#kratos aurion

It’s Kranna gettin’ married cause Rooster’s been listening to too many Irish folk songs again~!

It’s Kranna gettin’ married cause Rooster’s been listening to too many Irish folk songs again~!

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Happy (late) Father’s Day! This seems like a good time give you all a small update on the Kranna dou

Happy (late) Father’s Day! 

This seems like a good time give you all a small update on the Kranna doujinshi I currently have in-production. I would like for much of it to be a surprise, but there’s no harm in building healthy curiosity.


This is Anna. She was (before Asgard) a mercenary by profession and is one tough customer.


Kratos, on a mission to keep tabs on this survivor who has entangled herself in quite a large mess, sticks around despite his better judgement.


And through hell and high water…


Two rather fucked-up people find their lives suddenly and inexplicably intertwined.

(and Lloyd definitely, totally, completely isn’t an accident)

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@foamylover I got your prompt for the Tales Valentine’s~


And so sorry about the delay I thought I set up the queue right to upload it…

I hope you like~

So today Asteria implemented an AR feature where you can take a picture of two characters (they must be friendship level 7 or higher) in any real world setting!

So obviously I had this Idea™️!

Characters/Relationships: Kratos Aurion, Anna Irving, Kratos/Anna, Kranna, Lloyd Irving, Noishe

Genre: Fluff/Family Fluff



Word Count: 831

Mirror Link: AO3|Pixiv

Summary:After spending a couple hours making a week’s worth of meals for the four of them, Anna goes outside to look for Kratos to let him know it’s time for lunch. Once she’s outside, though, she notices that he’s nowhere to be found. So where could her husband be when he’s supposed to be taking care of some outside chores?

Author’s Note: I just wanted to write a short fic/ficlet based on this art that I shared as part of that artist’s Pixiv art log from yesterday (I really wanted to find the Twitter link for it, though). This art was just too cute not to write a little something about it…

           Anna let out a satisfied sigh after drying off her hands and taking a look at the two chicken salad sandwiches, each with a side of sliced carrots, on the plates before her. She had spent the last two hours preparing a week’s worth of meals for the four of them, along with lunch for herself and Kratos. After setting the plates down at their small dining table, she headed outside to find her husband and let him know it was time for lunch. When she opened the front door to their cabin, though, and stepped out into cool, early spring air, he was nowhere to be found. Instead, she only found Noishe curled up on the porch, sleeping peacefully.

           Hmm… He said he was going to water the vegetable garden and take care of a few other chores after laying Lloyd down for his nap, she thought while taking a look at the small vegetable garden next to their porch. The soil looked dry, as though it hadn’t been watered in a few days. They usually took turns watering the garden every three or four days, and it was his turn from what she could recall. She shook her head as she looked over at their sleeping family pet again.

           I guess that can only mean one thing, she thought as she opened the front door and made her way back inside their cabin. She continued on down the hallway toward their bedroom where she quietly and slowly opened the door. Inside, she found her husband and one year old son sleeping soundly on their plush, white colored futon that was laid out on the floor. Kratos was using his left arm as a pillow, while his right hand was placed on Lloyd’s stomach. Their son was on his back with his hands balled into tiny fists, his brown and somewhat spiky hair splayed out on the futon. Her lips curled into a soft, knowing smile at the endearing sight before her.

           Anna looked back one last time as she turned to leave the room at her husband and son before she quietly opened the bedroom door again. Just as she was about to leave, though, she heard Kratos begin to stir awake behind her. She turned around again as he sat up and let out yawn before shifting his gaze to hers.

           “Ah, I’m sorry, my dear…” He spoke quietly as he stood up moments later, “It appears I fell asleep…”

           She laughed quietly, looking up at him, “Seems like it… You didn’t even make it outside to water the garden.”

           Kratos froze, a pink flush tinting his cheeks, “Ah… Yes, that too. I apologize again, my dear.”

           Anna kissed his cheek before taking one of his hands in hers, wearing a knowing smile, “Don’t worry about it, Kratos. You can take care of it after lunch. Now let’s go. The sandwiches I made have been sitting out for a while.”

           He nodded, and the two quietly left the bedroom, hand in hand, then headed towards the kitchen. Once there, the couple sat down at their dining table and ate in comfortable silence. When Anna was finished with her meal, she looked up at her husband, noticing the black colored jacket he was wearing.

           “Looks like you were all set to head outside before you fell asleep…” She said, flashing him a soft smile.

           He looked up from his plate, meeting her gaze and placing his fork down, “Yes I was… Oh, and I also apologize for not laying Lloyd down in his bassinet for his nap.”

