#babygirl sfw


Hey guys! If you are new here, its great to meet you! Please remember that I am sfw and do not want anyone with nsfw content following me. Thank you!

Hey guys! I know I’ve been gone for a while. I’m back for now. I have just had a lot of family stuff going on. Hopefully I will have some enjoyable content for y’all soon!

Oh also I’m going in like 4 days to see her again!! I can’t wait!!

I forgot to post pictures from when I went to see my girlfriend!!

Looks at what’s I gots! My girlfriend talked me into getting them!

My hair is green now also!! Well.. its black and green. My roots are black and the ends are green. Anyways that be all

Oh! My stuffie count is up to 36 and I’m supposed to get another one next week from my girlfriend! I can’t wait! She already gave me 3!

Looks I drew another thingy (it was based off of something on the internet)

Guys!! Looks what I drews! Ish not da best but ish still cute

Okie so update on my girlfriend. I think she is a caregiver of some sort. I’m scared to ask her though.. So she always wants whats best for me and gets upset if I don’t take care of myself. Also can I just tell y’all about this thing that happened? Well Imma tell y’all anyways. So last week or so, I was up late on the phone with her and I wanted some soda. Well she told me no cuz it was too late for soda and I wasn’t having it so I ignored her and got some anyways while she said no to me. Wellll now I’m no longer allowed to have soda past 9 at night. Also she thinks the things that I get excited about are adorable and always tells me how she’s proud of me. And guess what? She means it! and yee so here is my explaination of how I think she is a caregiver of some sort but shall never ask
