

“Soon” Tanisha softly growled, placing her warm hand gently against the cool, clear glass of the window.

The cocoa goddess could feel herself swelling. Feel herself getting wet. “It will all be…” *Uuungh…* “MINE”

Her breathing got heavy, and so did the weight of her expanding backside. The table she rested on was practically groaning. But Tanisha paid it no mind.

It was just a weak little object. Like those buildings outside the window. Those “skyscrapers”. They didn’t look so big from her point of view.

She gazed at her hand and sized it up against those steel and concrete structures in the distance.

Her lengthening fingers spread across the glass. Her hand soon stretched longer than the office buildings that were a mere few blocks away. She liked the image in her mind.

*Uuuunngh! Fuck!* She whined in pleasure.

“VERY soon!”

The window glass began to crack, and the table underneath Tanisha gave way…

Well hello there, Mr. Smith!

What?, *giggle* you don’t recognize me? Really?

It’s Alice! ‘Little Alice Laughlin’ from down the street. I used to babysit your kids remember?

Now, it’s coming back to you, huh? *giggle*

I know, I’ve done some growing up! And you’ve done some growing down! *giggle*

Awww, now don’t be embarrassed! It’s, like, super common these days! Nothing to be ashamed of.

As for what I’m doing here, well… I’m still in the babysitting game. The adult babysitting game now. Much more lucrative than watching kids.

Awww, poor thing! Your wife didn’t tell you?

Well, I’m sure she had her reasons. But while she’s away on her big important business trip I’ll be here to keep you company and to keep you safe!

I’m sure she was just worried about you. It must be hard having become so small. And im sure it was equally hard losing your job because of your height. People, especially the women in the office, just don’t respect a manager that comes up to their belly button. That’s a shame.

It’s a good thing your wife went back to work! And I hear she’s doing great. Making a much bigger salary than you ever did!

I mean, she’s practically paying me more than you used to make just to babysit.

Oh yeah, we discussed your old salary. We discussed all kinds of things about you! *giggle*

Women are the ones that bring home the bacon now. That’s just the world we live in. But don’t worry! Little boys like you will always have a special place at home, waiting to greet us after a hard day’s work. Kind of like pets! *giggle*

Now, go wash up and get ready for bed! Your wife says she grabbed you some nice new PJs to keep you warm. They’re the kinds with feet and a butt flap! *giggle* SO adorable.

It’s going to be such a fun week for us both, Mr. Smith.

Oh, I forgot, she told me not to refer to you like that anymore. She said it would confuse who is actually in charge. She told me to call you Billy.

No, not William. Billy. She was very specific!

Your wife also said if I do a good job she may just pay me to be your full time nanny from now on! Wouldn’t that be great?!

Kady had grown up a prim and proper girl in the restrictive environment constructed and lorded over by her overprotective, overbearing mother.

She never got to do anything she wanted. And she was too petite, too meek, and too suppressed to object. She missed out on alot of experiences, and always felt small and silenced.

But once she got to college, thousands of miles from her authoritative mom, the floodgates opened.

It was very freeing for Kady, but things admittedly went off the rails. Drinks, drugs, sex, partying, and all in excess. She had gotten herself into many frightening and dangerous situations in her relentless search for the fun and excitement she craved for so long.

But whatever she did, she always felt small and empty the next day. There was always an empty space. And Kady knew this all stemmed from her ultra suppressed childhood.

Kady always told herself things would be different when she had a child of her own. She decided long ago that when the time came, her future children would never be placed under the limitations that she was subjected to. They would never be made to feel small and weak. And most importantly they would never be told “No”.

When Kady found out she was pregnant in her senior year, she cried the whole night through. But when she awoke the next day, in contrast to all her other hard nights, she did not feel empty. She actually felt full. Full of purpose. Full of hope. Full of life.

Flash forward a few months to a swollen baby belly and Kady was living her best life. She daydreamed of a grand future for her daughter as she sipped on the fruity growth tonic. The black market drink sent time release expansion molecules surging through her body, and to the baby.

