#tim drake x reader




Tim: What’s the best life advice you can give?

Dick: Be true to yourself. If you have to fake who you are to someone, they’re not worth it anyways.

Jason: Keep the people you care about close. You never know when something bad can happen.

Damian: Always make sure you are fully prepared for any situation.

Y/N: An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you throw it hard enough.

Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626​: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional” 

A/N: I know how this looks, I was really inspired since I was stuck on another fic and ended up writing three parts to this I’m sorry T-T

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

Eyes fluttered closed as the sound of rails lulled her to sleep. University had been so tiring this week, having to finish a whole project by the end of the week, in which the guidelines had been given on Monday. A lot of preparation and running around in order to polish a well researched and thorough end result. 

The lack of sleep, tiring long hours and accumulated stress had finally left her body as soon as she handed in the work two hours before the deadline was scheduled. To say that fatigue had taken it’s toll on her was an understatement. 

For a Friday late afternoon, the train was quite empty heading towards Gotham, but then again, no one wants to go there willingly. Her eyes fluttered closed, mind numbing, it was still two stops into the city, each of which are more or less an hour long, she had time, even if it’s only a thirty minute- one hour nap at most. Too much sleep and it was disrupt – or complicate her-return-to-normal-sleep schedule. 

 ~ I should be due at the mansion in just over two hours ~ 

A quick message wouldn’t hurt if there still need to be preparations. 

~ Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up? ~ DG

That was quick. Smiling, (Y/N) texted her older brother back. 

~ It’s okay, you’re still busy, and I’ll be back before you’ve finished your work! ~

~ But we missed you! ~ DG

~ It’s been two weeks! Besides it’s the vacation, I’ll be home for a month or so. ~

~ Fine :( ~ DG

With a chuckle, she slipped her phone back in her inside pocket. A grown ass baby. 

Finally, she settled back into her seat, paying no mind to the occasional vibration of the carriage window to her head, inescapably submitting to sleep. 

When she finally woke up, it was at the end of the line, the carriages were empty, doors wide open, only the occasional person walking or sitting along the platform. 

Shit, the woman mentally cursed, grasping her things, and which, luckly, everything was still with her. Rushing out of the train, she scanned the screens: last train, departing in 2 hours and 30 minutes, Platform 8. The words glided along the end of the screen, in bright red dots. A disappointed sigh escaped her. At least it wasn’t late – and dark. Well, the sun was setting. 

The last stop was at the outskirts of Gotham, so she was thankful that she didn’t have to cause too much trouble getting back. Despite her nap, she was still tired – just less so, and she would really enjoy getting into a comfy bed in the company of her brothers, father and butler. 

A slightly irresponsible idea occurred to her. She could get home reaaaaally quickly if she wore her vigilante suit. The woman would be able to call her self-driving motorcycle and hurry to the Mansion in a record time. It was in her bag, and it’s not like it would hurt anyone. 

As long as she was careful when changing, this wasn’t going to threaten the reveal of her identity. 

With a smile, and making sure she held tightly onto the small bag she carried back with her, she briskly walked out of the train station, to an empty, dirty public bathroom.

Gross but will have to do. 

After having scanned the toilet for any lewd hidden cameras, she hastily slipped into her costume, placing her civilian clothes back in her bag and creeping out onto the nearest rooftop. Activating her tracking device and then the automated call, she sat down on the ledge, sighing in relief as she got the notification that her motorcycle just headed out. 

Now it was only a question of patience. Since nothing was happening, she lay down fully on the ledge, bag on the rooftop and arms under her head for more comfort. 

Her eyes closed, this time, not falling asleep, but listening to the nearly inheart environment surrounding her. 

That was until her phone vibrated. Sitting up, she reached for it, opening the message.

~ Where are you? I’m about to head home, but word is you’re not there yet. ~ DG

~ Yes, I missed the stop, called the Batcave, my ride should be here soon, sorry! ~

They must have been worried. 

Before she could answer, she heard quick footsteps trailing behind her. Her head snapped back but before she could distinguish anyone, the silhouette landed a hard blow to her head, which probably was a metal pole.

“Fuck.” she cursed in pain, her unlocked phone dropping off the ledge, sliding down the roof and landing in the gutter, “who are you!?” (Y/N) yelled standing up clumsily as the side of her head ached. 

“Lights out.” the unknown person grunted, lifting the pole high after dodging an attempted punch, slamming it to the back of her head. Her whole body smashed to the ground with violent force – but it’s not something she felt, as she fell into unconsciousness.


“Where is she?” Bruce grumbled as Dick entered the Manor, an hour and a half later than planned, and after some exhausting, useless paperwork. 

“What’s happening?” he frowned, seeing Robin hurry down the stairs of the Batcave.

“(Y/N) was supposed to be due, the tracker on her motorcycle hasn’t moved and she isn’t answering her phone.” Jason geared up.

“I’m coming with you,” Dick scurried to the room with his suit, slipping into it.

“We’ll be on comms if anything comes up.” Tim nodded. 

It felt like a very long ride towards the location that was given to them, even though they got there very quickly. 

As Nightwing’s motorcycle stopped close to their destination, he hopped off, watching the tracker from the screen on his arm, zooming in to be able to pinpoint exactly where her last place was. 

Jason jumped onto the nearest rooftop, scouting the area in case it was a trap of sorts. He frowned, seeing that the coast was clear and signalling his brother his ‘go’ card. 

