#awkward af



After several long, blushing moments, Elliot finally broke the silence. He mumbled, “Um. Listen. When I said I thought you were cute, I meant that in a manly, platonic sort of way. I mean, it’s not that you’re not cute, but I didn’t mean to sound emasculating. I don’t think of you as girly, despite your long hair. You’re also hot, in a studly sort of way, and, and, and, I’m just digging myself in deeper, aren’t I?” He squeezed his eyes shut as if trying to make the whole world go away. Where was that demonic duck when you really needed him?

Noah’s awkward expression slowly gave way to a grin. “You do not know how to handle this, do you?”

Elliot sighed and reluctantly opened his eyes. “What, finding guys attractive? No, not at all. It’s…not something I ever knew about myself. Until recently.” He grimaced, and muttered, “Until meeting you.”

“Well, for starters, you might wish to treat that attraction the same way you would an attraction to a pretty woman. How would you approach complimenting, say, Susan?”

Elliot snorted. “With a ten foot pole?” he suggested wryly.

“Very well, maybe she was not the best example. Perhaps a better question would be, how would your girlfriend feel about you expressing appreciation for the appearance of another woman. Or man.”

“Oh.Oh! Uh, yeah. That is a consideration.” Elliot couldn’t believe he’d forgotten about Ashley in the middle of all of this.

“Unless the two of you are in an open polyamorous relationship?…” Noah suggested hopefully.

“Um. Well, not to the best of my knowledge.”

Noah blinked. “I…what? That is not… What?” He looked utterly confused.

Elliot sighed. “Our relationship is…complicated. Let’s just say, we haven’t discussed that possibility, but…knowing her, it’s not something that’s outside of the realm of possibility.”

Noah’s eyebrows shot up. Well, at least the one Elliot could see. He assumed the other one was up too. “I see. I must admit, I never got that impression of Ashley, but I have only met her a few times.” His smile slowly returned. “Well. In that case. Might I suggest you have a heart-to-heart conversation with her about the subject, and we can return to this discussion at a later date?”

Elliot stared at Noah, eyes wide, his blush returning in full force. He was surprised at just how forward Noah was being, but then again, he’d always been almost painfully blunt. He smiled back. “Yeah. That sounds like a good idea.”

“In the meantime, those middle-schoolers have finally cleared off the court, so let us go throw some hoops, as they say.”

Elliot laughed. “Shirts versus skins again?” He and Noah peeled off their t-shirts simultaneously.

“How about, skins versus skins,” replied Noah with a knowing smile. He let his gaze linger appreciatively on Elliot’s pecs for a moment.

Elliot grinned and trotted onto the court. He tossed the basketball to Noah. “Don’t think I’m going to go easy on you just because you’re cute.”

Noah grinned back. “Likewise, I’m sure.”

Story by @chauffeurdad.
