

Well hello there, Mr. Smith!

What?, *giggle* you don’t recognize me? Really?

It’s Alice! ‘Little Alice Laughlin’ from down the street. I used to babysit your kids remember?

Now, it’s coming back to you, huh? *giggle*

I know, I’ve done some growing up! And you’ve done some growing down! *giggle*

Awww, now don’t be embarrassed! It’s, like, super common these days! Nothing to be ashamed of.

As for what I’m doing here, well… I’m still in the babysitting game. The adult babysitting game now. Much more lucrative than watching kids.

Awww, poor thing! Your wife didn’t tell you?

Well, I’m sure she had her reasons. But while she’s away on her big important business trip I’ll be here to keep you company and to keep you safe!

I’m sure she was just worried about you. It must be hard having become so small. And im sure it was equally hard losing your job because of your height. People, especially the women in the office, just don’t respect a manager that comes up to their belly button. That’s a shame.

It’s a good thing your wife went back to work! And I hear she’s doing great. Making a much bigger salary than you ever did!

I mean, she’s practically paying me more than you used to make just to babysit.

Oh yeah, we discussed your old salary. We discussed all kinds of things about you! *giggle*

Women are the ones that bring home the bacon now. That’s just the world we live in. But don’t worry! Little boys like you will always have a special place at home, waiting to greet us after a hard day’s work. Kind of like pets! *giggle*

Now, go wash up and get ready for bed! Your wife says she grabbed you some nice new PJs to keep you warm. They’re the kinds with feet and a butt flap! *giggle* SO adorable.

It’s going to be such a fun week for us both, Mr. Smith.

Oh, I forgot, she told me not to refer to you like that anymore. She said it would confuse who is actually in charge. She told me to call you Billy.

No, not William. Billy. She was very specific!

Your wife also said if I do a good job she may just pay me to be your full time nanny from now on! Wouldn’t that be great?!
