

A Melancholic Ring

Hullo, again! *✲゚*。✧٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶*✲゚*。✧

I am still working (yes, still) with The Ghost Author (I don’t have time ;;), but in the meanwhile I wrote this little piece.

Hope you like it! ♡

TW: There isa mayor character death, so please do be careful. 

PS: Some of the story backround is after the drabble. 

They needed to reach Ba Sing Se in four days, and they were in time, so Master Aizawa decided to rest for the night under a roof and in the morning try to buy or trade at the market. Thus, they were currently on a peasant’s home who had accepted a coin for their staying the night.

They were given a storage room, two straw mattress and some sheets to use. Izuku had taken the opportunity to go the the town’s public bathroom. Warm water sounded great after days of using any lake or pond they could find.

As he got back to the house and entered their room, he was taken aback by his Master: Master Aizawa was caresing a ring, an odd ring; as it seemed to be made of different colours, or materials. But with the lack of a lit candle, Izuku couldn’t be sure. What he was sure of was the expression on his teacher; the moonlight showed him that much. It differed from the bored expression he seemed to have as default. It almost looked….




‘S-Sorry for intruding, Master Aizawa.’ Izuku anxiously looked anywhere but at his teacher, waiting for his scolding. But Master Aizawa simply hid his ring.

‘Hmph. At this point, I’m not surprised. You never listen.’ The default expression was there again, yet not quite, Izuku noticed.


‘…your predecessor never did, either.’

A heavy silence filled the air.

‘…you mean, the former Avatar? Did you know him??’

‘…you could say so… yes, we were close.’

‘That’s amazing, Master Aizawa! I didn’t know!’

Which was saying something, because Izuku was All Might’s biggest fan: born in an air village, he easily learnt to control the four elements to become the next Symbol of Peace.

Izuku beamed, though he immediately regretted it. He had said something wrong; it definitely felt that way by Master Aizawa’s expression.


He is hurting.

‘Yeah, not many do.’ Master Aizawa looked at the ring, ‘It was less noisy that way.’

Not only Master Aizawa’s expression remained melancholic, but the air around them seemed to have turned shifted melancholic too.

‘Umm…’ Izuku wasn’t sure if it was wise to voice his question.

‘What is it.’

‘Ah- umm, I don’t want to intrude, but-’

‘Just ask. Don’t delay it.’

‘How was he like? I mean, I’ve heard stories, and I’ve yet to be on the Avatar mode, so…’

He was faced with a heavy silence, again. But this time, it felt more fragile.

He shouldn’t’ve asked.

‘So, I-I mean, what I wanted to say is, y-you don’t have to answer that, Master Aizawa! I shouldn't’ve ask-’

‘Kind. He was very kind. And gentle. Also illogical. Always sacrificing himself for others… He, too, was awkward when he didn’t know what to say, but whenever someone was in need he had all the right words. He saved not only people’s lives, but their hearts, too. Never stop smiling. Even when it rained… and all he needed was to let go…’

After a heavy silence, Izuku whispered, ‘That sounds sad…’

‘It’s the life he chose to live as Avatar; it’s illogical to feel sad. He wanted to bring peace and he did it. He knew there would have to be a price. That price, that decision… you say you want to be like him… I hope that when the time comes, you know what you’re getting yourself into. Or at least are ready enough to face the consequences of your decisions.’

‘Until that moment, I’ll train you so that you don’t rush into foolish and illogical actions.’

‘Y-Yes, Master Aizawa!’ Izuku rushed to say.

‘That’s what he would’ve wanted me to do.’ Izuku thought he heard his Master lament.

‘Now come on,’ his Master said as Izuku was pushed on by an air flow, ‘you still can’t go into Avatar mode, we need to change that. So go to sleep. We got a long day ahead.’

As Izuku rushed to follow his Master to their spot on the mattress, he couldn’t help thinking that there was more to the relationship they had. A story hiding sacrifice and loss for Aizawa, too…

He stopped walking.

‘Could that ring be…?’

Toshinori was the Avatar. Nana trained him while he was on his Avatar form.

Aizawa is an air bender, he was a night police in an earth town. His movements are always smooth and highly controlled. He takes no risks, makes no noise, he’s the best at his job. 

They met once Aizawa was patrolling and fell in love, eventually.

They both new Toshinori wanted to be more than the Avatar -someone who happened to be born with the ability to control the four elements-, he wanted to be a pillar, a Symbolfor people to live happily. The meaning of Avatar changed: Avatar meant a guardian of freedom, a Symbol of Peace. And the next Avatars in line were supposed to continue on that.

Toshinori fought a tremendous villain and defeated him, but the consequences were severe. He lived some years hiding his pain, until he couldn’t go on any more. He officially retired as the symbol of peace, though still an Avatar until death visited.

Toshinori died and left Shota behind ;; 

‘I wish it didn’t have to be like this. I wish I weren’t leaving you behind, Shouta.’

‘Worry about yourself. You need to rest.’

‘…Shouta, we both know… I won’t be here tomorrow….’

‘….I know.’

‘Just, lie with me one last time, would you?’ Toshinori whispered.

Shouta’s voice broke. ‘Always.’

They talked all night. Aizawa did most of the talking, though. They remembered the moment they met; their bad beginning, how they fell for each other, their calm nights together as well as the spicy nights… the people they met in their lives…. and wondered who the next Avatar would be after that night.

To honour him, Shouta finds Izuku and trains him: Izuku is the next avatar.

Shouta’s training starts with him, but ends up adding some more students in the end: Shoto, Katsuki and Tsuyu.