           She let out a giggle at that, “Again, don’t worry about it, Kratos. Though, it’s probably not a good idea to let him sleep on the futon for more than a couple hours at most, considering his age.”

           He nodded, giving her that soft, but sheepish smile of his.

           “Speaking of Lloyd…” Anna said as she stood up from her chair and moved towards him, “I’m going to go check to see if he’s awake now. He’s probably hungry. Will you take care of our dishes for me?”

           “Yes, my dear…” Kratos replied, tilting his head up to meet her gaze, “I will also get right to watering the vegetable garden and cleaning and repairing the tool shed in the backyard.”

           She leaned down to give him an all too brief, chaste kiss on his lips while gently grasping the collar of his jacket, “Sounds like a good plan…”

           He watched her as she left the kitchen, smiling for a brief moment before letting out a sigh. As he stood up from the table and made his way to the front door, he promised himself that he wouldn’t be caught sleeping when he should be doing chores again, despite his wife telling him not to worry about it. And so, with renewed resolve, he stepped out the front door, ready to get to work and take on the rest of the afternoon.

So Kratos has appeared in both Asteria’s and Rays’ login screens for me this week!

Which I don’t think has ever happened to me before so that’s why I’m sharing…


Artist: テアズ/テンズ

Posted today! No idea why it’s on their spicy account…

Characters/Relationships: Kratos Aurion, Anna Irving, Kratos/Anna, Kranna

Genre: Romance

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Graphic Smut

Word Count: 1500

Mirror Link: AO3|Pixiv

Summary:The morning after a night of intimacy to celebrate their wedding anniversary, Anna wakes up feeling a little bit sore. Kratos, on the other hand, is as concerned as ever about hurting her or being too rough with her the night before, and promises to make it up to her.

Author’s Note: So, this is the second of the two short fics I planned on posting today. This one is for the Fever category, and combines all three of today’s prompts, Strawberries, Flower Bed, and Early Mornings. The title of this comes straight from a lyric in ‘Watermelon Sugar’ by Harry Styles, a song that maybe you’ve heard one or two times before (the content of this fic also falls in line with the meaning of the lyrics as well) … Anyway, I also wrote this as sort of a short, morning after sequel to the one-shot I posted on this day last year, ‘Under The Sakura Moonlight’.

So, as always with these kinds of fics, this one contains graphic smut. Please only read at your own discretion/risk!

          The faint, floral scent of cherry blossoms hung in air as Kratos opened his eyes to the early morning light that filled their bedroom. He looked down at his wife as she slept on his bare chest, shifting his body slightly to get a better view of the crown on her head while making sure not to disturb her from her deep slumber. A smile formed on his face, and he inwardly chuckled at the sight of a few stray blossom petals tangled in her hair. His head turned to glance down at the many fully bloomed buds and blossom petals still scattered all over the bed sheets, moving his hand from her shoulder and running it through his spiky, auburn locks. More stray petals fell from his hair as he ran his hand through it and on to the pillow underneath him.

           He inwardly chuckled again as he gently shook his head to dislodge a few more petals from his hair, before laying his head back down on the pillow again. A contented sigh escaped his lips moments before he felt her begin to stir awake on top of him.

           “Mmm… Kratos…” Anna slurred sleepily, nuzzling her cheek against his chest, the palm of her hand and pads of her fingers gently rubbing and pressing against his skin, “Are you awake?”

           “Yes, my dear.” Kratos replied, angling his head to glance down at the top of her head, his hand gently caressing her bare shoulder.

           She let out a contented sigh as she lifted herself up to gaze down sleepily at him, “You really did a number on me last night.”

           He frowned as he met her gaze, “Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

           “Just a little sore, is all…” She leaned down to kiss his cheek in an attempt to reassure him, “Don’t worry about it, Kratos. I’m fine, really… Last night was incredible. More than I could ever ask for as an anniversary gift.”

           “I knew I was too rough last night…” He let out a pained sigh, averting his gaze from hers.

           “Kratos, stop…” Anna gave him a knowing smile and let out another sigh, her hand trailing up from his chest to cup and caress his cheek, “Look at me, please.”

           “Let me make it up to you.” Kratos said after a brief pause, his eyes meeting hers once again and his hand reaching up to cover hers.

           She let out a soft giggle, her thumb lightly brushing across his cheek, “Now?”

