#austin german shepherd rescue


I haven’t taken pictures for the local german shepherd rescue in ages! Took these on Sunday. Felt good to remember how to take pictures. lol

This girl is Millie. She’s about one year old, and super sweet. Foster said she was probably the easiest dog they’ve had (and they’ve been with the rescue for many, many years). She had been hit by a car and had surgery (thus the bandage), but she was pretty much at the end of her recovery, so she was feeling and looking great! Very interested in everything since it had been months since she had been truly out (about a month and a half at the vets, and another 3 weeks not feeling well enough to get up much, even to the backyard). She was about a week into feeling better when we took these. :)

Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :

Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :)

The before/after picture is Raven, formally known as Haven at the rescue. I don’t think I ever showed y’all pictures of her (unless you have my on Facebook, then you might have seen them a few months ago), but she came to us in very bad shape. The before was taken during recovery and the after was taken after her adoption (as part of a fundraiser). She was so, so sweet. She just kept wanting to stay near me, so it was a little difficult to get pictures in their small backyard. Her people were so nice, too, so I’m glad she went to a good home!!!

The next two pictures are two chihuahuas the boarding kennel we board dogs at (if they don’t have a foster) took in. Their owners passed away, and the kennel owners were rehoming them, so they asked if I would take pictures of the two for them. The white one is Spot, and the black one is Itty Bitty. Both were very sweet.

The last four pictures are one of our newest additions at AGSDR: Abby. She’s a bit older (I think 6-7 years?), but has a lot of energy! She couldn’t stop jumping to greet, and she’d run up to me to lick my face when I crouched down. Thankfully I had some help by one of the employees at the kennel (thanks Rita!), and we got some great pics of her. :) She’s super photogenetic, and as you can see, HAS A SUPER CUTE SMILE.

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