
So it’s that time of the year again huh. ;◡; #AUtober 05. Magic…I’m already late, but if you’So it’s that time of the year again huh. ;◡; #AUtober 05. Magic…I’m already late, but if you’So it’s that time of the year again huh. ;◡; #AUtober 05. Magic…I’m already late, but if you’

So it’s that time of the year again huh. ;◡; #AUtober 05. Magic…

I’m already late, but if you’re doing any general October art/ writing challenges, like Drawtober, Inktober, etc., and haven’t settled on all your prompts, consider a couple from these categorically comprehensive but commitment-wise casual prompt lists @maxxdick and I made many many years ago and post about each year: @teratopedia for monsterfolk enthusiasts, and/or @autober for Alternate Universe enthusiasts to use with your OCs or OTPs etc.!

I actually did this as a v small and quick sketch to test if Medibang might have deigned to fix the freezing issue caused by their abrupt insertion of ads into the GUI. They have not. ;◡;

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Happy Halloween! An #Inktober for the road - random(dot)org gave me:#Teratopedia 30. Body Horror + #

Happy Halloween! An #Inktober for the road - random(dot)org gave me:

#Teratopedia 30. Body Horror + #AUtober 12. Urban Fantasy

- so I added @unknownspy’s #Dressuptober 12 to it as well.

I wasn’t thinking about Videodrome when I was drawing this, but when I was inking this, I was thinking, “Was I thinking about Videodrome, which I have not seen since I was five but which has clearly left an impression in some way?”

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I asked random.org for five #Teratopedia + #AUtober combinations, and it spat out a D&D party:3.

I asked random.org for five #Teratopedia + #AUtober combinations, and it spat out a D&D party:

3. Vampire + 16. Arts
9. Corpse + 10. Music
23. Gorgon + 23. Mythology
5. Spiritual manifestation + 2. High fantasy
26. Alien + 7. Education

So here we have a vampire dancer’s party: the gorgon is always fighting with the wight bard ‘cos the lute riles up her snakes, the elven princess ghost just wants everyone to get along, and the alien researcher doesn’t really fit in but it was too late, I was already committed.

It’s been two years since I last did the ballpoint thing for #Inktober - and six years since I last pulled this particular Muji sketchbook out.
( ≼◎≽ д ≼◎≽ )

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