           He swallowed hard and nodded slowly, then reached up with his other hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, before gently pulling her down and crushing his lips against hers. The couple flipped positions, with her now underneath him, as their lips continued to meld together. A moan escaped his lips as his tongue intertwined with hers, relishing in the taste of strawberries that still lingered on her tongue from their dinner the night before. She wrapped her arms around him as his lips broke away from hers and left a heated trail down the column of her neck. Her blunt fingernails dug into his back, and she gasped as his lips nipped and lightly sucked on the tender skin at the nape of her neck. His lips then continued their heated path down to her breasts, making sure to take his time to lavish equal attention on each one by slowly peppering her with soft kisses.

           “Kratos… Please…” Anna softly moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair.

           “Patience, my dear…” Kratos murmured against the skin on the underside of her breast.

           His lips continued to trail down her body, peppering her with languid open-mouthed kisses all the way down to her navel. He made sure to kiss and lightly brush his tongue along every scar and stretch mark along the way as his lips made their way past her navel. Soft, breathy moans escaped her lips, her fingers tugging gently on his hair as his lips and nose brushed over the curled tuft of hair on her sex. Then he buried his nose into the damp, coarse curls of hair, taking in the faint, floral scent of cherry blossoms that emanated from her there. She writhed underneath the feel of his hot, wanting breath on her womanhood, her moans becoming louder and louder with each gasping breath that escaped from her lips.

           A loud gasp followed by a whine fell from her lips as his tongue swiped up from the slit of her slick, wet entrance and through her already soaking wet folds. He inwardly smirked at how easily aroused she became just from him kissing her all over. His lips and tongue eventually found her clit, with his tongue slowly swirling and teasing the tiny bundle of nerves. Her breathing became ragged and raspy as his lips showered her folds with open-mouthed kisses, her fingers now digging into his scalp and roughly pulling on his spiky hair. After tucking his arms under her raised knees and gently holding her with his hands gripping her thighs, his tongue trailed upward from her dripping wet entrance and through her folds to relentlessly lick and tease her clit again.

           Mere moment later, she came, and came hard, her release rushing and flooding into his mouth as his lips and tongue pressed up against her entrance. His name fell from her lips in loud, gasping breaths as his tongue lapped up every last drop of her release. Her release tasted distinctly like strawberries this time, and he relished in the sweet and tart taste of her while the faint, floral scent of cherry blossoms that still emanated from both her womanhood and the petals and blooms on the bed continued to flood his sense of smell. He reluctantly swallowed her release a few moments later, his lips finding her inner thighs, where he left her with a few gentle kisses before lifting his head up to briefly glance at her. She closed her eyes, her chest heaving as she came down from her high and her hands and arms falling limply onto the bed sheet and mattress beneath her.

           His lips found her navel again, where he slowly and softly kissed every scar and stretch mark he could find. He then sat up and positioned himself between her still parted legs, his half-lidded eyes staring down into hers.

           “Are you all right, my dear?” Kratos asked, his deep, husky voice still full of concern.

           “I’m fine, Kratos,” Anna answered as one of her hands reached up to cup his cheek, “the soreness is gone now.”

           He let out a relieved sigh, closing his eyes, “Good…”

           “What about you, though?” She asked, her hand now caressing his cheek.

           He blinked, then gave her a quizzical look, “What about me, my dear?”

           “I want you to be satisfied too…”

           “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you again…”

           She let out a weak giggle, “You’re not going to hurt me again, Kratos. Now, I want you to take me. As gently as you want.”

           He closed his eyes again after falling silent for a few moments, “All right then… As you wish, my dear.”

           Anna wrapped her arms around her husband as he buried his face into the crook of her neck. His length slid with relative ease through her slick, wet entrance and into her inner walls after using his hand to quickly position himself. He let out a hiss as her walls began to clench around him. Her hands moved to trail through his hair as he began to gently rock his hips back and forth against hers. She let out a loud moan as he gradually picked up the pace and intensity of his thrusts, feeling his hot, ragged breath on her neck, and the tip of his manhood hit her sweet spot repeatedly. It wasn’t long before they both came in unison, their names falling from each other’s lips, along with him completely emptying a heavy load of his spent into her.

           Kratos rolled off of her and onto his back moments later while she quickly nestled up against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her.

           “It’s still early, isn’t it?” Anna asked sleepily, nuzzling her cheek against his chest.

           “Yes it is, my dear…” Kratos replied, a smile gracing his features.

           She turned her head to look up at him, “Then let’s go back to sleep for a few more hours.”

