#baby batchers


Imagine newly graduated bad batcher going on their first mission. They looked like the regs but with their modified gear.

Then during a mission Wrecker got a Tooka. Name not yet chosen. Wrecker is overjoyed with his new companion.

Also during that they saw regs with their painted armours and unit colours. Crosshair suggested something dark and menacing. And that they wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. With the exception of Tech they chose black, red and grey. Wrecker also made newly named Lula into the bad batcher!

They also had an argument on what they should use as the symbol. Wrecker obviously suggested Lula. But it was quickly shot down. It made Wrecker sad that they would disregard the suggestion. They all came up that a skull would make them look for scary and dangerous.

But Crosshair even though really cold helped Wrecker put a Lula marking on his armour. To support Wrecker he put a Lula marking on the external pack (the back pack thing that attach to their armour) where he store and carries his Firepunch.
