


The Beast

You return to your hometown after dropping out of university. If the shame of it wasn’t bad enough, you are forced to comfront old mistakes and a persistent stalker.

Fandoms: MCU, Captain America

Genre: Mostly suspense, some drama, horror and smut.

Ships: Steve Rogers x Reader

Word Count: 4.3k

Chapter Warnings: Kidnapping, blood, gore, threats of violence, body horror, minor character death

Series Warnings: Smut, dubcon, sweat, violence, gore, body horror, minor character death.

Part 1-Part 2-Part 3 -Part 4

You ran out of sympathy for Steve and his injuries real fast. TJ’s friends had been declared as missing, disappearing without trace or warning. No reply to your brother’s texts, no messages to their own families, nothing.

Just like David.

Milton hadn’t turned up either. His neighbors saw him leaving the house in the morning, and they never saw him returning that night. Calls and messages went unanswered, his car had remained in the parking lot, and nothing in the house gave any signs that he had gone on an impromptu trip.

It was bad enough for your town that four people had gone missing in two days, you didn’t need your father to be the fifth.

You and your mother had begged him – don’t go with Steve, he can find someone else – and he seemed like he would listen to you, until he was offered double his usual rate.

Maybe your father would’ve respected your wishes, but your family needed the money, and he wasn’t scared of anything. He had left on Steve’s car hours ago, and you hadn’t heard of him since.

You sat in the kitchen all afternoon, waiting for him, as did your mother. She didn’t talk to you, didn’t even look at you, her eyes never straying from the ticking clock. You rolled your cellphone in between your hands. Your father hadn’t picked up any of your calls since he left.

It was dark out when the house phone rang. Both you and your mother ran to it, but you were faster. You pulled on the handset, and in your hurry almost ripped the entire thing off the wall. Your mother must’ve thought you had done so if her gasp was anything to go by.


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I am without words!!!

This last chapter was absolutely terrifying until the end!

This last chapter really was the reaching peak! Seeing Reader being clawed in deeper and deeper. The intense, internal panic you can feel just reading this fic–this chapter as Reader goes into the cave.

The way that the ending reads too, it definitely feels like everything is right in the world, but in the back of my head, I’m still thinking about David and that lump of flesh, still thinking about how completely weak and out of body Reader was before she turned.

The ending is very open-ended, and it leaves so much room to answer even more questions that I have!!!


Paid in Blood


You return to your hometown after dropping out of university. If the shame of it wasn’t bad enough, you are forced to comfront old mistakes and a persistent stalker.

Fandoms: MCU, Captain America

Genre: Mostly suspense, some drama, horror and smut.

Ships: Steve Rogers x Reader

Word Count:3k

Chapter Warnings: Blood, implied violence, implied animal abuse, (in story) fictional violence

Series Warnings: Smut, dubcon, sweat, violence, gore, body horror, minor character death.

Part 1-Part 2 -Part 3 -Part 5


The curtains of your bedroom window swayed in the breeze, mocking.

You can open us,” they conspired. “There’s nothing weird outside! Yank us open with one pull!

You weren’t crazy enough to listen to random voices in your head, but curiosity was killing you. Just a peek shouldn’t hurt. You tugged on the fabric, just enough for a sliver or light to invade the room, and looked out.

You weren’t sure what you had been expecting. Steve was still loitering outside. When he came to your house that morning, asking for you, your mother promptly told him to fuck off. He hadn’t even come close to the front door since then, but he’d stayed on the other side of the street, pacing before the silhouette of trees swathed by vines in the vacant lot across your home, knowing you’d have to come out at some point.

You wished Steve was the sort of person you could call the cops on. The one time you tried it, you woke up to a different dead animal rotting on your windowsill every day for two weeks.

This couldn’t go on. He had terrorized the town for as long as you could remember, even more after David’s disappearance. If he wouldn’t respect your mother, if public opinion didn’t cow him, if he wasn’t scared of the police, you’d deal with him yourself.

Your mother shouted at you from the kitchen as you sprinted by, asking you where you were going. You ignored her. If you didn’t do this now, you didn’t think you’d find the guts to do it later.

