime

7w6- Yellow

7w8- Fuchsia

8w7- Crimson

8w9- Tan

9w8- Burnt Sienna

9w1- Periwinkle

Lmk know what you think lolol

So today my best friend and I practiced seeing auras for the first time and I have two questions for anyone who may be more experienced.

1. My best friend saw my aura as a whispy/milky white with red speckles. What does that mean?

2. We concentrated on his boyfriend’s aura at the same exact time, but got completely different colors. Why would we see different colors?

Thanks to anyone who can help!
