#barclay amnesty


About Dani and the rest of the exiled Sylvains

Amnesty Spoilers btw

Over the course of Amnesty I’ve seen a lot of people talking/joking/theorizing about what exactly the residents of amnesty lodge did to get exiled out of Sylvain. After all, when Mama is explaining Amnesty Lodge to Aubrey at the beginning of the campaign, she mentions something to the affect of the Sylvains having some “draconian laws dictating who can stay”. Most people interpret that as “The Amnesty Lodge residents tried to overthrow the government” but I don’t think that’s quite right. I think it was just the misfits in a sense, the ones who didn’t belong, the ones who for some reason or another were considered a burden. Not worthy of Sylvain’s horribly limited life giving properties. If you didn’t fit whatever criteria they had in place, you got booted, no matter if you had directly broken any laws or not.


Sometimes I’m unsure of sternclay but then I remember that Stern was initially not up for helping the pine guard even though they were repeatedly telling him that the world was in serious danger and they had a harsh time limit and then he found out Barclay was bigfoot and immediately betrayed the government for him. Like this dude is a federal agent, he works for the goddamn FBI and as soon as he found out his friend was bigfoot he just immediately went