It must have been a good half an hour before they even found a clue – excluding her untouched motorcycle. 

And it happen to make Red Hood jump out of his skin. Good thing Nightwing was still scouting the ground otherwise he would have been seriously embarrassed. 

The gutter buzzed, it was utterly unnerving. Cautiously,  he approached the roaring object, staring down at it as he spotted a phone. It was unlocked and vibrating widely. 

Crouching down, he grasped and inspected it.

(Y/N)’s definitely. And he didn’t like where this was going. It was Damian this time, calling her – in addition to like 78 missed calls and numerous texts. 

“Found her phone, she’s definitely gotten kidnapped.” The man announced nonchalantly, but his heart was beating fast. Their sister? Kidnapped at an unusually early time of the night? Hours after she got back into Gotham? Someone must have been keeping an eye out and planning. 

And given the fact that nothing has come up, it might not be a usual Gotham criminal.

“We might have a problem.” Dick spoke through his comms.

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& they were roommates

tim drake x reader


college batfam/atla smau: you and the gaang are college students at Gotham University. when suki moves out of your apartment, you need a roommate to help you with rent. tim drake is desperate to get out of the manor, so when he hears of your predicament, he jumps at the chance to move in. you quickly discover that the ceo of wayne enterprises is actually a harmless big dork. so why does he keep coming home covered in bruises?

A/N: thank you for all of the love!! i’m so excited for this smau. quick thing you all should know; jason todd is still presumed dead. the public doesn’t know about him yet. also, here are the ages of everybody:

y/n: 20

aang: 18

zuko: 21

sokka: 20

katara: 20

suki: 19

toph: 18

azula: 19

ty lee: 19

mai: 20

dick: 26

jason: 23

cass: 24

tim: 20

stephanie: 20

duke: 17

damian: 15 (i aged him up due to tim being 20 instead of 17)


& they were roommates

tim drake x reader


college batfam/atla smau: you and the gaang are college students at Gotham University. when suki moves out of your apartment, you need a roommate to help you with rent. tim drake is desperate to get out of the manor, so when he hears of your predicament, he jumps at the chance to move in. you quickly discover that the ceo of wayne enterprises is actually a harmless big dork. so why does he keep coming home covered in bruises?


& they were roommates

tim drake x reader


college batfam/atla smau: you and the gaang are college students at Gotham University. when suki moves out of your apartment, you need a roommate to help you with rent. tim drake is desperate to get out of the manor, so when he hears of your predicament, he jumps at the chance to move in. you quickly discover that the ceo of wayne enterprises is actually a harmless big dork. so why does he keep coming home covered in bruises?


college!atla/batfam social media au: in which the gaang are broke nonbender college kids at Gotham City University. y/n wayne thinks the boy who works at the tea shop is cute. zuko thinks the girl who comes into the tea shop is cute. shenanigan ensue.

taglist (closed):@cipheress-to-k-pop@coldlilheart@thxnderclouds@loxbbg@vrthngiwnt@thanosismybitch@im-in-lokis-army@emmasjulixn@anime-simp@professor-hibiscus@rosetheshapeshifter@cece-lives-here@wickdtechnical@5sos-wdw@iknowrocknroll567@silverreading@gokm1023@ela-ena@394pitterpatterpotter394

Tim Drake: Belonging

A/N: Alrighty, links to Rogue One but can be read seperately of course. This is how (Y/n) and Tim met, set a few years before…


Another day, another gala to attend in order to promote Drake Industries despite his parents constant travels, they made time to appear at Gothams’ formalities on occasion. This was one of those times.

Only his usual plans of being bored and wondering around aimlessly were unexpectedly sabotaged by her. By a beautiful wealthy guest who radiated class and elegance beyond her years, a complete newcomer in his eyes, a youthful presence that would effortlessly attract undivided attention in her future maturity. By you.

Tim was swept away by an enigma, the only word prominent enough in his scramble of thoughts to describe the character, with the band playing a slow dancing melody it made it easier for him to focus on the mysterious beauty in front of him.

“You don’t belong here, do you?” Came your calculating yet pleased tone, your fingers gently dancing on his shoulder.

“Who- of course I do, my parents run a successful industry.”

“I said you,not your parents. You just seem to stand out to me, that’s all.” You were so carefree, offering an aura no else in the proximity ever possessed and he’d be lying if he hadn’t already been lured in.

“Is that why you whisked me off, oh strange one?” It made him feel relaxed, his better judgment warning him of mesmerising strangers but the small threads of personality he’d been entangled in so far encouraged him to ignore it.

“Yes that, and I needed to blend in momentarily but that’s a completely irrevelevant topic. So to thank you for your unwitting aid, let me tell you a secret: I don’t belong here either.” You whispered the last part in his ear, causing him to become noticeably flustered - you were both young, probably the first female to ever get this close to him by your deductions.

“I’m Timothy Drake…” The young man started, assuring to meet your gaze once you’d pulled back.

“(Y/n) (L/n), great to stumble into you.”

“You too, so what brings you here?” Now it was his turn to inquire, and a complicated conversation ensued - one that left you both eager to learn more but after your brief disappearance it became apparent your first meeting was to be cut short.

“Call me!” He registered your voice before your sudden rushed appearance by his side, a kiss placed on his cheek as you briskly checked your surroundings.

“I don’t have your number!”

“Check your phone, I stole it when we danced and added it whilst I was gone.” You smugly shot back, tossing the young man his phone before swiftly making an exit and it was moments later that outraged shouts echoed from the top floor - who exactly were you?!


