#bang chan reaction


It was instinct in you to start humming as you listened to the song playing on the radio, tapping your hand against the side of the coffee machine as you waited for it to clean. The store was empty, which was lucky for you after another long night of studying, making life easy.

There was a bitterness in your heart as you enjoyed the song, recognising each one of the voices that sung it. Each one of them had a connection to you, but one in particular meant more to you than most, even after several years apart.

Once the coffee machine was clean, you turned back to the counter to see it was still clear, sighing in relief. Unlike the till, the tables were busy, watching as some people studied, others chattered, and some just enjoyed the peace and quiet of the café after taking a walk in the fresh spring air that was outside.

Deciding not to stand around, you spun back and began to wipe down one of the counters that you were yet to clean after your lunch service, humming along to yourself again as you made sure that things were spotless.

“Y/N, is that you?”

Your humming soon stopped as a voice called out your name, slowly turning around. Your eyes widened as you watched a familiar blonde figure walking towards the till, chuckling when they realised that it was you.

“I didn’t know you worked here.”

“For two years now Felix.”

You couldn’t remember the last time you saw Felix, or any of the boys for that matter. Your heart raced as he smiled across at you, despite the rise to fame that he had been on, he still seemed like the same humble Felix you knew.

“How have none of us seen you?” Felix chuckled.

Your shoulders shrugged as you moved towards the till too, “I guess I must just be working different shifts to your schedules.”

“Chan will be so happy to hear that I’ve seen you,” Felix told you as he ordered a few coffees to take back to work, watching as your expression dropped quickly.

Just the mention of Chan’s name made you smile, still never quite able to move on. Your breakup had been sudden, right at the start of his debut when things started to get too much for him, thinking it was for the best.

Little did you know that he still talked about you, still wondered about you too. Felix knew as soon as he saw you that he needed to tell Chan, even if he didn’t want to see you, it would be peace of mind for him that you were alright.

“You don’t mind if I tell you him, do you Y/N?” Felix asked you, noticing you getting distant behind the counter, only for your head to shake in reply.

You feared what would happen next for the following few days. Each time the door to the café opened, you jumped, staring across at the door only to see one of your regulars popping in, or a face you hadn’t seen before.

After a couple of days you began to settle a little more, assuming that Chan wasn’t going to stop by. You weren’t too sure what Felix had said, or if he had said anything at all, but you hoped that perhaps Chan would make the effort to see you if he knew where you were.

Part of you couldn’t help but wonder that maybe he still felt guilty, unable to bring himself to see you after how he’d left things. You could hardly blame him if he was, you still remembered the way your heart hurt the day he called it quits.

Through the week, your eyes stopped looking and your heart stopped racing, forgetting all about Felix, and Chan too. Things slotted back into normal for you, still hearing their songs on the radio and trying your best not to seem bothered by them.

The same day the following week, you were lucky to work the quiet shift again. With no one around you started tidying once again, throwing away the empty sandwich wrappers that you had nervously tossed aside whilst serving customers.

“So he was right, it is you.”

It felt like déjà vu for you as straight away you recognised the familiar voice from behind the counter. It was similar to Felix’s, but different at the same time, and as you turned around, your guesses were absolutely right.

You didn’t quite know where to look or what to say as Chan smiled across at you. He had waited all week to see you, opting to show up at the same time that Felix did in the hope that your shifts were consistent every single week.

“You look well,” Chan spoke up as you took a couple of steps towards the counter. “I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to see you.”

Your head nodded back at Chan, fiddling with the leftover material on the tie of your apron to try and distract yourself from looking across at Chan and engaging too much.

“Can I get you something?”

His head shook as you pointed to the menu hung up on the wall. “It’s not a drink or food that I’ve come here for Y/N, it’s you,” Chan responded, “I wanted to come and see you after so long, I never really got the chance to say sorry for how things ended between us.”

Remembering the moment still sent a shiver down your spine, how he called you to come over only to leave you there stunned, never quite getting a true explanation either.

“You hurt me so much Chan.”

“I know that.”

He never stopped feeling guilty for splitting up with you, it hurt him too not being with you anymore. He thought it was for the best, he was debuting after all and the pressure was already too much for him, thinking wrongly that you only added to it.

“I hate how things turned out, I tried to find you for so long, but in the end, I just gave up,” Chan told you. “I used to sit for so long and try and find any way possible to be able to make things better, but I never quite found the way.”

Your head nodded as Chan spoke, mainly not wanting to cause a scene amongst the other customers in the café. Your heart both wanted to scream and reach out and give him a hug to remind yourself of just how good the old days were.

“The last thing I thought before you dumped me was I think I love you, do you know how much that hurt to suddenly have the person who you love decide they don’t want you anymore?” You asked him, “nothing has ever hurt me that much.”

“I’m sorry, for everything,” Chan repeated once again, “I know it’s been a long time, but I thought at least coming here and seeing you would show you that I still care.”

“What is it that you’re here for Chan?” You asked him, with a long list of things to do.

His head nodded understandingly, knowing that he needed to cut the chase whilst you earnt your living, noticing a customer walking through the door.

“What about a fresh start?” He enquired.

Your eyes widened as he asked, slightly taken aback. “I think maybe we need to talk more before we even consider that.”

“What time does your shift finish tonight? I’ll take you somewhere.”

“I finish at six,” you told him.

“I’ll be back outside at six on the dot.”