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Girl I love this chapter!!!! It’s a bubbling pot of emotions right here!

Like the Reader really gets to see Steve at his most weakest—AND SYMPATHIZING with him so much!!! She feels so much guilt!!! Urrghhh—

And it only lasts for so long before we find out Milton is missing. The descriptions that you left for Milton’s disappearance starts off so nonchalantly before the climax at the end where reader finally realizes that THIS IS SERIOUS CALL THE COPS!!!

It only adds to the wonderful and mysterious town that is Lupercalia.




You return to your hometown after dropping out of university. If the shame of it wasn’t bad enough, you are forced to comfront old mistakes and a persistent stalker.

Fandoms: MCU, Captain America

Genre: Mostly suspense, some drama, horror and smut.

Ships: Steve Rogers x Reader

Word Count: 3.8k

Chapter Warnings: Smut, dubcon, unprotected sex, sweat, mention of murder, mention of cannibalism

Series Warnings: Smut, dubcon, sweat, violence, gore, body horror, minor character death.

We get to the good bit

Part 1 -Part 2


The day at work rolled by slow and lazy, as they always did since you moved back. You weren’t made for the dullness of the countryside, the sameness in every day and every thought. All you wanted was a small place in a big city, dwelling among an infinite number of strangers, was that so much to ask?

You were playing with a stack of tuna cans when the store phone rang. Milton picked it up and you tuned out the half of the conversation he was having, too focused on building your fish pile. You had made good progress on the base of the structure when your boss found you, kneeling on the floor, trying to recreate the Eiffel Tower.

“I need you to deliver something,” he said, showing you two heavy-looking plastic bags. At least he wasn’t mad at you for playing with food.

“Sure.” You tried not to grimace as you remembered you had come with the bike, having made the rookie mistake of wearing a summer dress for work that day. “Where am I going?”

“To Steve’s. He can’t come pick up his usual today.”

Maybe you’d misheard him. “Uh, sorry. Which Steve?”

Milton gave you a funny look. “Rogers.” Of course. No other Steve came to this place, let alone have a ‘usual’.

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Ugh this chapter—THIS CHAPTER!!!

When I read this chapter, my jaw dropped. Like at the back of my of my head I’m thinking that they’re not gonna do it—they’re not gonna do it onlyto see it all happen and reader giving him all of herself!!!

Ughhh, I don’t want to speculate, but I swear this chapter makes me think that this is a werewolf fic or A/B/O of some kind. I can’t remember what you told me. Haha!

But also can we talk about how my knees dropped at this scene?

Marcie you’re MURDERING MEEEE—


Alpha and Omega part 1

Dark!Alpha!Tony Stark x Omega!reader x Dark!Alpha! Steve Rogers

Summary: As a Omega, You were destined to have a Alpha or even two, which means you would be a breeding slave for your Alpha. Alphas were known to be cruel, brutal and extremely possessive. As an Omega you know better than to show yourself. Especially when you have two Alphas who were also Avengers. 

Warnings: NON-CON,smut,oral, anal, Dark!Alpha/Omega verse, soulmates, all Avengers are dark and Alphas, hunting, using of collars and chains, Omega sharing, forced breeding, forced pregnancy, Dark and triggering themes, 18+!!!!


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Oh my gosh! This is so beautifully hot! I love A/B/Os, but I especially love tropes like these that include some type of soulmate mark on them! It just makes the dark!fic so much intense and scarier when Reader actually knows who to avoid… and when her Alphas know who she is too.

There’s definitely no escaping these two, but I’m excited for when they finally catch her. Haha~


Nothing Changes


Fandoms: MCU, Captain America

Genre: Mostly suspense, some drama, horror and smut.

Ships: Steve Rogers x Reader

Word Count:2.7k

Chapter Warnings: Nothing in particular

Series Warnings: Smut, dubcon, sweat, violence, gore, body horror, minor character death.