Tim assumed that would be the last he saw of you, a welcomed abnormality that was a breath of fresh air in his otherwise predictable life. The name you’d given provided very little - if anything - in his online research but your number had proven valid and became his chosen method of communication. However, in all his carefully constructed scenarios, the last place he expected to stumble across anyone of the like would be in the rundown rings of Gothams back alleys when inspecting a rumour he’d overheard from the rebellious seniors at school.

The atmosphere was rowdy yet electrifying, alcoholic beverages littered the area, attendees wore too little clothing for the chilling breeze of a Gotham evening and recognisable Hip Hop tracks blared from the boasting speakers inbuilt into the boots of various strikingly customised cars. Anyone of his stature would be out of place here, thus grateful for his hoodie which allowed him to blend in a little better - he swiftly dodged cheering onlookers as engines roared through the streets and it was almost overwhelming to the senses but at the same time intoxicating, crews hovered around their vehicles to prepare it for the next race all whilst endorsing the flirtatious antics of fans but through all of the commotion a constrastingly gentle tug of his hood caused him to hesitate.

“You’re the guy I met at the gala yeah?” You casually chimed with a soft smirk and raised brow, arm resting on your hip as he turned to you after releasing his red hoodie. He had no prepared answer, looking you up and down with a cracked “Yes.”

You shook your head with a quiet but amused chuckle, smoothly entwining your fingers to pull a still semi unresponsive Timothy away from the delinquent crowd to speak more freely.

“What are you doing here?” The teen finally manged to ask once regaining his composure though upon reflection, Tim shouldn’t be here either but since it was only a tiny detour he saw no harm in indulging his curiosity of the vigilante lifestyle. Was it so bad to want to see Batman in action? This is something he’d want to intercept right?

“Same thing as you, accidental wrong turn.” You smugly commented obviously lying and sassing Tim whilst glancing back to the ‘entertainment’ briefly with a smirk.

Maybe I chose to come here.” Tim was more confident this time, almost as if trying to impress you but instead you only snorted.

“Mmhmm, I doubt a richboy like you would be at a drag race rally by choice so you must be following some lead.”

“Don’t call me that, and you’re right - I was. I wanted to see if -” Before Tim could elaborate, an ear splitting skid of breaks were heard as well as the uproar from attendees which wasn’t uncommon for you.

He’d noticed your natural instincts in the situation, the way you’d located an escape route in almost 2 seconds flat and had interlaced your fingers to take him with you once more. It dawned on him then, that this was your scene despite how effortlessly you’d merged into his world of upperclass diligence - maybe that was your origin and this your choice, he’d never know nor would he be able to ask under the current chaotic circumstances.

“Have you ever driven one of these before?!” Tim shot as he slid into the deserted Lamborghini you’d practically shoved him toward, yourself more concerned with hot wiring.

“Not legally…”

“Then we should - crap!” Before he could even propose a safer alternative you’d ignited the engine and sped through the streets leaving the sirens and Batman behind.

There was something about it, as new as the adrenaline and excitement were it felt right - even Drake noted the natural gift you possessed and the way you seemed to come alive at the wheel. Tim didn’t ask where you were headed, nor did he particularly care so long as you both emerged scathe free whilst you drove through the barrier of an old abandoned multi-story carpark and raced straight to the top, parking rather carelessly across the parking spaces but it served your purpose.

Tim followed as you got out of the purple Lamborghini, strolling over to the edge and sitting atop the wall peaking at the 7th story.

C'mon richboy, this is my favourite place in the city.” You beckoned him with playful wink, turning your attention to the neon lights of skyscrapers, vehicle headlights that seemed to leave a glowing trail as they sped down motorways and street lamps that blended together to create a cosmos of multicoloured stars amidst Gotham’s dark skyline.

“It’s - it’s so beautiful.” The boy breathed, soon cautiously joining you on the ledge allowing the wind to grace him with a sense of what could only be felt as weightless freedom.

It made him briefly forget the fact you’d just stolen a car to save the two of you from the rain of rapid fire gunshots, forget all of the questions he’d held regarding your mismatched past and present, and more importantly the persistent stress he always carried in his shoulders. Because of you. A woman he’d encountered twice but felt as though he’d known for years.

“I know right, it helps me think and I thought it’d help you too.”

“Why?” Your thoughtfulness caught him off guard, so much so that his tone sounded disbelieving. No one usually gave this much thought to his well-being, his parents mainly too concerned with travels to properly delve into his life.

“Because you need to know what freedom feels like, to have the weight lifted from your shoulders. For you to be Tim Drake rather than an heir to a fortune. I’ve seen it all before but you’re different, I can feel it and this is the world Tim, you can be whoever you want.” There was a sincerity and softness to your voice that he wasn’t expecting, like you knew exactly how he felt because you’d experienced it too once upon a time. Maybe you had?

“I want this, to see sights like these and I want to make the city a better place but I’m not sure where to start. I admire Batman who does it in his own way, but he’s wavering now, he needs a Robin.” Over text you couldn’t read each other’s emotions or disclose personal desires like you were currently and feeling Tim trust you in such a way eased your self doubts.

Wait - you came to the rally for a potential Batman sighting, ah you’ve got to be kiddingme! Not surprised though, you strike me as an undercover nerd.” You cheerfully laughed to yourself, taking a brief glance at Tim who now wore a deadpan expression.

