#avengers analysis


Trailer Analysis/Commentary: Pt. 2:

Ngl, it looks like she has a sandwich in front of her. Long hair so this is most likely a couple years later. She’s tired, it seems. I would be too tbh.

I haven’t watched Ant Man so this place might have relevance or smthg. Anyway, let’s zoom in on who’s missing for fun. Well, it looks like it says Tony P. Foreshadowing? Or is Tony gonna go missing after they defeat Thanos or smthg. Nope, reading too deep. Let’s move onnnnn

Quinjet in New York? Maybe Tony returning to Pepper? Did she survive the snap is the real question though. Probably not because Marvel loves to screw my faves over every time soooo

Small, pained smiles. Marvel’s trademark. Is this foreshadowing Nat’s death? Suicide mission? No one’s safe, so I wouldn’t be surprised tbh.


Who is Clint aiming at? This seems to be in the same tunnel as the explosion so whoever it is probably ya'know, exploded or caused the explosion. I think he knows this person. Not well enough to trust them fully, but enough. Otherwise, I have no doubts he would’ve already shot the person. This entire sequence is reminscent to me of the hold in a helicarrier, which we saw in the Avengers.

I swear to fucking god Marvel. If this is my baby dying, you bout’ to get fucked.

Trailer Analysis/Commentary: Pt. 1

I’ve never done this, so my theories are really out there so bear with meee.

Ok, so we get a couple shots of Tony talking to Pepper via his helmet along with a couple flashbacks to the Iron Man movies.

Sad Stevie

Clint with a young, teenage girl. Is this his daughter or Kate Bishop? I’m gonna lean more towards his daughter (and perhaps this is the role Katherine Langford is stepping into). It’s been a couple years post snap, so most likely this is Lila grown up. It doesn’t look like Clint has his mohawk yet, though, so what could’ve happened between this moment and him becoming Ronin? I’d also like to note the people in the background of the 2nd screenshot, with one seemingly standing beside what looks to be a picnic table…

The two in the field look to be a man and a child, while the person at the table looks to be a woman? Alright, this is hurting my head…let’s move on.

Again, what causes this transformation? The loss of his family is of course, the number one theory. Maybe he didn’t lose his family as a result of the snap though, and from some other force?

Does she have an umbrella? Do assassins use umbrellas? Who are the two behind her? Perhaps she was sent to collect Clint because they need his help in the Quantum Realm. Idk, she looks kinda businessy.

No, this is too sad. Go way feelings.
