

Bad Enneagram Content

Imagine your Dad walks up to you and says “I’m worried for the calendar. It’s days are grouped into segments of 28 to 31.” He stares at you, and you force a laugh, then spend hours afterwards wondering if that was a joke. It had the structure of a joke. He told it like it was a joke. Was there some obvious point he was getting at, or a pun that you missed? Then, after thinking about it way too…

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Even the… | Enneagram 

Type One: Even the perfectionist can make mistakes

Type Two: Even the kind can be cruel

Type Three: Even the ambitious need to relax 

Type Four: Even the honest can have secrets

Type Five: Even the smartest can be wrong

Type Six: Even the reliable need someone to rely on

Type Seven: Even the funny can be serious 

Type Eight: Even the strong need help

Type Nine: Even the peaceful can choose war. 

the dn characters are so hard for me to categorize into enneagram types ..

the personality database is so disgusting if you think light yagami is an enneatype 1 youre broken inside

ENFJ: *pretends to be shook* *actually saw it coming from a mile away*

INTJ: Uhh… cool.

INFP: My heart is a radiant flower, unfurling its dewy petals upon the pronouncement of your love. 

ISFJ: Haha funny joke… wait, actually? Like, actually? I must immediately bake you some cookies!

INFJ: But love is an illusion. Do you love me, or just the external and idealized version of me? Can we ever truly hope to find a lasting and permanent connection which runs deeper than your vapid, run-of-the-mill union in today’s society? Or is it—

ENFP: Yes… good… you have fallen for my plan to make everyone and everything in the universe besotted with me. 

ISFP: *cool and composed on the outside but weeping internally* 

ESFJ: *weeping externally* 

ESFP: And I love puppies. And social gatherings. And the occasional rainbow. Wait, what was I saying? 

ESTP: *seductive eyebrow raise* *edgy backflip* What’s not to love? 

ENTP: Well, that’s one thing I won’t debate you on. 

INTP: The dopamine receptors in my brain are doing all sorts of ~funky things~ right now. 

ISTP: Besides my power tools… you’re the only thing that’s ever made me feel alive… 

ENTJ: Great! I’ll immediately prepare an itinerary on how best we can spend our time together to foster a successful romantic relationship. 

ISTJ: And I love watching Judge Judy reruns. Wait, that was the romantic response you were looking for, right? 

ESTJ: I could see you in my very successful future, which involves me being president of many organizations and laminating things. 

Reality Bites (1994)

He’s totally a 4 like me.

Enneagram Tritype Moodboards: (7/27)

145 (The Researcher)

Enneagram Tritype Moodboards: (6/27)

137 (The Systems Builder)

Enneagram Tritype Moodboards: (5/27)

136 (The Taskmaster)

Enneagram Tritype Moodboards: (4/27)

135 (The Technical Expert)

Enneagram Tritype Moodboards: (3/27)

127 (The Teacher)

Enneagram Tritype Moodboards: (1/27) 

125 (The Mentor)

Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (6/6):

SX/SP (Sexual/Self-Preservation) The Vampire/The Electricity

Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (5/6):

SX/SO (Sexual/Social) The Provocateur/The Pop Star

Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (4/6):

SP/SX (Self-Preservation/Sexual) The Spider/The Witch

Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (3/6):

SP/SO (Self-Preservation/Social) The Curator/The Innovator

Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (2/6):

SO/SX (Social/Sexual) The Sparkler/The Butterfly

Enneagram Instinctual Stacking (1/6):

SO/SP (Social/Self-Preservation) The Monument/The Activist





ESTP:  “I, too, can divide, multiply and categorize into oblivion but what’s the fucking point”

ESTJ: “How many aneurysms did it take to render you useless?”

ESFP: “seeking for some kind of drama and attention”

ESFJ: I don’t know who wrote that book, but you have got to stop calling each other cp 6s and 4s!

ENTP: “Palpa be nimble Palpa be ENTP Palpa has enough Ne To fill the sea ! 1 Ne 2 Ne 3 Ne 4 ! Palpa Ne’s so much he can’t Ne any more ! Ghost Ne Ghost Ne don’t be scared ❌❌! There’s always more Ne that can be shared ! Palpa makes me ☁️squishy ☁️ It’s sexy how he’s so mean Palpa treats me like his INFJ dream ! Send this to 8w8 TRUE ENTPs or else you’ll never get any Ne again ‼️”


ENFP: On all levels except physical, I am an 8. [intense!]

ENFJ:The manifesto people wrote about mag-ne-ti-c and his mom on twitter

ISTP: circumventing the circumgrip

ISTJ: Everyone I don’t like is Hitler a 4 

ISFP:“type me like one of your British infjs~~”

ISFJ: “nearly an 8″ *this post cannot be reblogged*

INTP: The hexadecagram 


INFP: Hi my name is Infjandora Dark'Ness Dementia Raven Way, and I have a long ebony dark Ni-Ti loop(that’s how I got my name) with an Se loop that reaches my mid back and icy psychic blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me that I’m on the same level as Carl Jung (AN: If u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!) I’m not related to Keirsey but I wish I was because he’s a major hottie. I’m a 4 but I’m definitely not cringeworthy and attention seeking. I’m also an INFJ(the rarest type), and I spend my time on MBTI tumblr, where I’m in my seventh year here(I’m seventeen).  

INFJ: @palpa-ni-fe

1: I’d like you to solve this conflict like mature people instead of bitching each other.”

2: Mag-ne-ti-c’s mom


4: “a 14w13-6w5-9w10-2w4, which is in the 14-6-9-2 tetratype.”


p6:“stable grip”


7: ENTPs are Se-doms

8: “fucking stick your dick down my throat then pistol whip me”


Okay so I know this is kind of old but why haven’t I seen this before oh my God this is amazing

a fucking masterpiece

Yknow guys..I’ve said some things I’ve..done some things. Some dark things.