“Thanks (Y/n), I’m so glad I ran into you again.” He playfully pushed your shoulder in mock offence before issuing his sarcastic reply.

“Sorry sorry, but if that’s the case why don’t you be his Robin?” The way you’d said it made it seem like a possibility, like something he could easily achieve and not once had he felt that way - it wasn’t enough to completely nullify his doubts however.

“It’s not that easy, I’d have to know who Batman is for a start.”

“So find out. You’re definitely smart enough, I know you have the detective skills to do that - it’s why we ended up here tonight after all.” In contrast to the less than ideal situation, you remained calm and carefree whilst Tim only felt guilty for being a hindrance.

“Sorry about that.”

“It’snot a complaint, if anything it’s a thank you, I hope our misguided adventure helps to find where you belong. Besides, there’s no one else I’d rather share this spot with.” Now you diverted your gaze from the city, furrowing your brows at his apology before nudging your side against his as a form of friendly comfort alongside your words.

“Agreed, but what about you? Have you found where you belong?” The atmosphere was dripping with meaningful contentment so you weren’t surprised by his inquiry but it was much harder to answer than you’d anticipated. Considering you’d been trying to find the answer to that very question for many years now.

“Me? I never thought I’d fit anywhere but, maybe there’s hope…” Subconsciously your gaze drifted to the fine technology behind you as you trailed off. It was almost a natural gift, something you could nurture into masterful skill if built upon meticulously.


It was both by accident and on purpose, maybe a subconscious need to see one another that lead you to the same place hoping you’d cross paths. You did - multiple times, leading to deep conversations, meaningful gestures and frivolous takeouts under the stars. You’d developed a covet friendship, one that no person would put together just by looking at the two of you - in fact you were rarely seen together at all. Individual reputation and associates probably inspired that ritual.

Tonight, he’d caught the chip you’d aimed at his mouth with a proud grin and fist pump, yourself admiring the casual side of the Drake heir with bemusement - it was one shielded from the public eye to refine an image of a future heir but that pretence was disregarded at times like these.

“So this is a congratulations for finding out Bats’ real name, don’t worry I’m not gonna ask.” You waved him off, though he seemed mystified with how you could read him so gracefully.

“Thanks (Y/n), for being respectful about it and setting me on the right life path. I would honestly love to tell you, but there’s still some work I’ve gotta do. Hey, what about you? Any updates on where you think you’re headed?”

He expected your silence, the way you took your time as you gazed off at the vibrantly lit skyline with a look of concern which lead him to continue.

Or who with?”

This snapped your attention to him immediately wearing a shocked expression, almost offended at the thought of it being someone rather than something that would bring you fulfilment.

Hah! Relying on someone only gets you hurt, I’m not that stupid Tim, not anymore - which is why I’m so determined to find my place in the world. It’ll be my decision with no one to take it from me.” It was a bitter subject, but Tim could hear the emotion in your tone and offered an understanding smile, one you gratefully returned.


After that your paths began to separate, you didn’t need anyone and that was a fact Tim was reluctantly forced to accept, but with his extracurricular activities and adoption distracting him, it made the whole ordeal easier. Although a silent pact was forged, from the fragments of ’what could’ve been’ if you will, whether you chose to vocalise its existence or not. No matter how far apart, you would always be there for each other - it would only take one call to reunite as though you’d never left another’s side. And you’d hoped it remained intact.


Now, 2 years had gone by, and you’d found yourself caught in the crosshairs of a police raid where the latest local race was, strategically deciding not to compete but instead scope your next competitors. Though you knew what took place behind the scenes to attract such attention, as a result you’d been prepared for the cops - but not for them. In an instant you’d used the commotion as a distraction, ducking out from the back of the bridge and onto the street where you’d be home free.

Until you saw him waiting for you.

"You finally found it.” You cross your arms, leaning back against your custom motorcycle with an expectant look directed at the new vigilante standing before you.

Robin offered a smirk at your calm behaviour, you knew exactly who’d been wearing the mantle and you didn’t see Tim Drake as a threat.

“I did. Although I’m not so sure about yours…”

“Because we’re on opposite sides of the law now?” You quipped, tilting your head rather bemused with the untimely reunion.

“I never wanted to fight you (Y/n).”

“Neither. But this is where I belong Tim, and it’s not a serious felony - a few drag races here and there, no harm done. A woman has gotta earn a living, and I happen to be very good at it.” You playfully shrugged now only centimetres between you both.

“It’s not just races though, is it.” Tim knew, obviously, and he deduced that it wasn’t news to you either but that didn’t disguise the genuine worry in his voice.

“No, but I’m okay richboy. Don’t worry about me, and if you ever need me you have my number.”

“You got a new private line remember?” He recalled, having once slipped up in his contemplations to call you only to find the number out of use. Most likely because it was too easy to trace, in your world - a potentially fatal mistake.

“Yes I did, and I’ve already inputted into this.” Came your nonchalant reply as you handed over his communicator, fingers lingering a little too long against his own as if holding on to each other for a few more seconds would convey everything.

“I’ll have to arrest you eventually.”

“Then catch me. If you can that is.” You stepped backwards, a hand beckoning him to dare to follow as you hopped on your bike and sped off with a wink.

Robin mirrored your movement, starting up his own engine as he watched you round a corner but shut it down again with a soft smile.

“Why didn’t you go after her?” Batman’s voiced sternly echoed in his ear, the dark knight perched on an overlooking rooftop as Robin turned to face his direction whilst speaking into Comms.

