#autumn prompt list

  1. The smell of campfire smoke in the air.
  2. The first frost of the season.
  3. Making your favorite apple-based dessert.
  4. Drowning in oversized sweaters.
  5. Raking up leaves and jumping into them.
  6. The chilly bite in the morning air.
  7. Decorating the front door with autumn wreaths.
  8. Going on a hayride.
  9. Participating in an apple bobbing contest.
  10. The haunting image of spindly, bare trees.
  11. Typing your jacket around your waist as the day heats up from the cold morning.
  12. Working at an apple orchard.
  13. Getting lost in a corn maze.
  14. The smell of nutmeg and cloves around every corner.
  15. Getting excited over fall season sports.
  16. Taking family photos.
  17. Drinking spiced cider.
  18. Wearing long scarves to keep warm.
  19. Starting to wear thick, woolen socks.
  20. Canning fruit and vegetables for the winter.
  21. Snacking on seasoned pumpkin seeds.
  22. The crunching of leaves beneath your shoes.
  23. Bare branches against the harvest moon.
  24. The ever-growing chill as each night goes by.
  25. Shopping for new fall attire.
  26. Drinking cinnamon-spiced tea.
  27. Collecting pretty leaves for later.
  28. Eating a dozen different kinds of pies.
  29. Making fall-themed crafts.
  30. Carving funny faces in pumpkins.
  31. The smell of buttery yams.
  32. Celebrating the end of harvest with a large feast.
  33. Making lots and lots of soup.
  34. Going to a harvest fair.
  35. Picking ripe fruit off a tree.
  36. Walking by a place that is said to be haunted.
  37. Taking hikes in the colorful forest.
  38. Wearing argyle-patterned clothing.
  39. Having a large family dinner involving turkey or ham.
  40. Breaking out the flannel sheets.
  41. Making homemade cider.
  42. Feeling the loss of time as the nights get longer and days get shorter.
  43. Going on mushroom picking trips.
  44. Making caramel-dipped apples.
  45. Planting flower bulbs that will bloom in the spring.
  46. Admiring the different hues of the fallen leaves.
  47. The smell of freshly-baked squash bread.
  48. Lighting fall-scented candles.
  49. Decorating the interior of your living space with pine cones, leaves, and small squash.
  50. Frost collecting on each blade of grass.