#ball python


looking good even though he’s in blue

it was at this moment that he smelled the cheese boi

if you look carefully his eye color matches the stripe on his face

the best Christmas boi

this is my son, his name is Louie, and his hobbies include peeing on people in petsmart and wrecking the decor in his enclosure.


The farm is now on TikTok!

Don’t forget to follow me on TikTok for more oodles of noodles

Help support me as a teenage author on Kickstarter!


fans of stripes are quaking rn

every reptile made it to colorado alive and in one piece despite our 15 hour drive but the pods aren’t here yet with their enclosures so they’re all still in pillowcases and/or tiny tubs and pissed <3


she’s just gorgeous like i don’t even have a silly caption for these she just blows me away lol

she looks at me like she has secrets

“why r we out here”