           He kissed the tip of her nose and then captured her lips in a chaste kiss, murmuring, “Sounds good, my dear…”

           The couple quickly fell asleep in the same position they woke up in earlier a short time later, with his arms wrapped around her and her cheek pressed against his bare chest, too tired to exchange any more words. They hoped to get a few more hours of sleep before having to take on the rest of the day.

Characters/Relationships: Kratos Aurion, Anna Irving, Kratos/Anna, Kranna 




Word Count: 1329

Mirror Link:AO3|Pixiv

Summary:After attending a cherry blossom festival in Palmacosta, Kratos and Anna decide to have a picnic on the outskirts of the city.

Author’s Note: *gasps* A completely wholesome Kranna fic? From me? It’s more likely than you think! …Anyway, I think this is the first fic I’ve written in almost two years that doesn’t have any spice in it… I wrote this for Kranna Spring Fever this year combining the prompts Blossom Festival and Picnics (as part of the Spring category)! It’s not as long as I wanted it to be, and there’s really not much of a plot to it either, but I hope I did a decent job of writing it.

Also, if cute and wholesome is not your thing, well… I do have another short fic I’m going to post later that’s more in line with the most recent fics I’ve written. So look forward to that sometime later today, if that’s your thing…

           “Kratos!” Anna called out as she jogged toward her husband, holding three skewers of festival street food in her hand, “You have to try this!”

           “What is it?” Kratos asked, taking one of the skewers from her.

           “It’s called Takoyaki! Or fried octopus balls… It’s made of batter stuffed with chopped octopus meat, then deep fried!” She exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

           “Hmm… Sounds good…” He took a bite from one of the five deep fried octopus balls on the skewer, taking a few moments to thoroughly chew before swallowing.

           “Well?” She inquired, beaming with anticipation.

           “The flavor is interesting… It’s really good… I like it.” Kratos replied, giving her a gentle smile, “What are the other two?”

           “Oh, these? This one is called Yakitori, or grilled chicken,” Anna responded, pointing to the grilled chicken skewer in her other hand, “and this other one is called Dango, or sticky rice balls. They taste more like a dessert, somewhat sweet. This particular one is called Hanami Dango and is only available during this time of the year.”

           He smiled as she went on and on about the new kinds of food she learned about from the street vendors at Palmacosta’s cherry blossom festival. She was always so passionate about food and cooking, and he always loved to listen intently to her talk about anything she was excited about.

           “…I can’t wait to try making these once we find another house or cabin to stay in!” She exclaimed, breaking him out of his brief reverie.

           He nodded, “Hopefully that will be soon, my dear… Now, let’s go find a tree to have our picnic under.”

           “All right! Let’s go!” Anna exclaimed, taking his hand in hers as the two continued their walk along the path on the outskirts of town.

           The two walked hand in hand, taking in the view of the abundance of pink and white hued blooms on the trees that lined the path they were walking on. He reluctantly let go of her hand as they headed towards a tree in a secluded area just outside of the city where they could be alone and set up their picnic.

           “Did you bring the tea kettle too?” She asked as he took out a pink and white checkered blanket from his canvas covered knapsack, laying it on the grass in front of the tree. “I bought some tea at one of the vendors earlier and was hoping we could have some with our lunch.”

           “Yes, my dear… I also brought a small bundle of firewood. It’s in the front pocket of my knapsack.” He answered as he smoothed out the blanket on the ground.

           “Then I’ll get the tea ready!”

           While Anna retrieved the tea kettle, stand, and firewood from Kratos’ bag, Kratos went to get their sandwiches and snacks from her knapsack that she placed against the tree. He watched her with a small smile on his face as she lit the firewood with some matches from his bag and placed the tea kettle on the stand over the small flame. She poured a small container of water that he had in his bag into the tea kettle and waited for the water to boil.

           “There, the water should be good in about ten or fifteen minutes.” She spoke as she sat down beside him on the blanket.

           “Thank you, my dear…” He wrapped his arm around her and leaned down to kiss the top of her head, “I hope you don’t mind if I brought out the teacups and saucers already.”

           “No, that’s fine. Thank you, Kratos!” She glanced down at the perfectly placed teacups and saucers in front of them, before turning to him to kiss him on the cheek.

           His eyes widened and his face flushed pink, “Ah… It was nothing…”

           The tea kettle began to whistle moments later, so Anna stood up and went to retrieve the bag of tea she bought earlier in the day at the festival from her knapsack. He silently watched her as she walked over to the kettle and placed the small bag of tea into the boiling water, letting it steep for a few minutes. She returned to his side a few moments later with the kettle and poured the tea into each of their teacups.

