#ba-dum tsh






sometimes you start reading a fic and immediately you’re like OH this was written by a child. okay. please know that i am proud of you but also i cannot keep reading this

“this kid is in eighth grade, and their teacher just told them that using ‘said’ is bad, so they’re plumbing the depths of the dictionary for every single other dialogue tag that exists - and some that don’t - and I’m proud of them for expanding their vocabulary, but I must depart all the same”

This needs to be like on this post for reals

But hey, remember, no matter how many different words you use for “said,” you cannot equal Frances Hodges Burnett in “A Little Princess.”

Namely: “Ejaculated.”

There are these two mean girls ™ - Lavinia and Jesse? I think? Anyway, at one point the text is all, “Goodness me,” Lavinia ejaculated, “how we can calculate!”

sm0l(but having gone through US 5th grade)! Subtilior:

Anyway. There’s a lot of ejaculate flying around those pages, is all I’m saying. Stick with “said.”

Our daughter is still working on her left and right, so to help her, we got her some running shoes with Frozen characters on them. The design on each shoe is different, Anna on one, Elsa on the other. To help her remember which is which, I told her:

“Elsa goes on the left. ELsa, what starts with L? Left.”

“Which one does Anna go on, Daddy?”

“Anna da other foot.”


Just wanted to appreciate this detail of Brian May’s PhD thesis:


“Various pressures”


“Various pressures”


“Various pressures”


“Various pressures”