“My bike stalled, she was already gone.” Bruce furrowed his brows, the motorbike was in perfect condition before they’d left but regardless he felt there was a deeper meaning to Robins leniency, one that was out of his understanding.

Withone call. No matter the distance or time that passed.

He’d come.

And so would you.

Tim Drake: Sister, Sister

Tim Drake x Sister!reader

A/N: This beautiful idea was all down to @comicsgirlimagines who is truly wonderful and an incredible writer also (check them out), credit goes to them for their support and talks when writing this.

Thank you @comicsgirlimagines♥️


It was ironic, everything around was designed to perfection, to be exactly what you wanted and needed to maintain a positive existence as a reward for your past choices on Earth.

Yes, Heaven may’ve been perfect and brought you endless happiness but you were conscious enough to find the faults, for a start your brother was absent - which of course was a blessing, you didn’t want him to join you for as long as possible, he had his whole life to live after all. It was entrancing, tuning in to the life events of Tim Drake on occasion, your little brother had certainly taken an interesting path - currently he fought with his new brothers, the League of Assassins were after Damian again and it automatically became a family emergency.

They hopped from rooftop to rooftop, battling various members with each vigilante fighting their own battles yet managing to lend assistance when able. However as you watched on, Red Robin seemed to be doubled down - more assassins were upcoming and he was the first standing in their way. You began to panic, was there even a way to get down there?! You’d looked into such things before as soon as you learned of his hobby, sure you were dead but people constantly connected with the spirit world - such a phenomena should work both ways. Or at least it was a theory under construction at the moment.


Another down, then another, and another. It became routine, but with repetitive strain came exhaustion and before Tim could react he’d made what was soon to be a fatal mistake, he should’ve ducked the blade gunning for his throat but instead was a millisecond too late to react. His body falling short of available counters and it was then he realised, this was it - after everything, this was finally how he’d go out. Maybe it wasn’t so bad, he’d aided more people than he ever thought possible but surely there were things he’d miss out on like having the opportunity to become a father, get married or even see Gotham make progress as a city. Regardless, he had made his peace with that and he’d closed his eyes in acceptance ready for whatever awaited him in the afterlife.

It was a split second - he never thought the white light actually existed but it flashed behind his eyelids rather sporadically and suddenly the breath was knocked out of lungs and it felt as though his head collided with concrete.

“Jeez I’ll be back soon, don’t worry.” His sister gave an exasperated sigh, hands on her hips as her little brother tugged at her backpack.

“But (Y/n)! Please let me come with you!” Tim pleaded, successfully halting her in her tracks.

“No way kiddo, you’ll probably fall off of the mountain. But hey, no matter how far apart we are, I’ll always look out for you. Okay?” She smiled, tousling his hair as he accepted her justification.

“You promise?”

“I pinky promise.”

“Hmm, see you when you get back loser.” Tim mischievously commented, his sister rolled her eyes with a sarcastic “Oh haha.” before heading off on her rock climbing trip.

That was the last time he’d laid eyes on her, unbeknownst to him at the time. And yet, this light, this warm familiar presence brought back such memories - of that day, of the news, of the funeral…

So then, how is it that he could hear her voice so clearly?

“Get up Tim! C'mon loser, I don’t know how long I’ve got!” It was dangerously loud, demanding almost and it made him consider how things hadn’t changed much.

Tim was coming to, clenching his eyes shut in order to adjust to the bright glow that shrouded the area as he sat up with a squint.

“Argh, (Y/n) what the-?”

The figure kneeling down beside him was easily recognisable, having not aged in the years that had passed without her but the concerned expression she wore was contagious.

“No time to explain, magic spiritual existence or whatever but please get up. Here’s your staff.” You pulled him to his feet, albeit Tim remained dazed with these developments and stumbled against your figure with a groan. His staff was pushed into his chest and it was only now - dream or not - he spoke his true feelings.

“I missed you, somuch…”

“I know…” The sincerity in his voice only made you feel guilty, the accident wasn’t your fault but you still left him and that was a weight you’d carried since you’d died.

Tim was slowly adjusting, finding what seemed to be a brief flash of wings behind you but that must’ve been from hitting his head so hard considering he now stood on the opposing rooftop to previously. Recalling the last moments his hand shot to his throat, more than shocked when his fingers remained absent of blood and his breathing was perfectly normal ignoring the quickness of it, next he looked back to where he was standing beforehand only to find bodies of assassins littering the roof and battles continuing over the street.

“Am I dead?”

“What? No. I’m dead, you’re alive.” You quickly corrected with furrowed brows and a sigh, flicking his forehead as he pushed your hand away in retaliation.

Although he paused, the familiarity of sibling like antics hitting him with an unwanted wave of nostalgia and he looked at you again - really looked. Saw past the golden glow, saw past the perfect skin and any evidence of scathes or aging. It was you but ethereal, you weren’t alive, you weren’t staying and you definitelyweren’t coming back to life. That was what made him embrace you, arms wrapping around your torso so tightly that if alive then breathing would be a problem but you didn’t care, his face buried in your hair whilst you held back emotional whimpers. For however long you had been gifted, you’d say goodbye properly this time.

“I’m sorry for breaking my promise, so sorry, please please forgive me Tim -“

“Yo-you didn’t break it idiot.” It was such a soft whisper, an attempt to comfort you even if he didn’t understand your reasoning for profuse apologies.

