#baby prompts

  1. Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
  2. Shopping for nursery furniture for little one.
  3. Holding the little one for the first time.
  4. Being immensely proud when little one takes their first steps alone.
  5. Little one’s first reaction to seeing/feeling snow.
  6. Singing nursery rhymes to get little one to sleep.
  7. Finger painting with little one.
  8. Little one getting food all over their face.
  9. Going on a walk together with little one.
  10. Little one coming to sleep with you after having a bad dream.
  11. Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
  12. Little one’s first birthday.
  13. Keeping little one from trying to eat crayons.
  14. Little one’s first trip to the zoo or aquarium.
  15. Showing little one a lightning bug for the first time.
  16. Little one sticking their toes in their mouth.
  17. Little one pulling on your hair with surprising strength.
  18. Helping little one go down a slide at the park.
  19. Little one needing an emergency bath.
  20. Tickling little one’s chubby thighs until they laugh.
  21. Singing songs and rocking little one to sleep.
  22. Reading a book with little one on your lap.
  23. Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
  24. Playing airplane/train to get little one to open their mouth and take a bite of food.
  25. Little one chasing after bubbles to pop them.
  26. Playing peek-a-boo with little one.
  27. Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.
  28. Playing “This Little Piggy” on little one’s toes.
  29. Having little one help mix cookie dough.
  30. Little one eating a slice of fruit and getting juice all down their chin.
  31. Kissing little one where they got hurt to make the pain go away.
  32. Little one stripping their clothes and running around in their diaper.
  33. Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.
  34. Little one biting everything they can stick in their mouth as they teethe.
  35. Little one sticking pretzel sticks up their nose.
  36. Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
  37. Having little one help flip pancakes.
  38. Giving little one a raspberry on their tummy after changing their diaper.
  39. Watching little one go in and out of the kiddie pool.
  40. Little one pointing out colors and shapes that they recognize.
  41. Having little one wear their first formal wear.
  42. Little one drifting off to sleep with a smile on their face.
  43. Little one settling down after you finally figure out what they need.
  44. Choosing little one’s name together.
  45. Watching little one attempt to blow the seeds off a dandelion.
  46. Little one getting in a laughing kick where everything is funny.
  47. The first time little one picks their own outfit.
  48. Little one chasing down the pet to rest their head on them and hold them tight.
  49. Being unable to stay mad at little one when they give you puppy dog eyes.
  50. Little one playing dress up with a grown-up set of shoes.