

How to Get Over Writers Block

(I know this isn’t really an INFJ thing like I usually post, but I felt the need to write this to help others with this problem)

So, I have been writing book for forever it seems like, but, as a book writer, I could never finish a book because I was always having writers block, I never understood why I couldn’t finish it…

Until now.

So here are some things you should to to prevent writers block or get over one you are having without completely stopping your book writing process.

Don’t focus on the details. Remeber, this is draft one. You can always edit it later. So I tend to write only the dialogue and add in notes what I can image the character doing or thinking so when I edit it, I can add more detail to that part of the book and describe step by step after draft one.

Write down every idea. So, sometime, I get random ideas on what to write. Like, I’ll be eating breakfast and get an idea to write something that might happen in the book I want to add in the future. So I write it down. And the whole plot build because I write down every single thing I want to happen in the book, it’s the matter of arranging it in order.

No such thing as beginning to end. This is what really got my attention and made me realize my source of writers block is from the feeling I have to write the book from beginning to end when, in reality, that’s not how it works for most people. If I feel I can’t write anymore of one part of my book I am writing, I will skip that part and move on to either the closest part I feel like writing or, I might even write something that happens towards the end, so that way I can always edit it and it will flow smoothly while still keeping that idea I had beforehand.

Who are the characters. This kinda helped me a lot. If you do end up taking a break, this helps remembering which character is who and their personality. For instance, I like to use reference pictures to describe the looks of my character and I write the description of the characters appearance and their personality. I also to a background of their life so I know what they have gone through to be who they are today.

I don’t know if this would help anyone. I know this helped me a lot when writing and I’m getting closer to finishing my first book than I ever did before because of this method I decided to use. I hope this advice could help others with their writings! Let me know if this helped you!

Tomorrow’s episode - and definitely the appendices episode - has a little something to do with

Tomorrow’s episode - and definitely the appendices episode - has a little something to do with this.

Gorgeous artwork by one of my favourite illustrators who I discovered years ago, Sam Lyne - go check out his work.

Listen tomorrow on Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube, Stitcher, or the podcatcher of your choice.

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