“I didn’t come home, I left you alone and that’s the worst thing I could’ve done as your sister!” You defended, justifying your beliefs and pulling away from Tim who offered a soft smile amidst his watery eyes.

You promised that no matter how far apart we are, you’d always look out for me and you have. (Y/n) you saved my life just now - how many people have the willpower to come back from the grave to do that? But you did that for me, you kept your promise.” Tim assured, wiping your tears away before hugging you once more.

“I’m proud of you y’know, kicking names and taking ass.” You weakly laughed, parting to punch his shoulder once regaining your composure.

“So you keep up with the times in the afterlife huh?”

“It gets boring up there okay? Speaking of, you should get back to fighting beside your family - who I love by the way.” You happily informed, gesturing over time the members of the Batfamily fighting various battles with a sad knowing smile.

Tim noticed the sorrow in your irises, the way you turned back to him like it was the last time you’d be with each other and it probably was but he simply sighed and placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

“You’re still my favourite sibling and as such I guess I should take your advice.” Tim softly commented and with an understanding nod a bright light engulfed his form once more.

This time he’d landed in the most heated area of the fight, landing executed perfectly with an immense rupture of light knocking out every enemy on impact. Tim stood, his family turning to him awestruck at the amount of unfathomable controlled power that originated from his form and how exactly he’d seemingly beamed over out of thin air.

“Later Timbers, and by the way I think you should stop crushing on Steph and ask her out already.” Your voice remained, albeit fleeting, as was your figure standing beside him overlooking your handiwork.

“Wha- you can’t know all of my business zombie!” He went to knock your upper arm, fingers phasing straight through your body and you both mirrored sympathetic expressions, a knowing and meaningful exchange enough to say what words couldn’t.

“I’m so happy for you Tim, stay alive okay?” And with that your figure faded into blissful golden stardust that spiralled into wind up toward the matte sky until they’d disappeared from Tim’s line of sight.

“Goodbye (Y/n)…”


“What was that out there Tim? A new gadget?” Bruce questioned his former partner once they returned to the Batcave whilst Tim got out his phone with an absentminded smile.

“My sister.”

You have a sister, why didn’t you ever mention it?” Dick now inquired, walking in step beside him.

“Because you’d want to meet her and that’s, that’s impossible but her name was (Y/n). Here, this was us a few years ago.” Tim answered honestly, the implications easily read by his family who remained respectfully quiet until Tim handed Dick his phone which displayed a picture of the two of you. The others gathering around out of curiosity.

“Damn she’s hot.” Jason casually commented, reviving a facepalm from Cass and chiding from an irritated Damian.

“Todd, that’s completely irrelevent!”

“She has standards Jay sorry, but, she really likes you guys.” Tim smugly replied, his last words laced with underlying gratitude whilst Jason received over dramatic ‘ooohs’ from the rest of the family after that smart burn. Although Tim saw the contentment on each of them, that despite not knowing you, they had your blessing as his new family which was a very sacred thing in their opinion.

Once he’d regained his own space, he began typing a message he never thought he’d write until after your encounter.

Tim: [Hey Steph, I’ve been told I need to act on things so I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend? Not in costume, just as you and I.]

Stephanie: [About time Tim, who do I have to thank for your sudden confidence haha?]

Tim gave a relieved smile at the positive reply, looking up to the sky before asking with a proud yet considerate tone.

“You happy now?”

He would’ve said the sun broke through the cloudy sky of Gotham for a few seconds, golden rays bathing the Manor grounds and his skin - but that was probably unrelated coincidence…

tim, sleep deprived and on his 5th cup of coffee at 8am: onion rings are just vegetable doughnuts

dick, used to this: uh huh

tim: lasagna is spaghetti flavoured cake


tim: lobsters are mermaids to scorpions

dick, on the verge of tears:stop-

jason: please continue

Dick: You need to start taking your life more serious!!!

*Y/N and Tim hearing the Ice cream truck*

Y/n and Tim: ICEEEEE CREAMMMM!!!!!!!!!


Batboys x Reader Headcannon

Summary: How the Batboys react to there S/o dying.

A/N: I don’t know I’ve just been feeling the angst for the last couple of days but yeah, some of y’all actually like my work. I think it’s garbage but yeah here we go

  • Warnings: Sadness, Angst, Death of a loving member.

Request Are Open!!!!!

First one!


I recommend listening to sad music on this one, cause it hurts

Dick Grayson:
(Say you won’t let go by: James Arthur)
  • “Go” You whispered in his ear, after several wounds and bruises where all over your abdomen and face, you were weak and helpless. You were surprised how your still alive. 3 bullet wounds pierced your lower stomach.
  • “No, I’m not leaving you” Dick sobbed, your chuckled filled his ear as he put an arm over his shoulder. Making his way towards the exit. The building was on fire and ready to collapse and Dick wasn’t gonna leave you to die here.
  • “Dick, Stop. Just leave me, I’m gonna die anyways” You coughed, blood filling your weak lungs as you fell to your knees. Dick didn’t give up hope, he was gonna get you to safety.
  • “Please don’t do this to me” The love of your life whimpered, crouching down to your level. The smell of Sparks of fire and firery wood filled your nostrils as it began to break pieces of the roof.
  • The roof was the only exit to safety, where there stood Bruce and his helicopter waiting for you, Dick looked at your weak figure as blood trickled down your chin.
  • “Come on Princess, we are almost there!” He groaned, he couldn’t lose you either, he lost everything in this world. His parents, his innocent, it was taken for reasons like this.
  • Bruce settled the helicopter as close as possible to the broken roof trying to get the both of you in, it was no use.
  • “I’m sorry Dick” You whimpered.
  • “Wha-?” You cut him off by using all of your strength to push him onto the helicopter, he groaned out in pain.
  • “Y/N!! What are you doing!! Please don’t!!” Dick could feel tears strain against the domino mask as he watched your crouching figure smile.
  • “I love you!! I will always love you Dick, never forget that!!” Your weak figure yelled out, before it was to late for him to react before you collapsed along with the roof under you.
  • “NO!!” He yelled over everything, watching as you dropped below along with the cement of the building. He watched everything in slow motion, before you closed your eye and accepted your fate. The last thing you heard was the screams of agony from the love of your life as he watched you fall.


