#back at work


Thursday just gone was my first day back at work. It was only a 4.5 hours shift and a very quiet one at that, but once I was home my back and legs decided they’d had enough. So I ended up spending the rest of the day in bed, in discomfort. The shift itself was fine though; I was a little more tired than I have been recently, but I was expecting that. 

 My second day back (a 4 hour shit) was a little more interesting: I spent the last hour or so with a full body tremor. It was only low level, so no one really noticed, but it wasn’t all that fun. I also had to use the inhaler that my neuro team gave me at the start of my treatment a few times as my chest was feeling really tight. I also felt more drained than my first day back, but then that makes sense seeing as how I’d worked the day before too. The first half hour after work I was fine, although the tremor continued, but after that my left leg became oddly painful (possibly the bone pain I was warned about?). That continued until I took some paracetamol and had a rest (not sure which helped more to be honest).

All in all it wasn’t as bad as I’d expected but I did come away from work smelling of anti-bac! 

(I work as a sales assistant by the way.)