Part 1


You had abused your parents hospitality for three whole weeks, paying no bills, helping with no rent, and only occasionally doing the dishes, grocery shopping being the chore you did most reliably. They were sympathetic of your strife, but they couldn’t support you forever. They didn’t have much money, and your youngest brother’s NEETness was already a drain on their resources. You had to find a way to bring home the bacon, because your father’s gigs, your mother’s handmade sweaters and their measly social security checks weren’t cutting it anymore. Luckily, your latest supply run had also supplied you with employment.

“I could use the help,” Milton had told you as he helped you carry your bags to the car. “If you want it.”

“Are you kidding? Of course I want it!”

He looked happy with your enthusiasm, then his face fell and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I can only pay minimum wage, though.”

“Every job here only pays minimum wage,” you’d rolled your eyes and smiled in return. “Anything is a big help, seriously. So, when do I come in?”

You discussed your hours, and you were happy to find your employer to be tolerant with them. He wouldn’t chew you out for coming in a few minutes late or leaving a few minutes early, there was no uniform or dress-code, and if you needed a day off you could just warn him and he’d let you off the hook. He’d been running the shop by himself for a while, he explained, and he could still do it when necessary. He just appreciated the help.

It was nice to be appreciated.

You were in a good mood when you got home, but it soured fast when you saw the pickup truck parked in your driveway, blocking the garage.

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Girl I am absolutely going FERAL over the tension between Steve and Reader. Like holy hell the stare down that they had at her house and then WHEN STEVE MEETS HER AGAIN!!!

Like when she says morning and the first thing that this man says is:

So you’re stayingand

I don’t care for lies. Especially yours.

Girl you got me doing BACKFLIPS just from knowing this Steve. Ohhh lord I know his man is going to turn into an animal when he finally has her. Haha~

And I really do love the backstory you’ve added with Reader and Jessie. It feels so spontaneous, and it’s very much left us wondering what happened in the past!



You return to your hometown after dropping out of university. If the shame of it wasn’t bad enough, you are forced to comfront old mistakes and a persistent stalker.

Fandoms:MCU, Captain America

Genre:Mostly suspense, some drama, horror and smut.

Ships: Steve Rogers x Reader

Word Count: 2k

Chapter Warnings: Nothing in particular

Series Warnings: Smut, dubcon, sweat, violence, gore, body horror, minor character death.

An old work I’m finally getting around to finishing and posting. Decide to finally get done with it thanks to @searchforanotherway​‘s pep talk. It’ll be posted in 5 parts. Kinda experimental.

You had missed summers back home.

Nah. Who were you kidding? You had never liked the heat, and your three year stint in Chicago had spoiled you. Now home felt more like hell.

“You gotta fix your AC, Milton,” you told the man bagging your groceries as you wiped a bead of sweat from the back of your neck.

“Don’t I know,” he snorted and pointed at his dewy forehead “I called a guy couple days ago. Never showed up.”

“You can’t trust electricians from outta town when they’ve got no competition. They get complacent, you know? If you don’t know how to fix it, I can ask dad to come take a look. He’ll do it for cheap.”

“You sure? Can he still do that with-”

“He can still climb a few steps.”

“Alright, then,” he smiled “he can come in whenever we’re open.”

We. Milton had been the only one manning the store since his wife went missing nearly three years ago, but he still said we.

“I’ll tell him. Now pack up my shit; If I have to stay another minute I’m getting in the ice machine.” It wasn’t just the heat that had you impatient. At this time of day, anyone could walk in, anyone you didn’t want to see.

He chortled, but it was muffled by the sound of the door being opened up to its hinges and the rattle of the glass in the storefront windows. You turned to look at who had entered and had to resist your urge to grimace. Steve was the second to last person you wanted to meet, but then again, none in town ever wanted to meet Steve.

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The wonderful tension between Steve and Reader that we already get is going to twist tighter and tighter and HOLY LORD I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT BREAK!!!

Lupercal is so beautiful! You can already envision it so well!! And the world building is only gonna add on and on until you fall into the magical rabbit hole that transports you to this town!

Y’all are gonna get hooked into it SOO BADD!!!