Jason Todd
(Never say Never by: The Fray)
  • “5 feet apart Jason remember” you smiled softly at the sudden attemp your boyfriend tried to do.
  • “Sorry I know, it’s just. I miss being so close to you, not being able to touch you, hug you, or even kiss you makes me sad” Jason pouted, you laid on a hospital bed with the warmest pillows and blankets after taking your medications, you were dying and you knew it. And Jason knew it
  • “Get some rest Y/N, I’ll see you when you wake up okay” Jason smiled showing you his pearly white teeth you loved ever so much.
  • That day Jason got a call from the hospital at 1 in the morning.
  • “Is this Jason Todd, Y/N L/N boyfriend?” The lady from the other line asked him, Jason ripped of the bed sheets off of him as he was ready to dash out the door to see if anything happened to you
  • “Yes this is him” Jaso tried his best to keep his voice normal as possible, showing that he’s not scared of bad news when really he is.
  • “I’m sorry to inform you-
  • No……..No!!!!!
  • Jason didn’t even hear what she said, he already knew what it was, and he was broken.
  • “I really sorry Mr. Todd, I know she was extremely important to you.” Jason gripped tightly onto the phone, hearing it crack into the palm of his hand, Why.
  • Why, Why, Why You!!!!!!
  • Jason remember holding your hand for a really long time when you were asleep with tubes in your mouth breathing in and out.
  • He only cried when you were asleep, whimpering quietly to not wake you and to see how weak he really was. He hasn’t held you hand or kissed you for a really long time, after the sickness you got. He prayed to god to not let anything happen to you.
  • And here he was breaking and punching the walls of his apartment, his cries of anger only getting anger. Jason remember you saying that after you recovered you were gonna go to the small pond the two of you would go when you were young and sit and talk like the old times, and be as close as possible forever like the old days.
  • And now you were gone, Dead.


Tim Drake
(Who you are by: Jessie J)
  • “Give it to me now!!!!!” A random man that followed you out of the bar and into an alley ordered you trying to rip of the ring off your finger, The ring Tim gave you after he proposed to you just 2 weeks ago. You groaned and fought your way out his deadly grip.
  • “Let me go!!!” You yelled out, hoping someone can hear you, and help. Tim was to busy in WE to be saving you, he wasn’t in patrol.
  • “Just give it here lady, and there wouldn’t be an issue!!!!” You whipped around to slap him across the face making his stubble into some garbage bags behind him.
  • “Leave me alone!!!” You yelled out once more before jogging out of the alley, unaware of the man walking behind you with a led pipe raised above you head, hovering over it.
  • He took on good hit to the right side of your head, you stood frozen after that. You breath hitching, you turned slowly to look at the man as he dropped the pipe and ran into the nearest alley. Your ankles were crossed.
  • You touched your right side as you felt the blood come down your head to your cheek, and down to the floor. It pained you
  • “T-Tim” you murmured hoping he would come or someone else could hear you, you fell to your knees and onto your back. More blood dripped down onto the floor.
  • Screamed flooded your ears as you felt an arm supporting your weight, you vision was blurry and your eyes felt heavy.
  • “Y/N!!! Y/N!!!” Tim yelled, his own hands covered in your warm fresh blood, his hands were trembling and sweat dripped down his forehead.
  • You couldn’t hear him nor could you see him, you hands were covered in blood as it filled your pearly white ring he gave you. Darkness flooded your vision, as you finally closed your eyes, your breathing stopped.
  • Tim shook your limp corpse as he yelled your name multiple times, until he grabbed your chin softly and pulled your head back to see he was already too late.


Damian Wayne
(When your gone by: Avril Lavigne)
  • Drug Addiction was a big word
  • Not as Big as Overdose of course
  • Because you were destroying your world and humanity with drugs, and Damian knew it.
  • He saw it, saw you splayed out in your white cozy sheets as you sniffed up and injected the substance into your blood circulation.
  • “It’s just for a little while, I’m not addicted. I’ll get over it” you angrily argued with Damian for hours.
  • “No, your not”
  • You went to crazy parties where your friends and other people would give you the killer substances, and you agreed to take them. Damian knew you’ll probably end up a junky or worse Dead.
  • He can’t let that happen, you were the love of his life.
  • But when he found your flustered figure on the floor choking on your own vomit as if you were deceased.
  • Damian checked your pulse, anything, tried CPR and even the hospital.
  • When you were announced dead over in a coma and overdose Damian felt his world crumbling down, Why?
  • He could have save you, helped you. And it was too late

Y/N: What if someone jumps off a building and yells out parkour, is it really suicide?







