


Characters: Bucky, reader, Rachel (ofc), Wanda, Tony Stark (mentioned) and a special guest. :D 

Summary: When a friend calls you in distress, you request Bucky’s expertise again to solve the problem. What you didn’t expect was to find a part of Bucky’s past to resurface and disrupt the life you’d built together. Can your relationship and foundation of trust hold up against this new challenge? And what does the future hold for you and Bucky? (art thief!Bucky AU)

Warnings: none, really. Tiny bit of angst and smidge of sexytimes. ;) 

Word Count: 8.6k

Author’s Note: I’m baaaaack!! Kinda. Ha! I’ve been working on some fics here and there but time and motivations are strange, untameable beasts. I’m so excited to share this new chapter! Please let me know your thoughts. I’ve missed you all. Thank you for your support and patience. :) 

<<<Holiday Fraud (pt 3)        Holiday Foe (pt 4)

Holiday Heist Series Masterlist



I need your help, Y/N. 

I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to turn. 

Please call as soon as you can. 

The first thing you saw upon checking your phone midway through your workday was a short string of texts from a friend that had you worried. Checking the time, you gave notice to your assistant that you’d be in the office, walked inside, and locked the door. 

That evening as you stepped out of a cab and up the steps to your New York brownstone’s front door, nervous flutters grew in your stomach. Hanging up your coat, you caught smells and sounds coming from the kitchen along with idle whistling, which made you smile even now. Those flutters were still frequent under normal circumstances now that you got to come home to James Buchanan Barnes, reformed art thief. 

Well. Mostly reformed. 

Following the sounds, you spotted him standing at the stovetop with his back to you, wearing those perfectly fitted trousers you loved and a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Swoon. He hadn’t heard you yet so you allowed yourself to linger in the doorway, enjoying the view. You loved to watch him moved about the kitchen, drying his hands and throwing a dish towel over his shoulder. He spotted you then and you stepped forward, meeting him half way. 

“Hey, gorgeous,” Bucky grinned, pressing a kiss to your lips with an arm wrapped around your waist. The other hand still held a spatula. 

“Hi,” you replied, returning the smile. 

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ANIKA!!! You’ve done it again, my dear! It’s been forever since I’ve been on here, but I’m so glad you tagged me in this delightful addition to one of my favorite series! ☺️ It was wonderful to drop back into the lives of our somewhat “star-crossed” () lovers…and she and Bucky seem to be in a really good place, but then along comes a spider… I have to admit that I did not see that twist at the end, but I definitely laughed out loud!! If only a certain could get a comeuppance in real life!! This was truly wonderful and it was refreshing to read something light and fluffy. Thanks for sharing, sweetie!



Characters: Frank Castle, reader, mentions of others.

Summary: Frank Castle wasn’t an easy man to love but that didn’t stop you. From the ranks of the military to following the newspapers reporting his crimes, you still loved him. Once you got a chance to protect him in the only way you knew how, you were never gonna let him go again. (Takes place after Daredevil season 2, before The Punisher) 

Warnings: Mentions of blood and death. Swearing. Sexy times bordering on smut?? idk. 

Word Count: 5.2k (including lyrics) 

Song Inspiration: “Lovin’ Every Minute of It” by Loverboy

A/N: I couldn’t stop myself. Seriously. Frank Castle has my heart and I’ve been binging Daredevil and Punisher for two weeks straight, mixed in with this song, It just had to happen. Please PLEASE let me know your thoughts. It’s been so long since I’ve been so jazzed about writing something. ANY feedback is adored and appreciated. Love you all! 



Smoke filling the air began to disperse, but the smell of gunfire still lingered. Bodies littered the ground, your boots splattered and now sticky with blood. Replacing your Glock in it’s holster strapped to your thigh, the heat of the muzzle was still warm through your tactical pants from being recently fired. 

Casting your gaze over the gory scene in a wooded clearing, you spotted the only other person standing, his eyes meeting yours. With a slight tilt of his head, he walked toward tree line and you followed, wiping away a trickle of blood that had run down your cheek from a cut above your eye. 

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