#aurelia lucis caelum


Aurelia Lucis Caelum (OC)

Hair and necklace details

My FFXV OC in my Aureliaverse AU concept

Aurelia Lucis Caelum, older sister to Noctis.

Her duty is to oversee the economy, assisted by the council and Clarus Amicitia. She is secretly enlisted as a glaive for a while by Clarus to let her learn dicipline and to find her own retinue, and she is currently second-man in charge, assisting Clarus in a secret government project to provide technology, necessary and essential needs for the Lucians to survive if something goes wrong with the impending prophecy ahead.

Her clothing was made to counter Lunafreya’s restrictive dress, colorwise, design wise and flexibility wise.

Aurelia was created with efficiency in mind. She was made into a placeholder to take care of her nation, despite not being the crown princess, thus her dresses would be tailored to her active life, with jacket for formality and protective element, and A-line skirt dress for mobility as she must be able to access her armiger, even using a dress.

Her long,flowing split-sleeve was made with Regis’ ornate decor in mind, as she’s emulating her father, as well as giving her a sense of flair whenever she moves, yet more modest version in an ailing country to show empathy, less detailed, less lavish.

To counter Lunafreya’s more fantasy-like appearance (i.e. in the movie) that depicts her status as a priestess, Aurelia’s hair is tightly braided and her dress is made modern, clean cut, simple with the Late Queen’s Emerald necklace as the only status symbol as a modern royalty. Gloves are mandatory as to protect her hands, and Mary-Jane Strap low-heels are easier to run with and provide comfortable options to walk lengthy distance.

Her underdress gives her enough modesty while still enabling her to fight.

Her retinue so far consists of one Hand, one Glaive (later she’s given two for protection), and one secretary that’s also her Body Double. Her staffs and retinue is considerably smaller than of Noctis’ as she is not the crown princess.

I kinda based her public persona as a mix of kate middleton, padme amidala and Regis’s calm demeanor. Pleasantly demure in social situations to disarm her opponent, detached and distant with a smile, yet able to deliver jabs of words without seeming emotional nor personal.

But her private personality is a bit different, as she is deadly stubborn, witty, vindictive, and loyal, and of course she is able to throw a massive royal tantrum during her teen years due to Regis’ attention mostly on Noctis.

Clarus who’s also her godfather and semi-father figure was one of the few people that she would even listen to besides Regis as she still desperately needs for her father’s praise and approval. Cor definitely hates her guts during those days.

But she mellowed after Nyx and Crowe shown her the poverty-ridden side of Insomnia, and she began to work hard for her people even if she’s not going to be a queen. She is still able to throw a royal tantrum, however, but it’s tamer than Noctis’s, and far manageable by her retinue as she grew mature.