Jason: LET’S TRY IT-

Movies and TV Shows the Batfamily loves to watch with there S/O:

Warning: Fluff and Crack PFFTTT-

Bruce Wayne
  • Bro, this dude is full on Action and Comedy, something like Mission Impossible or Transformers, for comedy probably like those really hilarious once that would make you wheeze like White Chicks or something He would probably only watch those two genres most of the time, he doesn’t like watching those emotional sad drama movies with there S/O, like for example where the girlfriend or boyfriends dies or any scene where someone dies
  • He just can’t handle the pain, he would cry like full-blown tears due to trauma, he’s almost most likely to punch through the TV when the Villain shows up or does something evil in the plot…..
  • No seriously, this man would punch through the whole damn fucking TV in anger, the once his S/O yells at him and a few slaps in the back of the head, he’s realize his mistakes.
  • He’d immediately cuddle you with several of UwU’s going around…..


Dick Grayson
  • Do not ever let this man get near a romance emotional movie or TV show like Riverdale or The Vampire Diaries, this bitch will fucking cry and whine and moan and bitch about how fucking sad it is and how true love exist, he would literally make gay jokes on Damon and Stefan Salvatore, like seriously it’s unhealthy.
  • “Can you SHUT. THE. FUCK UP!!”
  • Yeah, he’s not gonna stop anytime soon. He will also admit that Elena Gilbert is a bitch and that she didn’t deserve any of them, he’ll cuss her out every time she’s on the screen, poor S/O
  • But yeah overall he likes Romance/ and Sad films to cry on, because crying is healthy and it’s okay.


Jason Todd
  • Jason does not play around, this man will not be scared or freaked out on watching true crime films, he will keep a straight face whilst watching it, while his S/O is just like……
  • Jason: ._.
  • Y/N: tHiS iS nICe- :)
  • He’ll still cuddle while watching it, wouldn’t even move a fucking muscle while watching, like Serial Killer and Mafia and Gangster shit like Good Fellas or Ted Bundy, Then again would still watch romantic movies and emotional ones too with his S/O, something like The Vampire Diaries too or like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey…..
  • Please do not let this man watch Fifty Shades of Grey cause he will try to do the things the movie was doing and it always ended up in one of you getting hurt, but The Vampire Diaries would also make Jason sob, especially with the Deaths of his favorite Characters and stuff, like full blown throwing a tantrum and fighting the air……it’s hilarious honestly-


Tim Drake
  • Let’s be honest here, Tim doesn’t really have free time to actually watch or sit around and watch movie and TV shows all day, but it he were in his free time it would be with his S/O watching some bullshit documentary that just makes his S/O fall asleep.
  • He does have fun with it, he likes to watch those Supernatural TV shows and Movies like Supernatural or Teen Wolf or like to watch kid Cartoons like Spongebob or Bubble Guppies….
  • Yes, I said that correctly, he loves watching kid cartoons in his free time, he’s a literal baby on the inside, laughing like a child always wakes his S/O UwU aloud, he’s a baby-


Damian Wayne
  • How did his S/O even convince him to exit his room without him being a lil BiTcH-
  • No seriously, Damian hates comfort and has trouble sitting around for hours and not having some action or moving around, he thinks it’s a waste of time, he could be training or doing something more important.
  • But if Damian had to choose it would obviously be Horror and Thriller movies, he’s that person how would cheer on the murderer and bad guy and praise him for the amount of guts that person has, like Michael Myers, that’s his favorite cuz it seems like the bitch can’t die at all and Damian likes that………a lot, too much to be exact.
  • He too will probably laugh evilly when someone he hates dies or when the killer gets away, his S/O is over here like….
  • Y/N: bRo….wHaT yOu bE sMoKiNg-
  • Overall he’s a shitty person to watch movies or binge watch Shows with him…


Cassandra Cain
  • Cassandra loves watching anime, like the only thing she watches right now is full-blown anime all the time 24/7, like when she has nothing left to do or is just her free time, her S/O would most likely find her watching anime on the big screen TV
  • Cass also learns a lot more Japanese from those shows, she hardly ever uses the language, but watching those shows really gets her out of it and actually talk sometimes…
  • Loves watching it with her S/O, always wanting to eat popcorn or drink a lot of sodas or ice cream whilst watching them, at least watched a whole series with his S/O in one whole day, pulling an all-nighter, but Cass doesn’t mind and so don’t you-


Barbara Gordon
  • Barbara believe it or not loves to watch Disney/Pixar movies a lot, she can sometimes relate to the characters on the movie, but overall she loves watching how happy it looks, it makes her happy…
  • Like (The Lion King) (Rapunzel) (Frozen) etc…likes watching the Disney Princess Movies, like the movie ‘Brave’ a lot considering she has the same hair color as Merida, likes how she’s also a tough bad bitch-
  • Will cry in some of the movies with his S/O too, like tissues everywhere full of hot tears and snot from all the crying, cried so much with the movie ‘Inside Out’…..


  • Stephanie likes watching SitCons for sure, like South Park or The Office or Family Guy, all the crazy funny bullshit that she wheezes so hard at, like a lot of wheezing and panting with laughter….
  • She likes them because of how stupid they are and the characters, which makes the whole thing better, being an unbothered queen as she should…
  • Always wheezing at the character’s choice of words and actions, wheezing with her S/O as well always make her happy. 
  • Will probably re-watch all of the shows over and over again. 