           “What kind of tea is this?” Kratos asked after she stood up again to put the kettle back on the stand and then returned to sit beside him once again.

           “The vendor said it was a cherry blossom flavored black tea. I’m excited to try it!” Anna replied, taking her teacup from off of its saucer.

           “I’m looking forward to trying it as well…” He gave her another gentle smile.

           The couple ate their sandwiches and drank their tea in pleasant conversation, with the two mostly talking about their future travel plans. They ate strawberries along with their sandwiches, and finished off the skewers of Takoyaki, yakitori, and dango. Once they were finished eating, Kratos stood up and put out the fire under the tea kettle, before removing the kettle from the stand and pouring the rest of the tea back into the container from his knapsack. He cleaned up the area and put the kettle and stand back into his bag before returning to her side.

           “So, how was your sandwich, Kratos?” Anna asked as she put their teacups back into her knapsack, “I know it’s been a while since I’ve made a tuna sandwich…”

           “It was wonderful, my dear.” Kratos answered as she sat down next to him on their blanket again, “I take it yours was wonderful as well?”

           “It was…” She said before sighing in contentment, “I just hope we can find another house or cabin soon, like you said earlier. I would really like a decent kitchen to cook in. I can really only make sandwiches when we stay at inns. And I would really like to learn how to make that street food we had earlier, too.”

           He wrapped his arm around her again as they leaned back against the tree, his lips finding the crown of her head again, where he let them linger for a time. The couple looked up at the bright blue sky and watched the few clouds in the sky float by from under the cherry blossom tree for a while in comfortable silence. A gust of wind picked up a short time later, causing a few hundred petals to fall from not only the cherry blossom tree they sat under, but the trees that surrounded them too. Anna lifted her head from off Kratos’ shoulder to look up and stare in awe at the falling petals, the wind softly blowing through her short medium-brown hued locks.

           When the wind died down a while later, Kratos glanced down at his wife and let out soft chuckle.

           “Ah, my dear… You have a petal on the tip of your nose.” He stated as their eyes met.

           “Oh? And how do you plan on removing it?” She teased, letting out a soft giggle.

           His face inched towards hers, wearing his trademark smirk, “Like this…”

           He brushed his nose against hers and the petal quickly flew up and away off the tip of her nose. She looked at him expectantly wearing a small smile, and then he closed the distance as their lips met in a soft, chaste kiss.

           After the two exchanged a few more chaste kisses, they spent the rest of the afternoon under the cherry blossom tree, just enjoying each other’s company. They held hands with their fingers intertwined, and eventually Anna fell asleep as she rested her head on Kratos’ shoulder once again. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head one last time before joining her in her afternoon nap. The couple would stay like this until nightfall, when they would have gather up the blanket and their bags and head back to the inn.

SourceArtist: テアズNotes: Okay, so I’ve wanted to share this for over FOUR, yes, four, years now! I thSourceArtist: テアズNotes: Okay, so I’ve wanted to share this for over FOUR, yes, four, years now! I th


Artist: テアズ

Notes: Okay, so I’ve wanted to share this for over FOUR, yes, four, years now! I think I was going to include this with their first Pixiv compilation back in 2017, but decided I wanted to share it sometime after that and never did until now (though I have thought about quite often the last couple of years). Anyway, over the years I’ve tried a few times to run this through the translator on my phone, and while the most recent couple of times I’ve run it through the translation has been complete/makes sense for the most part, I’m still not satisfied with it. So I’m just going to provide a summary of the translation of the two pages instead of the  literal translation from my phone.

Page One Summary: Anna finishes singing a song, and Kratos comments on how good the song is. She thanks him and then mentions that her mom used to sing this song to her, and how much she misses her mom. Then she talks about missing her parents and thinking about them, and how this song helps her remember how kind they were.

Page Two Summary: Kratos, after a pause, asks her if she would like to stop by Luin. Anna hugs and thanks him excitedly and Kratos, now flustered, warns her that they won’t be able to stay long because of how dangerous the surrounding area is. Lastly, she says that her parents will be happy to see him, and he responds in a somewhat surprised manner that he’ll be looking forward to it.

So yeah, I hope this is a mostly accurate summary. Overall it’s just a really cute short comic…

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Guess what finally arrived today!☺️

So cute…

Over the next few weeks I plan to hopefully go through the backlog of merch I have that I still need to take proper pictures of, and that will include all of this, too!

I’ve been meaning to record my own video of Kratos’ Casino mirror in Rays for a while now, so here it is! I also included some frames that I exported from the video and a screenshot of another mirror I have of his that I took a couple weeks ago…
