#barbara bush

Audrey Hepburn and Barbara Bush photographed by Vince Manning at the White House, 1989

Audrey Hepburn and Barbara Bush photographed by Vince Manning at the White House, 1989

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The detail that these murdered people were found in a Volvo covered by teddy bears.

Funny how I’m compiling this as I’m watching the movie Spencer.

Oh, so this was right after President Bush’s dog, Millie had babies:

Millie, the first dog, gave birth Friday night, bearing at least two puppies at the White House beauty parlor, according to Anna Perez, a spokeswoman for First Lady Barbara Bush.

The springer spaniel produced her first puppy at 9:15 p.m. and another 15 minutes later, Perez said. She said there was a possibility that more would be born.

President Bush, knowing of his wife’s concern about Millie and the pups, had a bed moved into the beauty parlor for the First Lady, Perez said. He then went to bed by himself in another room, she said. 1

Thus, the last time puppies were born at the White House. Spot, George H.W. Bush’s dog was one of Millie’s babies.

I originally read this article wrong and thought the family was ON the tennis court and the plane crashed on them. The cause wasn’t found until 1992:

The National Transportation Safety Board has blamed pilot error and improper maintenance for a twin-engine plane crash here three years ago that killed all five members of a Canadian family heading home from a Disneyland holiday.

“The pilot failed to attain adequate airspeed before maneuvering back toward the airport, which resulted in a loss of aircraft control,” the safety board said in a report on the March 31, 1989, crash. A contributing factor, the agency said, was an improperly installed part that allowed contamination of fuel injectors and a loss of power in the right engine. 2

A job spending money just to meet me for an interview, put me in a fancy hotel for an interview, is something completely foreign to me. I do not have law school in late 1990s privilege. I was too dumb for that in school. I’m still dumb.

There was an article about swimsuit help, you know? Problem is, they showed no swimsuits! I went looking for some 1989 swimsuits, and the closest I could find was the Sears catalog from 1988but there are still ruffles!

This is a strange article for the newspaper. Connie Chung was on David’s show a few times? ok.

Here is the “a day with Connie Chung” bit, and here is part two.

Working Girl was still in the theaters! Albeit, the dollar theater, but still! That movie came out in December. I guess Forum couldn’t say they had topless dancers, so they used the word Stopless instead?

Fraggle Rock on every night during the week? Man, I miss early cable.

Oh, here we go, Funky Winkerbean disappointing us again. That’s not a joke. That’s … nothing. Where is my person who writes Sun of Stuck Funky at, I need them to look at this.

I’ve mentioned dozens of times before that my mom would read me the comics when I was little. I had completely forgotten about Adam. Little me probably confused it with Rose is Rose or something. Adam has a totally different, nearly unrecognizable look now.

So this was when department stores like Montgomery Ward and Sears began selling more name brand items and less of their in-store brands and making their electronics departments bigger.

Highland closed their doors in March of 1993. We all know what happened to Montgomery Wards in 2000 and Sears is, as always, on death’s door. Last time I checked there are about 17 left.

Well, the comic book fans had nothing to worry about, right? I’ve never seen Batman 1989–and it was the first VHS tape my dad ever bought and I STILL have never seen Batman ‘89.

Oh, boy. Nick’s. This place was a D U M P. And their logo looks like a dead Willard Scott, sorry Willard.

  1. ‘Puppy Love at White House: Millie Has 2’. Los Angeles Times. 18 March 1989. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-03-18-mn-140-story.html.
  2. ‘Investigators Blame Pilot for ’89 Plane Crash That Killed 5 : Report: Safety Board Said Improper Installation of a Part on Twin-Engine Craft Contributed to Death of Canadian Family.’ Los Angeles Times. 4 July 1992. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-07-04-me-1087-story.html.

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