#aurion family


Characters/Relationships: Kratos Aurion, Anna Irving, Kratos/Anna, Kranna, Lloyd Irving, Noishe

Genre: Fluff/Family Fluff



Word Count: 831

Mirror Link: AO3|Pixiv

Summary:After spending a couple hours making a week’s worth of meals for the four of them, Anna goes outside to look for Kratos to let him know it’s time for lunch. Once she’s outside, though, she notices that he’s nowhere to be found. So where could her husband be when he’s supposed to be taking care of some outside chores?

Author’s Note: I just wanted to write a short fic/ficlet based on this art that I shared as part of that artist’s Pixiv art log from yesterday (I really wanted to find the Twitter link for it, though). This art was just too cute not to write a little something about it…

           Anna let out a satisfied sigh after drying off her hands and taking a look at the two chicken salad sandwiches, each with a side of sliced carrots, on the plates before her. She had spent the last two hours preparing a week’s worth of meals for the four of them, along with lunch for herself and Kratos. After setting the plates down at their small dining table, she headed outside to find her husband and let him know it was time for lunch. When she opened the front door to their cabin, though, and stepped out into cool, early spring air, he was nowhere to be found. Instead, she only found Noishe curled up on the porch, sleeping peacefully.

           Hmm… He said he was going to water the vegetable garden and take care of a few other chores after laying Lloyd down for his nap, she thought while taking a look at the small vegetable garden next to their porch. The soil looked dry, as though it hadn’t been watered in a few days. They usually took turns watering the garden every three or four days, and it was his turn from what she could recall. She shook her head as she looked over at their sleeping family pet again.

           I guess that can only mean one thing, she thought as she opened the front door and made her way back inside their cabin. She continued on down the hallway toward their bedroom where she quietly and slowly opened the door. Inside, she found her husband and one year old son sleeping soundly on their plush, white colored futon that was laid out on the floor. Kratos was using his left arm as a pillow, while his right hand was placed on Lloyd’s stomach. Their son was on his back with his hands balled into tiny fists, his brown and somewhat spiky hair splayed out on the futon. Her lips curled into a soft, knowing smile at the endearing sight before her.

           Anna looked back one last time as she turned to leave the room at her husband and son before she quietly opened the bedroom door again. Just as she was about to leave, though, she heard Kratos begin to stir awake behind her. She turned around again as he sat up and let out yawn before shifting his gaze to hers.

           “Ah, I’m sorry, my dear…” He spoke quietly as he stood up moments later, “It appears I fell asleep…”

           She laughed quietly, looking up at him, “Seems like it… You didn’t even make it outside to water the garden.”

           Kratos froze, a pink flush tinting his cheeks, “Ah… Yes, that too. I apologize again, my dear.”

           Anna kissed his cheek before taking one of his hands in hers, wearing a knowing smile, “Don’t worry about it, Kratos. You can take care of it after lunch. Now let’s go. The sandwiches I made have been sitting out for a while.”

           He nodded, and the two quietly left the bedroom, hand in hand, then headed towards the kitchen. Once there, the couple sat down at their dining table and ate in comfortable silence. When Anna was finished with her meal, she looked up at her husband, noticing the black colored jacket he was wearing.

           “Looks like you were all set to head outside before you fell asleep…” She said, flashing him a soft smile.

           He looked up from his plate, meeting her gaze and placing his fork down, “Yes I was… Oh, and I also apologize for not laying Lloyd down in his bassinet for his nap.”

           She let out a giggle at that, “Again, don’t worry about it, Kratos. Though, it’s probably not a good idea to let him sleep on the futon for more than a couple hours at most, considering his age.”

           He nodded, giving her that soft, but sheepish smile of his.

           “Speaking of Lloyd…” Anna said as she stood up from her chair and moved towards him, “I’m going to go check to see if he’s awake now. He’s probably hungry. Will you take care of our dishes for me?”

           “Yes, my dear…” Kratos replied, tilting his head up to meet her gaze, “I will also get right to watering the vegetable garden and cleaning and repairing the tool shed in the backyard.”

           She leaned down to give him an all too brief, chaste kiss on his lips while gently grasping the collar of his jacket, “Sounds like a good plan…”

           He watched her as she left the kitchen, smiling for a brief moment before letting out a sigh. As he stood up from the table and made his way to the front door, he promised himself that he wouldn’t be caught sleeping when he should be doing chores again, despite his wife telling him not to worry about it. And so, with renewed resolve, he stepped out the front door, ready to get to work and take on the rest of the afternoon.
