#dad jokes

May the Force be with You

May the Force be with You

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this is so cute and wholesome and I’m dead over it I’m crying

I got some cowboy boots the other day, you could say it was a spur of the moment decision.

Our daughter is still working on her left and right, so to help her, we got her some running shoes with Frozen characters on them. The design on each shoe is different, Anna on one, Elsa on the other. To help her remember which is which, I told her:

“Elsa goes on the left. ELsa, what starts with L? Left.”

“Which one does Anna go on, Daddy?”

“Anna da other foot.”

“Do you want to see my pecker???”

*puckers my lips and pecks you on the corner of the mouth* my lips!!! hahaha.. jokes for days - Lame joke Dujour - eUë

dad jokes

Any time I hear someone mention they’re sensitive to scents I’m like, “No, no you’re doing it wrong. You’re doing it entirely wrong.” I just want to go up to them and kind of disapprovingly say “No, you’re not sensitive.” And when they become all indignant and defensive and draw in a huge breath to comment on how callous and unfeeling I am? “You’re scentsitive.”

It would be glorious.

°°° ( Overheard at the Mayo Clinic … ? } °°°

science jokes are the best jokes

New headcanon:

Alfor told dad jokes. All. The. Time. Oftentimes they were the corniest dad jokes there are.

It used to annoy the heck out of Allura, but now that he’s gone she finds she really misses his dorky sense of humour.

Corny Placenta joke of the day: Q: How does a placenta reach out to their dear departed loved ones? 

CornyPlacenta joke of the day: 

Q: How does a placenta reach out to their dear departed loved ones? 

A: With its ouija cord!

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PUN-PRESSIONS! Part 8 = Puns + Impressions


For Terrible Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

Don’t hate me.

My humor consists of holding random objects at my dad’s face and telling him “you’re [object] in a mildly aggressive tone and him doing the same.


*while making a salad*

Me: You are "fork”

Dad: You are “lettuce”

Extra points if you can also throw the object at the other person ex.“ You are” napkin"

I’m am almost done with in college :)

James Potter is the kind of person that would make even more shitty dad jokes to tell his friends Lily’s pregnant.

This just in…

Freezing cold boy goes to corner because it is 90 degrees

Where does an angry sailor go?

Anchor management

What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta!

What do you call a belt made of watches?

Waist of time

Junior web developer

This just in… Paper had a tearable day

What do you call a crying sister?

A crisis

Why was Grandma banned from Thanksgiving Dinner?She used fowl language.

Why was Grandma banned from Thanksgiving Dinner?

She used fowl language.

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What soup is out of this world?A Souperstar

What soup is out of this world?

A Souperstar

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 Why shouldn’t teenagers go to jail? Because their face will break out.

Why shouldn’t teenagers go to jail? 

Because their face will break out.

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