


a/n: finally finished another fic

requested by @raven-is-a-writer

After some time with Bruce, you’d found yourself comfortable enough to share a detail about yourself you hadn’t actually shared before. Now, comfortable does not mean you couldn’t be nervous. You were, you had no idea what kind of reaction it warranted. What he’d have to say. “Hey, Bruce? Do you have a moment?” You asked him as he sat at the dining room table in solitude. He nodded and pulled out the chair beside him.

“Is everything okay?” He noticed your body language, a bit off compared to how you usually acted around him. He made quick assumptions that you disproved in the coming moments.

“I just wanted to tell you something,” you paused and he stared in anticipation, “I’m autistic.” He raised an eyebrow and waited to see if you’d continue. “That’s all.”

“Oh, okay. That’s nice, thank you for sharing.” Bruce reached for your hand and smiled at you. “Do you want to tell me what it entails? I know it’s different for everyone.” He offered to lend and ear and you felt a sense of relief wash over you.

“I think that’s a great idea.”

taglist:@ravenmoore14//@summersimmerus//@xoxobabydolls//@evilcr0ne//@wild-rose-35//@alwaysananglophile//@ruvaakke // @more-multifandom-of-madness // @girlmythlegend//@shepsgotthoughts//@diansaprince//@v0idl1nq//@theseawakes//@sydknee624//@thedarkqueenofavalon//@amirahiddleston//@locke-writes//