Kady imagined her daughter in elementary school, getting straight A’s through the intimidation of being twice the height of her little teachers. Kady was made to work relentlessly for her grades.

Then she imagined her daughter in high school, easily winning every game for her basketball team, and threatening to stomp on her opponents flat like gum on the bottom of her sneakers if they even dared to try and stop her. Kady had never been allowed to play sports.

And then she imagined her daughter as a grown woman. Probably the massive CEO of a massive company. Addressing all the staff at once and giving orders to the tinies as she stood like a collosus in front of the mirrored skyscraper headquarters. The One that would only reach her chest level. Kady would be so proud of her ceiling busting baby girl.

All she had to decide on now was a name for the not so little lady to be. She sucked down more of the growth tonic and pondered.

Fionna? As in, attack of the 50 foot Fionna?

Mary? As in monster mega Mary?

Jenna? As in Gigantic Jenna?

The list and the daydreaming and the drinking of the purplish liquid went on as the baby kicked happily inside her prideful mother’s belly. Big things were on the horizon.

Off work for the next few days. Would truly love to receive some size asks. I’ll answer just about anything.

Also, going to try and force myself to write up some captions to pictures I’ve been collecting over the last couple weeks.

I also accept pics/ideas if you aren’t a story writer yourself. Can’t promise I’ll use them, but sometimes it’s the right inspiration I need!

Kim entered her friends apartment and was shocked when she had to crane her neck upward to see Victoria

“Yeah, I’m a little bit taller. 6'7” or 6'8". I’ll probably go up even more by tomorrow. Its not like its a big deal or anything"

“Uggg, what are you, like, jealous or something? *giggle* I’ll bet you are. It’s about time. Look, some people have it and some people don’t, ok? Some people, me for instance, were born to grow as big as they can and go on to do big important things. Others… like you… are destined to be small… and to serve big people like me”

“Yes. SERVE. Whats the matter? Don’t like my new confidence? Poor little kimmy is feeling inferior for once”

“Oh, my necklace? Why yes, it is glowing. I’m honestly surprised you can see it from down there. Do you like it? Your boyfriend got it for me.”

“Oh yeah, he totally did. Said it would look much better on me than on you.”

“Haha, you catch on quick, pipsqueak! The necklace DOES have something to do with my new stature…”

“And just wait until you see Greg…”

“Mhmmm, this necklace is part of a matching set…”

The floorboards shook underneath the two girls as the front door opened, revealing a huge hulk of a man bending down and squeazing through the frame with much difficulty

“Oh, hey babe!” The big baritone voice shook Kim to her core

“Give you back the credit card? Yeah… not gonna happen, shorty. I’ve still got a TON of stuff to buy. Not to mention drinks! And besides, aren’t you a little smallfor it?”

“Haha, if you couldn’t handle a little teasing then you definitely shouldn’t have booked the trip here. You knew the shrinking virus was rampant on this island”

“Look, just sit back and enjoy the view, baby doll. Because I’m having FUN and I’m NOT going to stop anytime soon just to make you more comfortable”

“Whats that? A sip of my drink? *giggle* Sorry, little guy. Alcohol is for BIG people. I’ll get you a juice box or something”

“But be good for the rest of the day while I’m on my shopping spree and MAYBE I’ll let you lotion my tits up on the beach”

“Best vacation ever, dont you agree?”

Giantess 巨大娘 丸呑み 映像集 91

#giantess    #sizeplay    #fem dom    #female domination    #female giant    #giantwomen    #giant women    #giantwoman    #giant woman    #female giants    

Ever since watching To Your Eternity me and a friend have been feedback loop teasing each other back and forth about the idea of a giant, wolf-like Fushi AU. You know who you are-

Fushi ~ To Your Eternity

My sona, Kai, going through a sudden growth spurt! My friend @friendlyfoxpal once described my love to grow and fill spaces as being “crunch cozy”. I wanted to capture the feel of why growth is my favorite theme, and how the idea of getting cramped and feeling squished is a positive experience for me!

(There’s supposed to be scales, wings, and a tail, too, but I narrowed the scope for my own sanity.)

Kai ~ @dodecameter
