#barbara gordon x reader


Movies and TV Shows the Batfamily loves to watch with there S/O:

Warning: Fluff and Crack PFFTTT-

Bruce Wayne
  • Bro, this dude is full on Action and Comedy, something like Mission Impossible or Transformers, for comedy probably like those really hilarious once that would make you wheeze like White Chicks or something He would probably only watch those two genres most of the time, he doesn’t like watching those emotional sad drama movies with there S/O, like for example where the girlfriend or boyfriends dies or any scene where someone dies
  • He just can’t handle the pain, he would cry like full-blown tears due to trauma, he’s almost most likely to punch through the TV when the Villain shows up or does something evil in the plot…..
  • No seriously, this man would punch through the whole damn fucking TV in anger, the once his S/O yells at him and a few slaps in the back of the head, he’s realize his mistakes.
  • He’d immediately cuddle you with several of UwU’s going around…..


Dick Grayson
  • Do not ever let this man get near a romance emotional movie or TV show like Riverdale or The Vampire Diaries, this bitch will fucking cry and whine and moan and bitch about how fucking sad it is and how true love exist, he would literally make gay jokes on Damon and Stefan Salvatore, like seriously it’s unhealthy.
  • “Can you SHUT. THE. FUCK UP!!”
  • Yeah, he’s not gonna stop anytime soon. He will also admit that Elena Gilbert is a bitch and that she didn’t deserve any of them, he’ll cuss her out every time she’s on the screen, poor S/O
  • But yeah overall he likes Romance/ and Sad films to cry on, because crying is healthy and it’s okay.


Jason Todd
  • Jason does not play around, this man will not be scared or freaked out on watching true crime films, he will keep a straight face whilst watching it, while his S/O is just like……
  • Jason: ._.
  • Y/N: tHiS iS nICe- :)
  • He’ll still cuddle while watching it, wouldn’t even move a fucking muscle while watching, like Serial Killer and Mafia and Gangster shit like Good Fellas or Ted Bundy, Then again would still watch romantic movies and emotional ones too with his S/O, something like The Vampire Diaries too or like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey…..
  • Please do not let this man watch Fifty Shades of Grey cause he will try to do the things the movie was doing and it always ended up in one of you getting hurt, but The Vampire Diaries would also make Jason sob, especially with the Deaths of his favorite Characters and stuff, like full blown throwing a tantrum and fighting the air……it’s hilarious honestly-


Tim Drake
  • Let’s be honest here, Tim doesn’t really have free time to actually watch or sit around and watch movie and TV shows all day, but it he were in his free time it would be with his S/O watching some bullshit documentary that just makes his S/O fall asleep.
  • He does have fun with it, he likes to watch those Supernatural TV shows and Movies like Supernatural or Teen Wolf or like to watch kid Cartoons like Spongebob or Bubble Guppies….
  • Yes, I said that correctly, he loves watching kid cartoons in his free time, he’s a literal baby on the inside, laughing like a child always wakes his S/O UwU aloud, he’s a baby-


Damian Wayne
  • How did his S/O even convince him to exit his room without him being a lil BiTcH-
  • No seriously, Damian hates comfort and has trouble sitting around for hours and not having some action or moving around, he thinks it’s a waste of time, he could be training or doing something more important.
  • But if Damian had to choose it would obviously be Horror and Thriller movies, he’s that person how would cheer on the murderer and bad guy and praise him for the amount of guts that person has, like Michael Myers, that’s his favorite cuz it seems like the bitch can’t die at all and Damian likes that………a lot, too much to be exact.
  • He too will probably laugh evilly when someone he hates dies or when the killer gets away, his S/O is over here like….
  • Y/N: bRo….wHaT yOu bE sMoKiNg-
  • Overall he’s a shitty person to watch movies or binge watch Shows with him…


Cassandra Cain
  • Cassandra loves watching anime, like the only thing she watches right now is full-blown anime all the time 24/7, like when she has nothing left to do or is just her free time, her S/O would most likely find her watching anime on the big screen TV
  • Cass also learns a lot more Japanese from those shows, she hardly ever uses the language, but watching those shows really gets her out of it and actually talk sometimes…
  • Loves watching it with her S/O, always wanting to eat popcorn or drink a lot of sodas or ice cream whilst watching them, at least watched a whole series with his S/O in one whole day, pulling an all-nighter, but Cass doesn’t mind and so don’t you-


Barbara Gordon
  • Barbara believe it or not loves to watch Disney/Pixar movies a lot, she can sometimes relate to the characters on the movie, but overall she loves watching how happy it looks, it makes her happy…
  • Like (The Lion King) (Rapunzel) (Frozen) etc…likes watching the Disney Princess Movies, like the movie ‘Brave’ a lot considering she has the same hair color as Merida, likes how she’s also a tough bad bitch-
  • Will cry in some of the movies with his S/O too, like tissues everywhere full of hot tears and snot from all the crying, cried so much with the movie ‘Inside Out’…..


  • Stephanie likes watching SitCons for sure, like South Park or The Office or Family Guy, all the crazy funny bullshit that she wheezes so hard at, like a lot of wheezing and panting with laughter….
  • She likes them because of how stupid they are and the characters, which makes the whole thing better, being an unbothered queen as she should…
  • Always wheezing at the character’s choice of words and actions, wheezing with her S/O as well always make her happy. 
  • Will probably re-watch all of the shows over and over again. 