

Part 2 of our articles regarding aspecs with a libido and/or who masturbate! You can read the full thing here: https://taaap.org/2022/05/29/masturbation-libido-part-two/

[ID: Aspec Voices - Masturbation and Libido Part II. “I think this for me is a powerful stance as an asexual, being able to engage with sexual content/activity without being bound by attraction or allonormative pressures.” - Duncan. “I have recently realized I am autosexual, and masturbation has helped me realize that I experience attraction to myself, that I’m not just performing an action.” - Kaira. “My bodily functions and how I care for them have no impact on my aspec identities. I shouldn’t have to hide my libido and masturbation habits to avoid being invalidated.” - Anne.

Aspec Voices - Masturbation and Libido Part II. “In past relationships, because I said I masturbated, it was assumed that I would do more sexual things. And that made sense to me, unfortunately, so I would do more and then question my sexuality because of it.” - Evren. “At first, I disregarded the asexual label for myself specifically because I knew I had a libido, and thought the two were mutually exclusive.” - LR. “It has been a bit harder to resonate with a lot of “classic” ace experiences. I do want sex, and this has sometimes made me feel like an outsider to a lot of ace communities.” - Alex. End ID.]

“God, baby, your heart is going insane”

He starts pleasuring as I’m stething his already pounding overstimulated little heart, which reacts immediately starting to beat even faster and harder. Putting my hand on his as he gets fully hard and stroking together, his cock pulse rapidly throbbing under both our hands.

As his heart rate crests 200… baTHUMP - He moans and bites his lip hard, the PVC turning him on even more and it surges even faster, pushing him right up to near climax, his little heart racing to 220 beats per minute.

Lean down right before the moment as he lets it out so fucking hard in my mouth, then looking back up to his smile. Pressing my lips hard against his and my hand hard against his bony chest, we share a warm wet cum-covered kiss, while I both feel and listen to that continued hot frantic beating.

“What do you mean you like yourself??”

I mean exactly that.

This is legitimately what goes on in my mind.

Just looking at this is such a huge turn on, puts butterflies in my stomach, and gets my heart pounding faster
