#avengers art


“This Is Not a Question I Need to Answer”

it’s not about “Clint jumping off instead of Natasha”. it’s about “not having to die for the infinity stones just as it is in comic book canon”.

Ready to Shoot

just wanted to redraw the cover of one of the comics from the first volume of Ultimates, specifically the issue in which Natasha made her debut. the angle really gets me hooked

Into the Iron-Verse

ladies and gentlemen.. introducing… Tony Starks

Earth-1610, Earth-616 and Earth-199999 won the lottery to give away the best and most brilliant men.


pov: everything’s the same, but during the “Winter Soldier” plot, Natasha ties her hair in a ponytail.

estimate the level of pain if she whips her ponytail in opponent’s face from “very painful” to “death”


requested by @zombies-pandas-potter-trek-omg

students Tony and Natasha, who do not change their tradition of lying on the table, are discussing their common research project.. or a plan to steal donuts from the cafeteria? no one knows
