

I thought I had posted these, but I guess not. This was from the snowpolcalypse back in February. We lost power for about 3 days (2 nights). We were okay, just very cold. I had to transport my snakes to a friend’s house (who lost power for 3-4 days, but luckily their power came on the day ours went out).

Not much news otherwise, I think. Enzo turned 8 years old last week. Can’t believe it’s been 8 years… also had a small scare that I thought was from his kidneys. Ended up spending $300 to find out he’s fine. That was great… (the day after I spent $200 at dentist, too). Woo……….

Also started a full-time kennel tech/daycare attendant position on top of my part-time assistant trainer. It’s tiring, but… money! So, that’s something. I’m lucky Enzo is happy being a couch potato.

We’re late to the leaf hat party, but we’re here! Just in time to kick off fall fashion season. :)

so i just went from an iphone 6–after 7 years(!)–to an iphone 11, and i gotta say, this

so i just went from an iphone 6–after 7 years(!)–to an iphone 11, and i gotta say, this portrait mode is so nice

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haha, it’s that time of yearalso ya i havent posted in forever. we’re all doing fine despite the stu

haha, it’s that time of year

also ya i havent posted in forever. we’re all doing fine despite the stuff going on. enzo also turned 7yo last week.

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Heyyy, I’m still alive. Just haven’t taken pictures in awhile, but here’s one I took last week. BeenHeyyy, I’m still alive. Just haven’t taken pictures in awhile, but here’s one I took last week. Been

Heyyy, I’m still alive. Just haven’t taken pictures in awhile, but here’s one I took last week. Been trying to mess around a bit with back light and lighting in general.

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Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :

Haven’t updated w/ some AGSDR pics in awhile (or really any pictures since before Inktober). :)

The before/after picture is Raven, formally known as Haven at the rescue. I don’t think I ever showed y’all pictures of her (unless you have my on Facebook, then you might have seen them a few months ago), but she came to us in very bad shape. The before was taken during recovery and the after was taken after her adoption (as part of a fundraiser). She was so, so sweet. She just kept wanting to stay near me, so it was a little difficult to get pictures in their small backyard. Her people were so nice, too, so I’m glad she went to a good home!!!

The next two pictures are two chihuahuas the boarding kennel we board dogs at (if they don’t have a foster) took in. Their owners passed away, and the kennel owners were rehoming them, so they asked if I would take pictures of the two for them. The white one is Spot, and the black one is Itty Bitty. Both were very sweet.

The last four pictures are one of our newest additions at AGSDR: Abby. She’s a bit older (I think 6-7 years?), but has a lot of energy! She couldn’t stop jumping to greet, and she’d run up to me to lick my face when I crouched down. Thankfully I had some help by one of the employees at the kennel (thanks Rita!), and we got some great pics of her. :) She’s super photogenetic, and as you can see, HAS A SUPER CUTE SMILE.

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More chibis!


YAY!!! Enzo looks perfect!! <3 I love seeing how your view of him (and style) changed over the years.

^ Comparison for funsies. His pose reflects his older (and calmer) demeanor, and it’s interesting to see how the black forehead marking got smaller on your drawing (which it did in real life, too, since the black often fades a bit on shepherds). Very cool, and well done. :) I love it so much!!! <3 <3
